MBR: California Bookwatch, July 2013 (2024)

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Volume 8, Number 7July 2013Home | CALBW Index

Table of Contents

Reviewer's ChoiceJudicial Studies ShelfPhotography Shelf
Christian Studies ShelfReligion/Spirituality ShelfAmerican History Shelf
World History ShelfComputer ShelfBusiness Shelf
Sports ShelfCookbook ShelfBiography Shelf
Travel ShelfNeedlecraft ShelfPets/Wildlife Shelf
Health/Medicine ShelfTechnology ShelfAgricultural Shelf
Gardening ShelfEducation ShelfSocial Issues Shelf
Music ShelfAudiobook ShelfMilitary Shelf
Fiction ShelfMystery/Suspense ShelfFantasy/SciFi Shelf
Women's Studies ShelfPolitical Science ShelfMetaphysical Studies Shelf
Antiques/Collectibles ShelfLibrary DVD ShelfScience Shelf
Psychology ShelfComix/Graphic Novel ShelfAutomotive Shelf
Nautical ShelfCrafts ShelfTheatre/Cinema Shelf
Literary Studies ShelfCalifornia Shelf

Reviewer's Choice

American Coasters
Thomas Crymes
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764341588, $34.99, www.schifferbooks.com

American Coasters: a Thrilling Photographic Ride is at once a history and survey of America'sbest roller coasters, and is a fine recommendation for any library strong in Americanentertainment and leisure history. All the photos come from enthusiast author Thomas Crymes,who documents over 100 different roller coasters across the country, and whose explorationsinclude coaster facts and statistics. From Busch Gardens to Six Flags' Magic Mountain, this ispacked with thrilling stories and rides that lend to any survey of American entertainment and theroller coaster's evolution and place in American leisure.

Yellowstone Land of Wonders
Jules Leclercq
University of Nebraska Press
233 North 8th Street
Lincoln, Nebraska, 68588-0255
9780803244771, $29.95, www.bisonbooks.com

Yellowstone Land of Wonders tells of travel writer Jules Leclercq's ten days on horseback inYellowstone in 1883, exploring the world's first national park and all its beauty. His account ofhis travels blends natural history with science and reflections on Yellowstone's frontier,describing human encounters and natural wonders alike. This book was a sensation in Europebut, surprisingly, never appeared in English until now. It's a lovely translation that bringsEnglish-seeking readers fine piece perfect for American history, natural history, or travelcollections alike.

American Tapestry
Rachel L. Swarns
Amistad Books
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299
9780061999871, $16.99, www.amistadbooks.com

American Tapestry: The Story of the Black, White, and Multiracial Ancestors of MichelleObama provides a comprehensive history of Michelle Obama's family roots and comes from ahistorian who blends research with interviews to trace the origins of her family and theirexperiences with slavery and prejudice. Through her family history the entire world of blackexperience and heritage in this country is examined, with changing racial lines and ethnichistories serving as the backdrop for an examination of social and political changes. A widerange of collections will find this an absorbing, revealing read.

Top 10 for Men, updated edition
Brendan McGinley & Brian Cullen
c/o Octopus Publishing
236 Park Avenue, New York NY 10017
9780600625872, $14.99, www.octopusbooksusa.com

Top Ten for Men appears in a new, updated edition to provide 250 more lists arranged by themeand gathering facts men love to know. From the Top 10 Most Preserved Body Parts to 10Favorite Guitar Solos, this packs in fun facts and reflections perfect for gift-giving and alsoperfect for trivia facts holdings. It's a compendium of the unusual and unique and is a finepresentation any leisure browser will find fun.

The Judicial Studies Shelf

The Successes and Failures of Whistleblower Laws
Robert G. Vaughn
Edward Elgar Publishing
9 Dewey Court
Northampton, MA 01060-3815
9781849808378, $185.00, www.e-elgar.com

The Successes and Failures of Whistleblower Laws goes far beyond most casual coverages of thetopic, delving into the historical roots of the whistleblowing movement in the U.S. as it pertainsnot just to business, but to politics, social issues, and ethics. It analyzes specific, changing lawsover a 40-year period relating to all these matters, considers legal options and protections forthose in any organization who speak up against issues, and comes from author Robert Vaughn'spersonal experience as a lawyer researching the topic. The multidisciplinary approach of this titleoffers a powerful survey of the relationship between whistleblowing actions and the evolution oflaws protecting them, and provides college-level students of law, business and social issues witha powerful survey of civil rights and legal protections alike. Very highly recommended!

The Photography Shelf

The Minimalist Photographer
Steve Johnson
Rocky Nook
802 East Cota Street, 3rd Floor
Santa Barbara, CA 93103
9781937538095, $32.95, www.rockynook.com

The Minimalist Photographer covers photography from a minimalist perspective and shows howto take very good photos with cheap and a minimum of equipment. From making connectionsbetween photography and one's nature to choosing a minimum of equipment to achieve goalsrepresenting that nature, this is packed with strong ideas linking minimalist photo approaches tovarious types of cameras and their pros and cons. From lighting on a budget to composition, thisis a fine in-depth coverage highly recommended for any aspiring photographer on a budget.

Figure Photography
Billy Pegram
Amherst Media, Inc.
175 Rano Street, Suite 200
Buffalo, NY 14207-2176
9781608955787, $29.95, www.amherstmedia.com

FIGURE PHOTOGRAPHY: TECHNIQUES FOR DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHERS teaches thebasics of capturing the female form with a digital camera and covers both studio and locationshots and approaches which make the most of different environments and figures. From isolatingbody parts for specialized markets to developing different images with different commercialvalues and styling models for appeal and images for multiple usage, this is packed with colorphoto examples and industry insights that will delight any figure photographer.

The Christian Studies Shelf

Vern Sheridan Poythress
Crossway Books
1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60187
9781433532290, $45.00, www.crossway.org

LOGIC: A GOD-CENTERED APPROACH TO THE FOUNDATION OF WESTERNTHOUGHT is for any Christian seeking to improve critical thinking skills, offering anintroduction to the study of logic as it relates to Christian analysis and thought. The dual focus onthe process of logic and Christian belief on the nature of God makes for an involving and finesurvey that includes questions for further reflection at the end of each chapter. College-levelstudents involved in spiritual analysis will find this approach lends to critical thinking in generaland religious inspection in particular, making this a strong pick for any Christian collegecollection.

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus
Robert W. Wall with Richard B. Steele
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company
2140 Oak Industrial Drive, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49505
9780802825629, $24.00, www.eerdmans.com

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus is for scholarly Christian collections and provides aparagraph-by-paragraph theological commentary on 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, applying theseepistles to modern church teachings and providing a methodology for analyzing their beliefs andrelevance as sacred texts of Scripture. Case studies blend with this analysis to consider prominentChristian leaders and faith communities. Students, pastors and Christian leaders alike will findthis a powerful analysis offering canonical readings that explain the spiritual, historical andsocial contexts of Scripture.

Pope Francis in His Own Words
Julie Schwietert Collazo and Lisa Rogak, Editors
New World Library
14 Pamaron Way, Novato, CA 94949
9781608682492, $12.95, www.newworldlibrary.com

Pope Francis in His Own Words provides a powerful guide for any who want an introduction onwhere the Pope stands on major issues affecting the church's followers. From insights on humanrights and education to the Pope's overall philosophy on service and prayer, this runs the gamutfrom spiritual insights to social issues, and is packed with keys to successfully understandingwhere Pope Francis stands on many world scenarios. Any Catholic collection needs this solidintroduction to their new pope's views.

On God's Side
Jim Wallis
c/o Baker Publishing Group
6030 E Fulton, Ada, MI 49301
9781587433375, $21.99, www.bakerpublishing.com

ON GOD'S SIDE: WHAT RELIGION FORGETS AND POLITICS HASN'T LEARNEDABOUT SERVING THE COMMON GOOD comes from a public theologian and author whoshows how a renewed commitment to the concept of the 'common good' and religious belief canchange the face of partisan political approaches. He's long been a Christian activist advocatingfor the common ground theory: this book emphases the importance of God in the process,considers concept of personal and social responsibility and how they interact to work for thecommon good, and how to address values differences on a more spiritual level. The result's astrong pick for political and social science holdings alike.

The Catalyst Leader
Brad Lomenick
Thomas Nelson Publishers
PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
9781595554970, $22.99, www.thomasnelson.com

The Catalyst Leader: 8 Essentials for Becoming a Change Maker considers the future ofleadership among those who follow Jesus, comes from the President of Catalyst, an influentialleadership movement, and reveals eight basic keys for becoming a 'change maker' in the worldfor the promotion and greater belief in God. Key characteristics described here include beingcalled by God and being authentic and passionate about one's calling. It blends stories of thosewho have felt and followed this process with discussions of how they have interacted with - andchanged - their worlds, and is a fine pick for any Christian collection concerned withleadership.

Worshipping the State
Benjamin Wiker
Regnery Publishing
One Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
9781621570295, $27.95, www.regnery.com

Liberals in politics are promoting their own secular agenda and attacks in Christianity areincreasing: this book provides a powerful attack on this attitude and approach, maintains thatthere's an underlying agenda to secular liberalism - an intent on pushing Christianity out of ourculture and replacing it with political concerns - and offers an analysis that considers how secularliberalism holds an agenda in direct conflict with Christian principles. Chapters pair politicalwith religious analysis in the process of considering ideals of church and state separation andhow liberals are influencing and changing this separation. Christian collections will find this athought-provoking analysis.

Jonathan Martin
Tyndale House Publishers
351 Executive Drive
Carol Stream, IL 60188
9781414373638, $15.99, www.tyndale.com

PROTOTYPE is a focus on gospel that maintains that Jesus not only is the God who came to die,but the human who offered hope to humanity, and teaches basics of how to awaken the spirit togod. It's written by the founder and lead pastor of Elevation Church based in North Carolina, andshows how to bring principles of the gospel to the forefront of concerns. Insights from Scriptureand the author's own pastoral experiences make for a powerful survey recommended for anyChristian holding.

Imagining the Kingdom
James K.A. Smith
Baker Academic
c/o Baker Publishing Group
6030 E Fulton, Ada, MI 49301
9780801035784, $22.99, www.bakeracademic.com

IMAGINING THE KINGDOM: HOW WORSHIP WORKS adds to the 'Cultural Liturgies' serieswith a second scholarly volume that provides an engaging book of 'liturgical anthropology'. Itmakes a case for the idea that human beings should be considered as worshipping animals,considering philosophy, religious liturgy and pedagogy, and more as it presents the works ofsome of the major thinkers of modern times, from Wendell Berry to David Foster Wallace. Thegospel is, literally, reflected in the body and throughout the world: this considers how secularliturgies and Christian liturgies can refine our perceptions of ourselves, our spirituality, and theworld. Scholarly spirituality studies libraries will relish the philosophical discussions.

Eugene Kennedy
Orbis Books
PO Box 308, Maryknoll, NY 10545-0308
9781626980174, $20.00, www.orbisbooks.com

BELIEVING may look like a slim treatise but it holds many insights and an analysis suitable forscholarly pursuit as it considers the psychology of religion in general and Christianity inparticular. What does it mean to have the kind of belief and faith that is fluid: a livingcommitment that pairs with our goals and objectives as human beings in a human community?This comes from a professor at Loyola University who has written over 50 books on psychologyand religion, and who here narrows the focus to a simple topic: belief and how it works in socialinteractions. No spirituality shelf should be without!

The Religion/Spirituality Shelf

My Bright Abyss
Christian Wiman
Farrar Straus Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
9780374216788, $24.00, www.fsgbooks.com

MY BRIGHT ABYSS: MEDITATION OF A MODERN BELIEVER comes from a poet andbeliever who was diagnosed with a rare cancer. This gathers essays reflecting on his mortalityand reawakening faith, offering personal insights of struggles and miracles and providing essayswith the personal reflection of journal entries and the spiritual insights of a philosopher at heart.The result is a powerful and personal reflection recommended for any spirituality holding.

Psychology & the Perennial Philosophy: Studies in Comparative Religion
Samuel Bendeck Sotillos
World Wisdom Inc.
1501 East Hillside Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401
9781936597208, $23.95, www.worldwisdom.com

Psychology & the Perennial Philosophy: Studies in Comparative Religion gathers articles byRene Guenon, Tage Lindbom, and others and provides a satisfying blend of psychology andanalysis of spiritual tradition and wisdom, gathering essays written by representatives of theperennialist school. It offers a challenging blend of insights into psychology and mysticalspiritual traditions, explaining how modern psychology lost touch with its spiritual roots andproviding a fine synthesis of spiritual and psychological observations. The result is a finerecommendation for any interested in comparative religious studies.

Deus in Machina
Jeremy Stolow, Editor
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue
Bronx, NY 10458-5172
9780823249817, $28.00, www.fordhampress.com

Deus in Machina: Religion, Technology, and the Things in Between deserves ongoingrecommendation for its powerful collection of essays that explore religion and technology andhow they relate to one another. Case studies presented in the course of this examination are asdiverse as the advent and design of clocks in medieval Christian Europe to the power of prayer inpremodern Buddhist Japan. History and ethnographic analysis combine with religious andscientific details to thoroughly explore the interactions between the two, making Deus inMachina a powerful recommendation for any scholarly spirituality holding.

The American History Shelf

The Third Coast
Thomas Dyja
The Penguin Press
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, 4th floor
New York, NY 10014
9781594204326, $29.95, www.penguin.com

THE THIRD COAST: WHEN CHICAGO BUILT THE AMERICAN DREAM traces the historyand evolution of a city which was key to every coast-to-coast journey, and which became acentral stop for people and commodities before air travel. Chicago's structures became icons forbusiness images, its culture transformed many an American city's social flavor, and itsinstitutions contributed major discoveries to American mass culture, science, and social climate.From the city's racial divisions and constructive and destructive trends to its evolution as areflection of and influence on American society as a whole, THE THIRD COAST offers apowerful history of the city's importance and evolution. No American regional history holdingshould be without this!

The Village
John Strausbaugh
Ecco Press
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022-5299
9780062078193, $29.99, www.eccobooks.com

THE VILLAGE: 400 YEARS OF A HISTORY OF BEATS AND BOHEMIANS, RADICALSAND ROGUES offers the first complete history of Greenwich Village and is certain to be anappealing addition to any New York history holding and any with roots in the area. It's a finesocial history that covers social and political changes in the Village over the decades, consideringthe colorful personalities that contributed to its evolution and offering a sweeping story thatbegins with its early settlement and continues to the affluent Village of modern times. Written ina lively, appealing manner, THE VILLAGE is a powerful pick for any New York or Americanregional history collection.

Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor
Richard R. Beeman
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
9780465926296, $29.99, www.basicbooks.com

Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor: The Forging of American Independence,1774-1776 comes from an acclaimed historian who recounts the twenty-two months thatpreceded America's journey from being another British colony to a republic, represents some fouryears of the author's research and writing, and argues that as early as 1774, the concept ofAmerican independence was questionable at best. Only a few radicals like John Adamsconsidered it seriously: most colonists were aligned with King George III. So how did the politicsand popular sentiments of the times undergo a shift that was to make independence not onlypossible, but probable? Our Lives, Our Fortunes and Our Sacred Honor charts this course,providing a cast of characters involved in political maneuvering and decisions, and is a powerfuladdition to any American history collection with its fresh review of events that led to America'sseparate identity from England.

The Feud
Dean King
Little, Brown & Company
c/o Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9780316167062, $28.00, www.littlebrown.com

THE FEUD: THE HATFIELDS & MCCOYS: THE TRUE STORY offers a lively, absorbingread chronicling the truth behind the legendary family feud of all times, offering new expertresearch to detail the truths and realities of two families changed by war and betrayal. Appalachiaculture and history figure prominently in a powerful coverage written by a researcher with atalent for creating character and detail. The result is a historical survey highly recommended forany American history collection; especially those with a focus on Southern history andchronicles.

The World History Shelf

Southeast Asia Past and Present, seventh edition
D.R. Sardesai
Westview Press
2465 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
9780813348377, $47.00, www.westviewpress.com

Southeast Asia Past and Present appears in its seventh updated edition to offer a clear history ofthe region from ancient to modern times, offering historical and modern coverage of all countriesand their interactions. Updates to this latest edition include increased coverage of Myanmar'spolitical changes and its changed relationships to the world, the rise of Shinawatra to primeminister in Thailand, and discussions of the ASEAN and its consideration of China's claim to theSouth China Sea. These updates provide the latest details on the region's evolution and changes,making for an outstanding survey highly recommended for any college-level collection strong inSoutheast Asian history and culture.

History and the Human Condition
John Lukacs
ISI Press
3901 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE 19807-1938
16010170652, $27.95, www.isibooks.org

History and the Human Condition: A Historian's Pursuit of Knowledge comes from a prominenthistorian with over sixty-five years in the field, who reflects on the nature of history and the roleof the historian in documenting it. He provides a wide-ranging survey of the past two centuries ofhistory, connecting significant events in human history and detailing how the translation of theseevents creates new debates and new perspectives. His inspection of the process of historicalreporting and interpretation provide a powerful survey of American observations and the uniquechallenges of modernity, making this a fine recommendation for any college-levelcollection.

The Guns at Last Light
Rick Atkinson
Henry Holt & Company
175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 400
New York, NY 10010-7725
9780805062908, $40.00, www.henryholt.com

THE GUNS AT LAST NIGHT: THE WAR IN WESTERN EUROPE, 1944-1945 representsVolume Three of the 'Liberation Trilogy' and is a must-have addition for any collection seeingpopularity with the other volumes. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Rick Atkinson concludes atrilogy that represents a definitive examination of World War II events and their influence,offering perspectives of participants at every level of conflict, from politicians to soldiers andeveryday people. Add a lively tone to the history and you have a readable, absorbing chronicleeven non-history buffs will enjoy.

The Computer Shelf

The Java EE 6 Tutorial: Advanced Topics, fourth edition
Eric Jendrock, et.al.
Addison-Wesley Professional
c/o Pearson Technology Group
801 East 96th Street, #300
Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759
97801378081868, $49.99, www.informit.com/aw

The Java EE 6 Tutorial: Advanced Topics appears in its fourth updated edition to provide JavaEE users with a task-oriented, example-driven manual to developing applications, and comesfrom members of the Java EE 6 documentation team at Oracle. You couldn't ask for betterprofessional expertise than this: Java programmers receive an intensive lesson on the platformincluding advanced material, detailed introductions to more complex platform functions, andinstructions for all the latest versions of GlassFish Server and Open Source. It introduces all newfeatures, is packed with keys to web and enterprise security, and backs every explanation withreal-world examples throughout. Code and documentation make for a powerful, expert surveythat should be a 'must' for an in-depth, advanced computer reference collection.

Third-Party JavaScript
Ben Vinegar and Anton Kovalyov
Manning Publications Company
c/o O'Reilly Media, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472
9781617290541, $44.99, www.manning.com

Third-Party JavaScript is written by two expert developers who tell how to write third-partyJavaScript - embeddable scripts that can plug into any website. All the basics of building andapplying third-party JavaScript applications are covered, along with techniques for developingdata-collecting widgets, analyzing data for further overlays, and more. All concepts representbest practices for the field and include specifics on writing conflict-free scripts and overcomingthird-party cookie limitations. The result is a powerful guide any web developer will find a solidreference filled with real-world applications.

Big Data for Dummies
Judith Hurwitz, et.al.
For Dummies
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118504222, $29.99, www.wiley.com

Big Data for Dummies offers plain explanations of a tall subject, defining what 'big data' is (andis not), database options for managing it, analytics that can help create meaningful reports fromsuch data, and how to apply it to business situations. Business and IT professionals alike receiveclear insights on big data computing models and their applications, showing how to define bigdata, implement analysis processes, and understand and apply the results. From why Hadoop isso important to issues of security and privacy and ten best practices for managing such data, thisis packed with management insights that come from an expert, making this a top pick for anybusiness or computer collection.

Rendering in SketchUp
Daniel Tal
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9780470642191, $49.95, www.wiley.com

RENDERING IN SKETCHUP: FROM MODELING TO PRESENTATION FORARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, AND INTERIOR DESIGN provides afine way for design professionals to learn SketchUp modeling and rendering techniques, andfocuses on the basic tasks of photorealistic rendering. Chapters cover the entire process, fromtextures and materials to simulated lighting and design, and consider the basics of howcomputers produce renders and how to acquire the right hardware for the process. From refiningrenderings in Photoshop to SketchUp scenes and composing light tools, this is an in-depthcoverage packed with color photo examples throughout and is the item of choice for anycomputer collection strong in rendering techniques.

Killer UX Design
Jodie Moule
c/o O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein, Hwy N.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-2811
9780987153098, $39.95, www.sitepoint.com

KILLER UX DESIGN is a recommended pick for any designer who wants to produce betterbusiness designs, and offers tips on how to gather customer information, how to use theinformation to craft better designs, and how the UX design process is applied to projects. As anote of distinction: this survey covers the basics of market testing, user market research andmore; it's not about the related point of UI development - but then the focus on UX design doesn'tclaim such. If the reader is already an advanced developer used to designing with real-worldsolutions in mind, then there will be little new here. If, however, one is new to the field andseeking methodology and shortcuts that should be in every UX design, then KILLER UXDESIGN is the correct item of choice.

Advances in Cyber Security
D. Frank Hsu and Dorothy Marinucci, Editors
Fordham University Press
2546 Belmont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10458-5172
9780823244577, $24.00, www.fordhampress.com

Advances in Cyber Security: Technology, Operations, and Experiences provides college-levelreaders and professionals with insights on a field in great flux. The advent of social networkingsystems and more provides many new forms of cyber exploitations which any involved withcomputers need to understand. Advances in Cyber Security gathers the insights of cyber securityprofessionals and practitioners from government, academic and industry circles around theworld, offering keys to securing cyberspace. From intelligence findings on cybercrime andsecurity to insider details on real-world operations, this packs in a range of insights perfect forthose studying law enforcement, computer operations, or security strategies alike.

The Modern Web
Peter Gasston
No Starch Press
38 Ringold Street
San Francisco, CO 94103-4403
9781593274870, $34.95, www.nostarch.com

THE MODERN WEB: MULTI-DEVICE WEB DEVELOPMENT WITH HTML5, CSS3, ANDJAVASCRIPT is for computer holdings appealing to developers, and discusses design and siteplatforms that are blueprints for flawless operations across a range of new platforms. Fromapplying better code techniques to working with flexible devices, this teaches how to plan andcode content for a range of applications, integrate cross-platform applications withoutchallenging plug-ins, and how to design better forms and easier applications. Designers will findthe specific examples and applications perfect for learning 'best practices'.

The Business Shelf

Opening Doors to Teamwork & Collaboration
Judith H. Katz & Frederick A. Miller
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA 94104-2916
9781609947989, $18.95, www.bkconnection.com

Opening Doors to Teamwork & Collaboration is packed with keys to understanding how peoplecontribute to organizations, and how to tweak these contributions for maximum gain andexcitement. This book describes four easy behavioral keys that change how people worktogether, centering on exactly what makes relationships work and how to use powerful languageand objections to encourage vision and, ultimately, better results. Chapters are precise in theirdiscussions and offer managers exciting insights on how to achieve breakthroughs for better,measurable performance. Any business management collection must have this!

Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business
Karen Leland
Entrepreneur Press
c/o The McGraw Hill Companies
Two Penn Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10121-2298
9781599185088, $21.95, www.entrepreneurpress.com

Ultimate Guide to Pinterest for Business is a fine pick designed to help businesses use Pinterestto best business advantage and applications, and provides beginners and those already using theprogram to understand its many possible applications. Case studies, interviews, examples andsidebars of information cover all kinds of strategies for applying the structure of Pinterest forbranding and promotional purposes, covering everything from how to sign up for Pinterest andhow to create popular boards to turning fans into customers. Another solid business toolrecommended for any serious about using the latest social networking influences to further abusiness.

Dave Dyer
Syracuse University Press
621 Skytop Road, Suite 110
Syracuse, NY 13244-5290
9780815610120, $24.95, www.amazon.com

STEEL'S: A FORGOTTEN STOCK MARKET SCANDAL FROM THE 1920s brings to lifethe nearly-forgotten story of a Buffalo-based department store and comes from an author whowas trying to solve a family mystery when he uncovered an early stock market scandal. Inresearching a vanished great uncle, Dave Dyer unearthed thousands of original documents andphotos from the L.R. Steel Company. These document told of a boom townenvironment, the creation of a retail empire, and the sales of company stock which attracted some60,000 investors - three times those though bought into the Ponzi scheme. There are no otherpublished accounts of this business scandal in print, making STEEL'S a powerful addition to anybusiness history holding.

The Rise of Professionalism
Magali Sarfatti Larson
Transaction Publishers
10 Corporate Place South
Piscataway, NJ 08854
9781412847773, $29.95, www.transactionpub.com

THE RISE OF PROFESSIONALISM: MONOPOLIES OF COMPETENCE AND SHELTEREDMARKETS argues that the concept of business professional status evolved as a response tomarket relations and a movement for the conquest of collective social status by the bourgeoisie,and it compares different professions in England and the U.S. during the first part of the 19thcentury to show how professions evolved. From the influence of corporate capitalism onprofessionalism to how professions moved beyond the forms of work organizations to reach intocredentialed occupations, this provides a thorough discussion for college-level audiences, comeswith a new introduction that updates examples for modern times, and is a pick for any interestedin the evolution of corporate history and professional concepts.

The Lean Practitioner's Handbook
Mark Eaton
Kogan Page USA
1518 Walnut Street, Suite 1100
Philadelphia, PA 19102
9780749467739, $34.95, www.koganpage.com

The Lean Practitioner's Handbook is a fine text introducing the concept of creating a Leanprogram in any organizational structure, managing and monitoring the Lean program for dailyimprovement, and engaging a team in implementing Lean concepts. Chapters discuss everythingform how to gather background data to analyzing workflow changes and behaviors. There's a lotof Lean-specific terminology within - all of which is defined and further explored by real-worldcase studies. The result will appeal to both newcomers to Lean concepts and those who havesome prior background but want to apply the knowledge to an organizational structure andpurpose.

The First 90 Days
Michael D. Watkins
Harvard Business Review Press
60 Harvard Way, Boston, MA 02163
9781422188613, $29.00, www.hbsp.harvard.edu

The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter updates andexpands an international best-selling business title, compiling proven strategies for making careertransitions. The author is an expert on such transitions and advises senior leaders in all kinds oforganizations. His title surveys all aspects of the transition climate, identifies common pitfallsnew leaders encounter, and offers strategies on avoiding them. No business holding should bewithout this expanded coverage.

Ten Types of Innovation
Larry Keeley, et.al.
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118504246, $29.95, www.wiley.com

Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthroughs is a pick for any businessthat would consider innovative strategies to be not optional, but key to an organization's health,and is a recommendation for any serious business collection. It is based on over three decades ofresearch covering innovation effectiveness, and helps teams understand what's involved infostering breakthroughs. Any who want to move beyond theory to the nuts and bolts of applyingsuch a process will find this packed with methods and examples from some of the most notablebig businesses experiencing success, from Lego to Google.

Start Your Own Home Business After 50
Robert W. Bly
Quill Driver Books
2006 South Mary, Fresno, CA 93721
9781610351317, $16.95, www.quilldriverbooks.com

Start Your Own Home Business After 50 comes from a business consultant and serialentrepreneur and offers readers a complete guide to business start-ups written for olderentrepreneurs. Older adults have experience and judgment that lend to business - and also harbordifferent goals; to create financial security and do the kind of work they love. This considerseight key business opportunities that fit with the abilities and mental mind-set of olderentrepreneurs, bypasses the usual self-employment advice directed to younger audiences, andcreates a hopeful, helpful environment specific to this age group.

The Five Stages of Collapse
Dmitry Orlov
New Society Publishers
PO Box 189
Gabriola Island, BC, Canada, V0R 1X0
9780865717367, $19.95, www.newsociety.com

THE FIVE STAGES OF COLLAPSE SURVIVORS' TOOLKIT belongs in any business oreconomics collection and documents five indicators of social collapse and how the first threestages (financial, commercial and political) can be managed so as to prevent the worse scenariosof social and cultural collapse. Pre- and post-collapse societies are considered in a survey thatanalyzes successful adaptations, self-governance, social organization and culture, with casestudies from around the world providing specifics for each stage of collapse. A powerful survey,this will appeal to business and social issues collections alike.

A Nation of Small Shareholders
Janice M. Traflet
Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218-4363
9781421409023, $45.00, www.press.jhu.edu

A Nation of Small Shareholders: Marketing Wall Street After World War II is a fascinating studyshowing how marketers at the New York Stock Exchange during the mid-twentieth centurydeliberately cultivated new individual shareholders after a period of time in which manyAmericans swore they would never again become involved in the stock market. It shows themarketing efforts that went into expanding the country's retail investor base, how Exchangeexecutives were involved in the process of rebuilding the market and American investmentstrategies, and considers how shareownership was viewed as a method of strengtheningdemocratic capitalism. The result is a powerful history documenting the basic approaches of oneof the biggest - and least heralded - marketing campaigns in U.S. history. Any history or businesscollection will find this a 'must' reference.

Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business
Ted Prodromou
Entrepreneur Press
c/o The McGraw Hill Companies
Two Penn Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10121-2298
9781599184494, $21.95, www.entrepreneurpress.com

Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business shows how to use Twitter and the hashtag concept togrow a business, and will prove a welcome addition to any who know little about Twitter, anddon't understand its applications and potentials. The foundation of Twitter lies in being powerfulin 140 characters or less: an approach which can be used to break news, offer snippets ofinformation to friends - or even promote a business to busy subscribers. This focuses on all themarketing possibilities of the social media program, and is an in-depth 'must' for anyentrepreneur who would apply Twitter concepts to business pursuits.

12 Disciplines of Leadership Excellence
Brian Tracy and Dr. Peter Chee
c/o The McGraw Hill Companies
Two Penn Plaza, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10121-2298
978007189467, $24.00, www.mhprofessional.com

12 Disciplines of Leadership Excellence: How Leaders Achieve Sustainable High Performancepromotes the idea that great leaders aren't born; they are made. Everyone can be a leader and aninspiration to others: it all begins with discipline - and this book connects leadership to disciplineby breaking down great leadership into 12 disciplines. Discussions of each cover the basics ofleadership qualities and how to 'grow' these abilities, covering everything from building caring,working relationships to developing honesty and character. The result is a solid discussion highlyrecommended for any business collection.

The Sports Shelf

Recovery for Performance in Sport
Christophe Hausswirth and Inigo Mujika, Editors
Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.
PO Box 5076, Champaign, IL 61820-5076
9781450434348, $59.00, www.humankinetics.com

Recovery for Performance in Sport offers the latest health and scientific research in the study ofrecovery processes and uses the experience of applied sport scientists working with elite athletesaround the world. It's a synthesis of techniques for enhancing athletes' recovery and optimizingtraining, and incorporates the latest research and applied techniques for enhancing recovery. Casestudies of international athletes and coaches offer discussions of safe recovery machines andprocesses and how to apply them to particular sports, making this a solid reference forprofessionals, athletes and their coaches. A 'must' for any serious athletic collection.

Eat & Run
Scott Jurek with Steve Friedman
Mariner Books
c/o Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
215 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003
9780544002319, $14.95, www.hmh.com

EAT & RUN: MY UNLIKELY JOURNEY TO ULTRAMARATHON GREATNESS is apowerful account of Jurek's life and career as a vegan ultrarunner, and follows the two concurrentpaths of his evolution as both. He's won the Western States Endurance Run, a 100-mile racethrough the Sierra Nevada mountains, for seven years in a row, setting records, and hasparticipated in challenging runs around the world. His autobiography chronicles his uncertainpath to becoming a vegan and an athlete, and shows how he developed the endurance required towin races. Sports, health and autobiography holdings alike will find this a winning account.

The Ethics of Coaching Sports
Robert L. Simon
Westview Press
2465 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
9780813356083, $39.00, www.westviewpress.com

The Ethics of Coaching Sports gathers scholarly writings on issues raised by the role of coachingand the ethics of competition, and provides a fine collection covering youth sports and legalissues alike. From handling bullying and distributing playing time fairly to gender equality issuesand the ethics and morals of organizing and directing sports competitions, this scholarlycollection of insights is a 'must' for any coach who would delve into the underlying ethics ofdirecting competition.

The Art of Walking
David Evans, Editor
Black Dog Publishing
10a Acton Street, London, England, WC1X 9NG
9781907317873, $24.95, www.blackdogonline.com

The Art of Walking: A Field Guide offers the first in-depth survey of walking and provides ablend of history, themes on footprints, lines and marches, and discussions of philosophy, practiceand artistry involved in the finer art of walking. Newly commissioned art and writing fromcontributors make for an anthology that runs the gamut from considering the art and ideals ofwalks and offering insights into walking's finer points. Don't expect any singular consideration ofwalking: from sports to art, philosophy to literature, and contemporary art views of walking, thisis a multi-faceted coverage recommended not just for arts holdings, but for sports, philosophyand a range of other collections as well.

Designing Games
Tynan Sylvester
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
1005 Gravenstein, Hwy N.
Sebastopol, CA 95472-2811
9781449337933, $29.99, www.oreilly.com

DESIGNING GAMES: A GUIDE TO ENGINEERING EXPERIENCES will appeal to a widerange of collections, from computer libraries to those involved in engineering games. It'sreviewed here to be certain nobody involved in game design misses this important contribution tothe field, which surveys the designs behind most modern hit video games. Basic principles andbest practices for producing such games are analyzed and come form a design pro who considersnot only game creation, but how to keep a project team on track and how to avoid dead-ends.Examples from real-world game creation pack a survey that covers everything from initial designinspiration to the mechanics of marketing. Very highly recommended!

Dirty Ground
Kris Wilder and Lawrence A. Kane with Erik McCray
YMAA Publications
PO Box 480, Wolfeboro, NH 03894-0480
9781594392115, $18.95, www.ymaa.com

DIRTY GROUND - THE TRICKY SPACE BETWEEN SPORT AND COMBAT is a 'must' forany sports collection and is written for those who fight, discussing situations in which one needsto control another without severely injuring him. There are fine lines between using martial artsto project versus control and injure: this discussion is for any involved in these arts who wouldunderstand the hidden rules governing appropriate use of force. Some thirty basic strikes frommartial arts are modified and analyzed for their potential impact in a title recommended as a'must' reference for any martial arts library.

The Cookbook Shelf

Patisserie at Home
Will Torrent
Ryland Peters & Small
519 Broadway, 5th floor, New York, NY 10012
9781849753548, $27.95, www.rylandpeters.com

Patisserie at Home: Step-by-Step Recipes to Help You master the Art of French Pastry pairslovely color photos throughout with fine explanations of how to produce the eye-catching foodsfeatured in many a Parisian bakery, offering a key to basic techniques and recipes that will be atop reference for any advanced home cook who wants to duplicate French achievements. Fromhow to make various types of pastries to putting together tarts, petit* fours, and other classics,this teaches all the basics and provides both traditional and updated pastry recipes perfect for anyinterested in producing French classics at home.

The Yankee Chef
Jim Bailey
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764341915, $34.99, www.schifferbooks.com

THE YANKEE CHEF; FEEL GOOD FOOD FOR EVERY KITCHEN packs in over fivehundred traditional recipes in a collection packed with dishes and variations from threegenerations of Yankee chefs, and is a pick for any American cookery collection. Home cooks andprofessionals will find this offers a contemporary focus on American comfort foods in NewEngland style, from easy recipes for chowders and cornbread to a Festive Egg Nog Cake, amainstay of Codfish Balls spiced with cilantro for a modern touch, or a quick, easy Sausage andCornbread Stuffing. Notes from the chefs accompany a powerful cookbook packed with flavorand inviting dishes any can easily reproduce at home. Highly recommended, this comes packedwith color photos throughout to create an inviting cookbook appealing to cooks at any level!

Vinaigrettes and Other Dressings
Michele Anna Jordan
Harvard Common Press
535 Albany Street, Boston, MA 02118
9781558328051, $16.95, www.harvardcommonpress.com

Vinaigrettes and Other Dressings packs in some 60 recipes or all kinds of dressings for all kindsof salads, and includes both basic recipes and variations on themes. Here are spicy Honey-PepperVinaigrettes and sweet, tangy Raitas, warm dressings and cold dressings, and dressings forsalads, slaws, and all kinds of greens and grains. Color photos pepper a gathering of dishes fromaround the world, supplementing recipes that include variation ideas and notes on best uses. Withits attention to a wide range of dishes and international influences, this is a fine reference for anywho love salads.

Homemade With Love
Jennifer Perillo
Running Press
2300 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-4371
9780762447237, $27.50, www.runningpress.com

HOMEMADE WITH LOVE: SIMPLE SCRATCH COOKING FROM IN JENNIE'S KITCHENoffers a fine cookbook with a message: that family meals and food hold the power to bringpeople together. It's a lively, chatty cookbook that reinforces this notion from Jennie's popularblog In Jennie's Kitchen, and comes from a recipe developer and blogger who cooks fromscratch, buys local, and loves preparing meals for family and friends. All the basics of setting upa homemade kitchen and stocking it are provided in an introduction perfect for newcomers tocookery.

Flavors of My World
Maneet Chauhan & Doug Singer
Favorite Recipes Press
2451 Atrium Way, Nashville, TN 37214
978087195799, $29.95, www.maneetchauhan.com

FLAVORS OF MY WORLD: A CULINARY TOUR THROUGH 25 COUNTRIES comes froma Food Network celebrity chef and judge who has been as passionate about travel as about food,and who provides a cookbook filled with recipes pairing anecdotes of her journeys with 50 foodand beverage recipes from around the world. Some 25 cuisines are showcased, offer variations ontraditional dishes and flavors, and are accompanied by 50 images by photographer QuentinBacon. Very accessible to home cooks, this celebration will serve as a passionate account for anyinterested in world cuisines.

The China Study Cookbook
Leane Campbell, PhD
BenBella Books
10300 N. Central Expressway, Ste 400
Dallas, TX 75204
9781937856755, $19.95, www.benbellabooks.com

The China Study Cookbook is based on a comprehensive nutrition study revealing that aplant-based diet leads to optimal health and the possibility of reversing many diseases, and pairsscientific findings with family-friendly, plant-based recipes that add no fat and minimal sugarand salt. The focus on foods that require minimal processing and cooking blends with a focus onfoods the entire family will be happy to eat, with lovely color photos accenting such recipes asTomato Basil Pesto Sandwiches, Fruit Smoothies, Leafy Lentils, and Veggie Subs. The result isan outstanding gathering of dishes perfect for any cookbook collection.

The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook
Judith Finlayson
Robert Rose
120 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4P 1E2
9780778804383, $24.95, www.robertrose.ca

The Complete Gluten-Free Whole Grains Cookbook: 125 Delicious Recipes from Amaranth toQuinoa to Wild Rice packs in over a hundred recipes covering grains ranging from amaranth toquinoa, Chinese barley to Wehani rice, and is a top recommendation for any who would learn touse less familiar grains. Recipes offer a wide range of meal ideas and options, from EverydayTuna and Red Rice Salad to Cranberry Pecan Millet Salad and Cranberry Quinoa Porridge.Health information pairs with color photos of each grain and recipes which will appeal to theentire family, from vegetarians to meat-eaters.

Mr. Wilkinson's Vegetables
Matt Wilkinson
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
151 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011
9781579129347, $27.95, www.blackdogandleventhal.com

Mr. Wilkinson's Vegetables builds and plans dishes around seasonal vegetables, and offers alovely, illustrated book that pairs tips on how to get the most out of your own vegetable gardenwith dishes that are meatless and with meat. Color photos pack a lovely collection of originalrecipes such as a Frozen Vanilla Syrup-Coated Fennel, Broccoli, Caper & Raisin Dressing, andNonna Leah's Cornbread made with fresh corn. Packed with original and unique vegetable ideasand arranged by vegetable for easy consultation, this is a winner for any looking for fresh ideasfor vegetable cooking.

As American As Shoofly Pie
William Woys Weaver
University of Pennsylvania Press
3905 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-4112
9780812244793, $34.95, www.upenn.edu/penpress

As American As Shoofly Pie: The Foodlore and Fakelore of Pennsylvania Dutch Cuisinediscusses 'regional specialties' of Pennsylvania Dutch culture which are supposedly from thesetraditions but which in fact were fabricated by the tourist industry. At the same time some trulyauthentic Pennsylvania Dutch cuisines have been enjoyed for decades. Here food historian andwriter William Woys Weaver examines the history of the cuisine, offering interviews withmodern Pennsylvania Dutch cooks combined with research into cookbooks and archives toprovide a cultural history of the cuisine and its roots. Chapters survey the role economics playedin choices, consider sometimes-puzzling roots of dishes such as chicken and waffles, and providemany keys to understanding the region's cuisine. Recipes at the back represent truly authenticPennsylvania Dutch foods, making this a fine recommendation for any regional Americanculinary collection interested in history as well as recipes.

At My Grandmother's Table
Faye Porter
Thomas Nelson Publishers
PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
9781401604882, $24.99, www.thomasnelson.com

At My Grandmother's Table: Heartwarming Stories & Cherished Recipes from the South offers anew collection blending stories and recipes from grandmothers throughout the South, submittedby grandchildren who love their cooking. Vignettes about meals and special settings accompanycolor photos and Southern specialties ranging from Louisiana Shrimp Boil to Nana's AppleDumplings and Deedee's Pea Casserole. The result is a delicious, inviting compendium of dishespairing family traditions with Southern specialties, recommended for any American regionalcookery or Southern culture collection.

The Prophets of Smoked Meat
Daniel Vaughn
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street
New York, NY 10022-5299
9780062202925, $29.99, www.eccobooks.com

THE PROPHETS OF SMOKED MEAT: A JOURNEY THROUGH TEXAS BARBECUEcomes from Texas Monthly's barbecue editor, pairs his reflections with photos throughout byNicholas McWhirter, and represents the first in a line of Anthony Bourdain cookbook imprinttitles. Here barbecue expert McWhirter provides account of his quest for slow-cooked meatwisdom and insights, trekking over 10,000 miles of Texas highways and roads to consider thestate's barbecue traditions and wisdom. From different regional styles to side dishes and desserts,this is packed with over 200 reviews of Texas barbecue joints, recipes from master chefs, andinsights into best of barbecue efforts. No cookbook or meat cookbook collection should bewithout this!

Smoke & Pickles
Edward Lee
Artisan Books
c/o Workman Publishing Company
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014-4381
9781579654924, $29.95, www.artisanbooks.com

Smoke & Pickles: Recipes and Stories from a New Southern Kitchen comes from aBrooklyn-bred son of Korean immigrants who grew up to be a Southern chef, and offers Lee'sfirst cookbook - even though he's been the three-time James Beard Award finalist for Best Chef:Southeast. Here some 130 recipes blend his Korean roots with his French training and Louisville,Kentucky home. He may own several restaurants, but these dishes are definitely geared to thehome cook, tested in his own home and made for family and friends. Accompanying storiesdiscuss his family's relationship to food and culture. Color photos packed throughout make this apowerful winner!

Ice Cream
Eliq Maranik
H. F. Ullmann
c/o 60 Cycle Media Relations LLC
38 High Avenue, Nyack NY 10960
9783848003600, $19.99, www.ullmann-publishing.com

ICE CREAM: FROZEN FAVORITES FOR ALL TASTES is a delicious compendium of iceddesserts packing in recipes for ice cream sorbets, granitas and ice pops. Expect a collection thatpairs over 60 recipes with step-by-step photos explaining their construction either with orwithout an ice cream machine, a short introductory history of ice cream, and an explanation ofdifferent types of ice cream and their differences. There are classic recipes and then there areunique dishes, from cinnamon ice cream to strawberry cheesecake pops. The result is anattractive and inviting compilation for newcomers or those looking for different ice cream dishesalike.

Dishing Up Virginia
Patrick Evans-Hylton
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCA Way
North Adams, MA 01247
9781612120027, $19.95, www.storey.com

Dishing Up(R) Virginia: 145 Recipes That Celebrate Colonial Traditions and ContemporaryFlavors packs in over a hundred recipes featuring the culture and cuisine of Virginia, focusing onSmithfield Ham, heirloom tomatoes, and other staples that make up dishes unique to Virginia'scultural heritage. From Scuppernog Granita and Oysters Bingo to recipes that stem from differentregions of Virginia, this is filled with insights on Virginia's cultural heritage and key recipes.Lovely color photos blend with insights on Virginia's culture and cuisine that will attract anypurchasing books for regional American cookery collections.

Weight Watchers 5 Ingredient 15 Minute Cookbook, second edition
Weight Watchers
Oxmoor House
PO Box 11095, Des Moines, Iowa 50336-1095
9780848732080, $27.95, www.oxmoorhouse.com

This second updated edition of a Weight Watchers' classic deserves ongoing recommendation forany who would gain new recipes that work with the calorie-counting method that is a WeightWatchers mainstay for change. Some 200 recipes have all been tested for foolproof value, withstep-by-step instructions and color photos at every turn contributing to a gathering of dishes thatcan be confidently produced by any home cook, from neo-pros to novices. Note, however: this isfor purchasing five ingredients and adding pantry items. Somewhat different than perceived - butstill a fine addition to any Weight Watcher's collection!

Whole Grain Vegan Baking
Celine Steen and Tamasin Noyes
Fair Winds Press
c/o Quayside Publishing Group
400 First Avenue North, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401-1721
9781592335459, $19.99, www.fairwindspress.com

Whole Grain Vegan Baking packs in over 100 recipes for plant-based treats made from wholegrains, and goes where few vegan cookbooks go in focusing on the most challenging part ofvegan cooking: baking. From flavored oils and specialty flours to natural sweeteners fromapplesauce to maple syrup, this cookbook pairs color photos with easy directions that requireonly access to a whole foods market for easy home production. The inclusion of sweet ANDsavory dishes makes this a top pick for any vegan cookbook collection.

The Biography Shelf

7 Men
Eric Metaxas
Thomas Nelson Publishers
PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214
9781595554697, $24.99, www.thomasnelson.com

If it's inspirational biographical vignettes you're seeking (seven, here, under one cover) with afocus on the actions and choices that made these individuals stand out as inspirational sources,then SEVEN MEN AND THE SECRET OF THEIR GREATNESS is the item of choice.Biographies include those of Washington, Jackie Robinson and others, offering short portrait ofkey figures widely recognizable but not well understood. The tone and stories are engaging evento newcomers and the portraits of special struggles and challenges which were overcome makefor an engrossing set of inspirational tales, impossible to put down - and highly recommended forany general lending library.

Captive in Iran
Maryam Rostampour & Marziyeh Amirizadeh with John Perry
Tyndale Momentum
c/o Tyndale House Publishers
351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188
9781414371207, $22.99, www.tyndale.com

Captive in Iran provides a powerful account and tells of an imprisonment in Tehran's brutal EvinPrison. The authors had shared their Christian beliefs in Iran and started two secret housechurches, including one for prostitutes, when they were finally arrested and held in a prisonwhere sudden executions and torture were routine. Their account of interrogations and risksshares both their faith and their prison experiences, during which time they discovered withinthem enough faith and courage to change the world around them and, ultimately, to achieve arare freedom. Suitable for spirituality and biography holdings alike, this is a powerful account ofcourage that offers many insights to Iranian society and Islam as well, and is a pick for anyChristian or biography collection.

Carrie and Me
Carol Burnett
Simon and Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
9781476706412, $24.99, www.simonandschuster.com

CARRIE AND ME: A MOTHER-DAUGHTER LOVE STORY is a powerful memoir of actressand comedian Carol Burnett's relationship with her daughter from birth to her daughter's deathfrom cancer. Carrie Hamilton was herself an actress, a musician, and an extraordinary person:Carol Burnett's memoir documents the evolution of both a relationship and a positive attitude andbelief system that was to carry them to the threshold of death and beyond. It's a powerful tributeto a young woman who overcame drugs to develop a successful artistic career until her death atthe age of thirty-eight. Personal diary entries from Burnett and her daughter accompany photos,correspondence and reflections that are powerful, poignant and moving testimonies to a vividmother/daughter relationship, perfect for any general lending library.

Joni & Ken
Ken & Joni Eareckson Tada with Larry Libby
Zondervan Publishing House
5300 Patterson Avenue, S.E.
Grand Rapids, MI 49530
9780310314691, $18.99, www.zondervan.com

Imagine marrying a quadriplegic woman knowing that special needs would be a challenge everyday. Then add bouts with chronic pain, breast cancer and depression into the mix and you have apowerful story of how one couple coped with a myriad of ongoing, unrelenting health crises yetmaintained their bonds. The Tadas's story in JONI & KEN; AN UNTOLD LOVE STORY is asmuch an account of caring for a disabled spouse as it is about how to maintain emotionalconnectedness in the face of ongoing adversity. "Home is wherever we are together," Joni writes.Their story will reach any collection strong in autobiography, disability and relationshipinsights.

Country Girl
Edna O'Brien
Little, Brown & Company
c/o Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9780316122702, $27.99, www.littlebrown.com

Country Girl: A Memoir provides a strong autobiography of a novelist whose debut novel TheCountry Girls generated a huge scandal in 1960. Despite the negativity of her community, herchurch and a jealous husband, O'Brien went on to create a body of writings that made her arespected name in the writing community. Her memoir charts her progress, from her birth inIreland to her single motherhood, the wild parties of 1960s London, and her romances andjourney to America. Her varied encounters in life and the reflections and writings that succeededin making her famous contribute to a fine memoir highly recommended for any literaryautobiography collection; especially those already strong in O'Brien's literature.

Two Small Footprints in Wet Sand
Anne-Dauphine Julliand
Arcade Publishing
c/o Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
307 West 36th Street, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10018
9781611458244, $23.95, www.arcadepub.com

Rarely does an autobiography about a daughter's numbered days bring with it upliftinginspiration and insights about the meaning of a life well lived; but if ever a book were to capturelife's meaning, it would be Two Small Footprints in Wet Sand: A Mother's Memoir. At oncepoignant and happy, this tells of a young daughter's diagnosis of a rare, incurable genetic diseasewhich would soon kill her. Despite the inevitable, Julliand promises to give her daughter a fulllife: this is her story, which will inspire and rock even the most jaded or experienced reader ofautobiographical struggles, and is highly recommended for any general lending collection.

Onward & Upward
Michael Wiese
Michael Wiese Publishers
12400 Ventura Blvd., #1111
Studio City, CA 91604
9781615931392, $26.95, www.mwp.com

ONWARD & UPWARD: REFLECTIONS OF A JOYFUL LIFE comes from an author andpublisher whose lifelong quest has been to discover what is possible in the physical and spiritualworlds. He became the publisher of more books on film in English than the world had ever seenbefore, journeyed the world in search of ethical meaning and purpose in life, and here offers hisautobiography in a humorous, moving study outlining moviemaking industry growth andpersonal growth alike. Collections strong in autobiography or film studies will find his aninspirational, revealing and uplifting read.

A Fort of Nine Towers
Qais Akbar Omar
Farrar Straus Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
9780374157647, $27.00, www.fsgbooks.com

A FORT OF NINE TOWERS: AN AFGHAN FAMILY STORY provides a powerful account ofthe author's growing up in Kabul, where life was full and happy until rival Mujahedeen factionsbegan fighting each other, transforming the idyllic city into an arena for guerrilla warfare. Hisfamily sought refuge in a fort on the outskirts of Kabul where they awaited an opportunity toreturn home, until terrorism and danger caused the family to flee Kabul completely, undertakinga dangerous journey through Afghanistan where Omar met and fell in love with an olderdeaf-mute girl who taught him how to weave carpets: skills that would lead him to support hisstarving family. Any interested in powerful stories of courage, survival and growth will find thisan absorbing read.

Swimming with Maya
Eleanor Vincent
Dream of Things
9780988439047, $14.95, www.eleanorvincent.com

SWIMMING WITH MAYA: A MOTHER'S STORY shares details of the author's journey aftershe lost her daughter Maya in a fatal horseback accident. Maya was nineteen and celebratingMaya's scholarship when a challenge to jump on an untethered horse in a field led to her death.This is Eleanor Vincent's story of how she survived this tragedy and healed - and tells of herdaughter's short life and relationships. Any interested in memoirs in general and mother/daughterrelationships in particular will find this a moving saga.

The Travel Shelf

Native American Placenames of the Southwest
William Bright
University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069
9780806143118, $19.95, www.oupress.com

Native American Placenames of the Southwest: A Handbook for Travelers offers a compendiumof Native American placenames and provides fine information about their origins. Regionalcollections and any strong in Native American lore will find this a lively survey, arrangedalphabetically and including entries for towns, cities, parks and geographic landmarks.Pronunciation, locations, literal meanings and background history accompany these discussions,all arranged in a format designed to lend to linguistic understanding, southwest lore and insights,and cultural keys. The result is a top pick for a variety of collections, from travel to NativeAmerican and linguistic holdings.

Madagascar - The Eighth Continent
Peter Tyson
Bradt Guides
1st Floor IDC House, The Vale
Chalfont St Peter, Bucks, England, SL9 9RZ
9781841624419, $19.99, www.bradtguides.com

Madagascar - The Eighth Continent is highly recommended for any armchair travel enthusiast;particularly as so few accounts of Madagascar are readily available. During the 1990s authorPeter Tyson joined a group of scientists who decided to travel the world's fourth-largest island:this memoir of his experiences living in the rainforest and searching out rare species if packedwith excitement and is a classic among books about Madagascar - and a 'must' for anyadventure-oriented sci fi reader.

The Needlecraft Shelf

The Best-Ever Applique Sampler
Becky Goldsmith and Linda Jenkins
C&T Publishing
1651 Challenge Drive
Concord, CA 94520-5206
9781607054719, $28.95, www.ctpub.com

The Best-Ever Applique Sampler from Piece O' Cake Designs provides five projects with nineblocks to mix and combine, and is packed with ideas that include nine new applique blocks tomake miniature quilts or mix/match samplers. Basic stitches are shown for both right and lefthanders, step-by-step color photos throughout highlight each stitch and applique project, and aback section of full fold-out patterns assures success even for those new to applique. Fromcutaways and curves and circles to sewing applique as a unit to a block, this covers a range oftechniques and is perfect for any needlework collection.

Custom Knit Jackets
Jean Frost
XRX Books
PO Box 1525, Sioux Falls, SD 57101
9781933064208, $24.95, www.knittinguniverse.com

Custom Knit Jackets: Casual to Couture features fine photos by Alexis Xenakis throughout as itprovides a tutorial on how to custom fit a knit jacket using a 'master pattern' approach that allowsfor fitting all possibilities. From trims and collars to pockets, this covers custom finishing andcomes from a garment industry worker who teaches, knits and designs. Tips cover everythingfrom fabric to adapting sizes and creating knit versions of designer clothing, and use acustomized Master Pattern to simplify the process with the simplest math involved. Anyneedlework collection will find this a unique and fine winner!

Modern Baby
Martingale, Editors
19021 Avenue NE, Bothell, WA 98011
9781604682786, $24.99, www.martingale.com

MODERN BABY: EASY, FRESH, AND FUN QUILT DESIGNS comes from a collection ofquilting bloggers who provide fast baby quilts for quilters of all skill levels. These designers usebright solids and modern fabrics for a baby's sense of feel, with some 14 small quilts using quickprojects perfect for baby showers and celebrations. Step-by-step directions and illustrations foreach design accompany full-color, full-page photos of each completed baby quilt, making this theperfect collection of projects for any needleworker.

Complete Knitting Skills
Debbie Tomkies
250 Wireless Boulevard, Hauppauge, NY 11788
9781438001715, $24.99, www.barronseduc.com

Complete Knitting Skills pairs on online movie access approach that can be viewed on the Netwith a workbook of instruction that includes scan able codes for smartphone playback, making ita powerful blend of book and movie to teach knitting. Some 27 online clips accompany a manualthat teaches basic techniques, moving between written and visual instruction methods to engageall levels of knitter. There's a wide range of knitting techniques covered here, trouble-shootingsections for spotting mistakes, and tips for adding professional-style embellishments to projects.Color step-by-step photos also pack the book, making for an excellent stand-alone piece aswell.

ScrapTherapy Scraps Plus One!
Joan Ford
The Taunton Press
63 South Main Street, Newtown, CT 06470
9781600855191, $24.95, www.taunton.com

ScrapTherapy Scraps Plus One: New Patterns to Quilt Through Your Stash With Ease providesthe follow-up to Joan Ford's best-selling SCRAPTHERAPY, CUT THE SCRAPS and offers newideas and patterns for using up leftover fabric scraps. Step-by-step instructions pair some 20 'plusone' patterns that involve one new yard of fabric, one fat quarter, one new color, and one clear setof instructions on putting them all together, from piecing and binding to finishing touches. Anyquilter will find this an inspirited method of using up stash fabric.

Quick & Easy Hexie Quilts
Peggy Rhodes & Julia C. Wood
American Quilter's Society
PO Box 3290, Paducah, KY 42002-3290
9781604600551, $24.95, www.aqsquilt.com

Quick & Easy Hexie Quilts covers the basic techniques of quilting with hexagons, and providesnot only the usual projects designed to teach techniques, but extensive reference sections to helpdetermine yardage, draft paper for drafting a hexi design, and options for incorporating hexidesigns into other projects. These are hand-pieced productions which are quick and easy toproduce, backed by the original designs and clear step-by-step applications of two experts atproducing hexi quilts. Any needlework collection will find this a useful application!

Runway Crochet
Margaret Hubert
Creative Publishing International
c/o Quayside Publishing Group
33 Commercial Street, Gloucester, MA 01930
9781589237490, $24.99, www.creativepub.com

How can a basic crocheter create styles akin to top fashion designs? By consulting RUNWAYCROCHET, a collection of innovative fashions from jackets to dresses and accessories. Stitchpatterns accompany guides to shaping in over twenty projects that are fun to crochet and have thelook and style of designer fashion. Pieces inspired by runway shows are accompanied by colorphotos of finished pieces, diagrams of sizing, and close-up drawings of stitches. The result is anoutstanding presentation for any crochet artist who wants to create stylish clothing.

The Pets/Wildlife Shelf

The Raptors of Iowa
James F. Landenberger, Dean M. Roosa, et.al.
University of Iowa Press
119 West Park Road
Iowa City, IA 52242-1000
9781609381660, $29.95, www.uiowapress.org

Lovely color, pull-page paintings by James F. Landenberger accompany clear essays by Dean M.Roosa and others in a long-awaited collection of works of Iowa birds of prey, which appears inan affordable paperback attractive to any collection strong in natural history or bird art. Heresome thirty-two full-page, all-color illustrations accompany essays complimenting the works anddiscussing successful raptor restoration projects and the changing nature history of Iowa's birdlife. These are gorgeous works that pair well with the natural history discussions and overallreflections on Iowa's environment, making for a fine pick for a wide range of collections notspecific to Iowa in nature.

Field Guide to Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay
Edward O. Murdy and John A. Musick
Johns Hopkins University Press
2715 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218-4363
9781421407685, $24.95, www.press.jhu.edu

Field Guide to Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay provides the only comprehensive guide to the Bay'sfishes, and will prove a solid reference for anglers and science holdings alike, as well as regionallibraries. Val Kells provides full-color illustrations of over 300 species to accompany textdescriptions and details of fish characteristics, range, occurrence in the Bay, and statistics fromfisheries. It's a compact guide for students, scientists and fishermen alike and should be part ofany collection concerned with Chesapeake natural history.

Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
M. Christine Zink and Janet B. Van Dyke, Editors
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148
9780813812168, $99.99, www.wiley.com/go/medicine

Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation offers an in-depth reference on all aspects of sportsmedicine for dogs, is written by leaders in the field, and covers everything from exercisephysiology and biomechanics to common orthopedic conditions of a canine athlete and therapiesaddressing these problems. Basic science blends with veterinary insights and applications to theathletic animal in a coverage recommended for both vets and those working with canine athletes.Keys to the latest rehabilitation processes, descriptions of clinical cases, and photos andillustrations throughout pack a reference that is filled with observations and applications from aninternational list of experts. The result is a pick for canine trainers and veterinary collectionsalike.

The Health/Medicine Shelf

Rethinking Gender and Sexuality in Childhood
Emily W. Kane
Bloomsbury Press
175 Fifth Avenue, Suite 315
New York, NY 10010
9781847060822, $34.95, www.bloomsbury.com

Education and health holdings alike, as well as collections concerned with early education, willfind Rethinking Gender and Sexuality in Childhood to be a powerful survey that offers a detailedportrait of gender and sexuality development, using examples from across the social sciences tooffer the latest research in gender studies. Major findings and writings on the topic are broughttogether in a social, health and educational survey exploring how childhood gender and sexualityare built and refined within social institutions and peer groups alike. Chapters offer examples ofresearch, summaries, and activities to reinforce ideas, along with interviews with key researchersin different fields. The result is a college-level survey highly recommended for any genderstudies or early childhood collection.

The LPN-to-RN Bridge
Allison J. Terry
Jones & Bartlett Publishers
5 Wall Street, Burlington, MA 01803
9781449674502, www.jblearning.com

The LPN-to-RN Bridge: Transitions to Advance Your Career provides a powerful reference forstudents who are LPNs and who want to become RNs, and pairs case histories offeringoverviews of the entire nursing profession with assessments of the steps students need to take toprogress in a nursing career. NCLEX-style review questions help students prepare for the examswhile chapters consider dosage, problem solving, and steps students can take to successfullymake the bridge between nursing professions. From implementing processes of change tounderstanding the Nurse Practice Art and the license process, this is a 'must' for any LPN whowould take the next step in their professional careers.

Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out
Julie Gabriel
Seven Stories Press
140 Watts Street, New York, NY 10013
9781609804619, $19.95, www.sevenstories.com

Holistic Beauty from the Inside Out: Your Complete Guide to natural Health, Nutrition, andSkincare offers a fine pairing of natural recipes for skin and hair care and the potentials ofmineral make-ups with explanations of which products to avoid, how nutrition affects skinhealth, and how to achieve overall beauty through natural methods and products. The focuscomes from a holistic nutritionist who advocates an organic brand of beauty applications, and is asolid pick for health and beauty holdings alike.

The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook, third edition
Vicky Chapman and Cathy Charles, Editors
350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148
9780470655139, $46.99, www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell

The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook appears in its third updated edition to provide a finesurvey fully revised and updated for the latest midwifery practices. From professional questionsin birthing options and recommendations based on anticipated issues to breech births,skin-to-skin contact at birth, and guidelines based on poor evidence and how to overcome them,this is a solid reference that includes new color photos, suturing diagrams to assist left-handedmidwives, and expanded chapters on malposition and slow labor. At each step of the birth,midwifery requirements and recommendations are covered in depth, making for a fine referenceloaded with bibliographical references and best practices based on the latest research.

Your Pregnancy After 35, third edition
Dr. Glade Curtis, OB/GYN and Judith Schuler, M.S.
Da Capo Press
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
9780738216485, $15.99, www.dacapopress.com

Your Pregnancy After 35 appears in its third updated edition to provide the latest research andnew information on specialized testing of fetal cells recommended for older expectant mothers.From genetic testing to breastfeeding multiples and handling medications often used by olderwomen, this offers specific topics tailored for the pregnant older woman and her special needs,and is a reference that should be in any general health collection; particularly those appealing toparents.

Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections
Stephen Harrod Buhner
Healing Arts Press
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781620550083, $19.95, www.healingartspress.com

Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections: Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella andMycoplasma covers two of the most common, damaging Lyme disease coinfections and providesa powerful survey based on hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles on the latest scientificresearch. Chapters discuss the complicated interactions between these three infections, how theycan go undiagnosed, and how holistic methods centered on herbs and supplements can treatsymptoms and bring an immune system back into balance. A 'must' for any healthcollection!

The Technology Shelf

Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio
Di Pu and Alexander M. Wyglinski
Artech House
685 Canton Street, Norwood, MA 02062
9781608075256, $119.00, www.artechhouse.com

Digital Communication Systems Engineering with Software-Defined Radio is a key reference forany engineering collection discussing mobile communications, and offers a specific approach tolearning software-defined radio concepts. It prototypes and evaluates actual digitalcommunication systems capable of wireless transmissions, using these examples to teach basicdesign concepts, discuss issues, and link theory to real-world requirements, challenges andapplications. The accompanying publisher website also includes a collection of lab experimentsand examples to support this text and provide engineers with further keys to implementing thebook's designs. Any software or engineering reference library will want this in-depth, technicalreference.

Advanced Custom Motorcycle Wiring Revised
Jeff Zelinski
Wolfgang Publications
P.O. Box 223, Stillwater, MN 55082
9781935828761, $27.95, www.wolfpub.com

Advanced Custom Motorcycle Wiring Revised covers the basics of DC circuits, switches,gauges, starters and even moves into 2-wheel stereo and audio systems as it provides a revisededition that includes three brand new chapters covering changes in factory bikes to modern times,aftermarket parts, and audio wiring options. Over three hundred color photos and wiringdiagrams accompany step-by-step coverage of techniques and possible pitfalls, making this a'must' for any DIY motorcycle owner and collections catering to them.

The Agricultural Shelf

Once Upon a Flock
Lauren Scheuer
Atria Books
c/o Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
9781451698701, $22.99, www.simonandschuster.com

Once Upon a Flock: Life With My Soulful Chickens comes from a longtime illustrator whodecided to raise backyard chickens as a hobby, and who studied her project before buying herfirst chicks. But this book isn't just another 'how to' title about how to manage a flock: it's also awhimsical, poignant story of chicken personalities, flock psychology, and a fun story of humorthat blends Lauren's hobby with an account of coping with chicken special needs. What evolvesis a perfect pick for a rural humor collection, or for any with experiences with and affection forpoultry.

The Gardening Shelf

The Grafter's Handbook, revised edition
R.J. Garner
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
85 North Main Street, Suite 120
White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603584821, $40.00, www.chelseagreen.com

The Grafter's Handbook appears in a revised, updated edition to provide gardeners with a classicreference book on plant propagation by grafting. It's been revised and updated by ahorticulturalist for students, amateurs and dedicated gardeners alike and covers everything formrootstocks and their propagation to methods of grafting, shoot guides, tools and accessories forgrafting projects, and well-designed grafts. A 'must' for any serious botanist or gardener whowants to learn the basics of grafting.

Straw Bale Gardens
Joel Karsten
Cool Springs Press
c/o Quayside Publishing Group
400 First Avenue North, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55401-1721
9781591865506, $19.99, www.coolspringspress.com

STRAW BALE GARDENS: THE BREAKTHROUGH METHOD FOR GROWINGVEGETABLES ANYWHERE, EARLIER AND WITH NO WEEDING tells how to get highyields from straw bale gardens which require no soil and don't require weeding. Such gardens canbe conventional or 100% organic, they can go on balconies and driveways as well as traditionalgarden plots, and they provide high yields. Fewer pests are also a bonus. Any gardener will findthis a fine alternative approach solving many common garden problems.

Growing Organic Orchard Fruits
Danny L. Barney
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCA Way
North Adams, MA 01247
9781603425704, $24.95, www.storey.com

Growing Organic Orchard Fruits provides all the grower's tips and business basics needed togrow organic fruit, and is directed to both newcomers in organic fruit farming and those whohave grown organic but want to market it. From choosing specific pome and stone fruits to siteselection, watering systems, organic disease control, and developing a marketing plan to sellproducts, this is a solid pick and a 'must' for any organic farmer and for any involved insmall-time production who want to move into marketing and profiting from organictechniques.

The Education Shelf

Focused Observations, second edition
Gaye Gronlund and Marlyn James
Redleaf Press
10 Yorkton Court, St. Paul, MN 55117-1065
9781605541068, $69.95, www.redleafpress.org

The second updated edition of Focused Observations: How to Observe Young Children forAssessment and Curriculum Planning provides an excellent update to a 2005 classic, explainingwhy and how observation is one of the best methods to get to know each child and customize acurriculum for them. This update reflects changes in assessment techniques and new earlylearning guidelines and offers a compendium of tested approaches to help educators teachthrough focused observation methods and documentation. It also holds an interactive CD-ROMof vignettes that help demonstrate these techniques. The result is a fine survey, highlyrecommended for any early education collection.

The Together Teacher
Maia Heyck-Merlin
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118138212, $22.95, www.josseybass.com

The Together Teacher: Plan Ahead, Get Organized, and Save Time offers teachers aninstructional on getting organized to become a better classroom teacher, and offers step-by-stepdirections for building good teaching habits and becoming more effective. Chapters discusseverything from downloading and customizing templates to reviewing classroom work stationsand routines, handling the common pitfalls of calendars, and understanding common humanbehaviors that thwart even the best organizational routine. The result is an excellent andsystematic review of the elements that lend to superior teaching systems, and will show all levelsof classroom teacher how to translate that system to a classroom's goals. Any educator shouldlook at this.

Assessment in Perspective
Clare Landrigan and Tammy Mulligan
Stenhouse Publishers
477 Congress Street, Suite 4B
Portland, ME 04101-3451
9781571109644, $22.00, www.stenhouse.com

Assessment in Perspective moves beyond the usual statistical analysis to consider stories ofreaders and how teachers can use a variety of assessment types to uncover reader strengths andweaknesses. It provides a framework for analyzing different assessment strategies, offersinformation on the analysis process from types of tools to blending assessment approaches, andconsiders how assessment information can be applied to modify instruction. The result is apowerful survey highly recommended for any teacher concerned about assessment practices andtheir classroom applications.

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children
Glen Dunlap, Ph.D, et.al.
Brookes Publishing Company
PO Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624
9781598572506, $39.95, www.brookespublishing.com

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce for Young Children: The Early Childhood Model of IndividualizedPositive Behavior Support is accompanied by a CD-ROM and provides a research-proven,family-centered approach developed by top behavior experts who show early learning teachersand adults how to address challenging behaviors of preschoolers. From preventing behaviorproblems and reinforcing positive behavior to teaching social skills, this uses the research gainedfrom applied behavior analysis and positive behavior support to help adults resolve challengingbehavior patterns and help kids and families alike. Assessment strategies, interventiontechniques, and more are outlined in a workbook that includes a CD-ROM of planning forms andworksheets for early childhood programs, making this a top pick for teachers and administrationsalike.

The Social Issues Shelf

Any Way You Slice It
Stan Cox
The New Press
38 Green Street, 4th floor, New York, NY 10013
9781595588098, $26.95, www.thenewpress.com

ANY WAY YOU SLICE IT: THE PAST, PRESENT, AND THE FUTURE OF RATIONINGconsiders the rationing of resources and examines how price-based rationing worldwide hasadversely affected communities who find the pipeline of supply and demand controlled bymega-corporations and big business. Discussions of how demand is created, manipulated, andhow products are denied to raise prices makes for a powerful survey that considers the rationingand distribution of resources and the allocation of goods. The result is a powerful social historyrecommended for business and social sciences libraries alike.

Public Health and Social Justice
Martin T. Donahoe, Editor
c/o Wiley Professional Trade Group
111 River Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774
9781118088142, www.josseybass.com

Public Health and Social Justice provides college-level audiences studying health or socialscience with a fine compendium of the best works analyzing relationships between public healthand social justice, and offers students, public health professionals, and researchers an excellentoverview of the issues of social justice in medicine. From essays on incarceration and healthprofessional responses to the motivates of medical schools and healthcare organizations,prejudice in the medical profession, and assessing population health, this is packed withdiscussions that link public health to social concerns, and offers many opportunities for debateand discussion.

Social Theory
Charles Lemert, Editor
Westview Press
2465 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
9780813346687, $59.00, www.westviewpress.com

SOCIAL THEORY: THE MULTICULTURAL, GLOBAL, AND CLASSIC READINGSappears in an updated 20th anniversary edition and has been thoroughly revised and updated toinclude a new preface examining the book's history and new developments in social theory overthe past twenty years, six updated contextual introductions and 116 brief biographical essays byeditor Charles Lemert, and new material throughout to discuss different topics from mobiletechnologies to the dilemmas of moral man operating in an immoral society. The result is apowerful collection highly recommended for any college-level library strong in social theory andsocial issues.

Donald T. Critchlow & W.J. Rorabaugh
ISI Books
3901 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE 19807-1938
1610170598, $29.95, www.isibooks.org

TAKEOVER: HOW THE LEFT'S QUEST FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE CORRUPTEDLIBERALISM comes from two historians who consider how liberals got to be liberals - andprobes the underlying flaws in the popular argument that modern liberalism continues theprogressive attitude Woodrow Wilson fostered decades ago. It offers a revisionist history theliberal politics and how the break between traditional and modern liberalism began in the 1960swhen activists infiltrated the establishment. No matter what side of the political spectrum you'reon, this blends political with social analysis in a fascinating survey recommended forcollege-level collections strong in either discipline.

Other People's Money
Charles V. Bagli
c/o Penguin Group USA
375 Hudson Street, 3rd floor
New York, NY 10014-3657
9780525952657, $28.95, www.penguin.com

OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY: INSIDE THE HOUSING CRISIS AND THE DEMISE OF THEGREATEST REAL ESTATE DEAL EVER MADE is about greed and Wall Street's involvementwith real estate, charting the biggest real estate deal in the country which happened in 2006 andinvolved a 5.4 billion dollar middle class housing complex on 80 acres in New York City. Thepartners' business plan proved wrong - and in the course of financial havoc the lives of some25,000 tenants were affected, hundreds of millions of dollars were spent, and the partnersultimately defaulted on their loans. The story of Stuyvesant Town is a powerful account of realestate failure and a financial boondoggle that affected many lives: this survey includes analysis ofthe housing crisis and its influences, and is key to understanding real estate and financialconnections in America as a whole. No social issues or political studies collection should bewithout this in-depth expose.

The Fight to Save Juarez
Ricardo C. Ainslie
University of Texas Press
PO Box 7819, Austin, TX 78713-7819
9780292738904, $25.00, www.utexaspress.com

The Fight to Save Juarez: Life in the Heart of Mexico's Drug War documents a drug battle thathas the city of Juarez at its center - a war that has claimed nearly 60,000 lives since 2007. Over aquarter of federal forces deployed were sent to Juarez, and this title comes from an author whowent to Juarez to try to understand the brutality and violence over drugs in that city. The lives offour people who experienced the war from outside and in - from Mayor Ferriz to a human rightsactivist - are used to outline the key issues, while accompanying interviews with top Mexicangovernment strategists lends to a gripping saga recommended for any college-level holdingstrong in Mexican politics and social issues.

Impediments to the Prevention and Intervention of Genocide
Samuel Totten, Editor
Transaction Publishers
10 Corporate Place South, Piscataway, NJ 08854
9781412849432, $49.95, www.transactionpub.com

Impediments to the Prevention and Intervention of Genocide: A Critical Bibliographic ReviewVolume 9 packs in references on the topic of world genocide incidents and prevention and is apick for any college-level collection strong in world politics and social issues. Its analysisconsiders some of the stumbling blocks to prevention, examining the politics, psychology anddata available on genocide violence and considering the impact of global arms trade on genocideand how some UN efforts actual impede progress. It's edited by a college professor in genocideeducation and provides a strong analysis of major international and national efforts and thoughtprocesses. Any collection strong in genocide studies will find this a 'must' reference gathering thelatest research and thinking on the topic.

Cows Save the Planet
Judith D. Schwartz
Chelsea Green Publishing Company
85 North Main Street, Suite 120
White River Junction, VT 05001
9781603584326, $17.95, www.chelseagreen.com

Cows Save the Planet and Other Improbable Ways of Restoring Soil to Heal the Earth discussesbiodiversity and restoring nutrients to our food, and comes from a journalist who looks at soil asa basic foundation for many ecological concerns and issues. Scientists, institutionalwhistleblowers, and others are tapped in a discussion that reveals how many environmentalissues are caused by how we treat the soil. In narrowing the discussion to soil management ingeneral and cows in particular, this presents a startling alternative viewpoint - that cows can helprestore land and build soil - and is a 'must' for any environmental studies collection.

Nuclear War and Environmental Catastrophe
Noam Chomsky and Laray Polk
Seven Stories Press
140 Watts Street, New York, NY 10013
9781609804541, $13.95, www.sevenstories.com

Nuclear War and Environmental Catastrophe offers up a set of conversations between NoamChomsky and writer Laray Polk about the social, political and environmental issues affecting ourcountry, and represents discussions that took place between 2010 and 2012, published here forthe first time. In them Chomsky speaks about different kinds of environmental impact, fromglobal warming to the demise of agricultural lands, and includes discussion of nationalstockpiling of nuclear weaponry for defense and expanding arsenals world-wide. The result is apowerful series of discussions recommended for any political or social issues collection;especially those seeking fodder for classroom discussion and debate.

The Music Shelf

Springsteen on Springsteen
Jeff Burger, Editor
Chicago Review Press
814 North Franklin Street, Chicago, IL 60610
9781613744345, $27.95, www.chicagoreviewpress.com

Springsteen on Springsteen: Interviews, Speeches, and Encounters is an excellent collection ofthe interviews given by Springsteen, editing nearly forty decades of assembled interviews,speeches and insights from Springsteen's own words and providing fans with reflections blendedwith autobiographical insights. These interviews come from a range of sources, from those withwell-known media figures to different print and radio programs. There are numerous biographiesof Springsteen on the market; but having a diverse collection spanning decades of his own wordslends a personal touch to his revelations that simply can't be equaled.

Pride & Glory: The Rockers' Jacket
Horst A. Friedrichs
Daab Media
Scheidtweilerstr. 69, 50933 Cologne, Germany
9783942597203, $145.00, www.daab-online.com

Pride & Glory: The Rockers' Jacket is a weighty, oversized photographic celebration of rockmusic and is a solid pick for a range of holdings, from avid music fans to fashion designers andphotographic collections. It offers a survey packed with images of the rocker icon, the leatherjacket, and includes jackets never seen before as well as contemporary replicas. In narrowing thefocus to jackets of rockers, this provides a musical focus that blends art with history andcelebrates one of the unheralded icons of the rock music world. Photography author Horst A.Friedrichs has focused his camera on rock icons before: this collection is an outstanding pick forany who would consider rock clothing's evolution and importance to the genre.

High Notes & Low
Ray W. Moore
Amadeus Press
c/o Hal Leonard Performing Arts Publishing Group
19 West 21st Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10010
9781574672404, $12.99, www.amadeuspress.com

High Notes & Low: 300 and a Few More Whimsical Anecdotes Concerning Music andMusicians gathers unusual stories about classic music and musicians and directs these facts toaudiences not necessarily versed in classical music culture. From composers and critics tocompositions, this is for any interested in the world of the classical musician - which can beunexpectedly zany as well as a serious pursuit! A camel onstage for an opera performance, forexample?? Read all about it!

Cool Jobs in the Music Business!
Jeffrey Rabhan
InTune Books
c/o Hal Leonard Performing Arts Publishing Group
19 West 21st Street, Suite 201
New York, NY 10010
9781458420961, $19.99, www.intunemonthly.com

Cool Jobs in the Music Business is recommended for any who would understand therapidly-changing music industry and its opportunities, and uses the author's own experienceguiding the careers of musicians to explain career paths in the volatile music business. Interviewswith top business executives, artists and studio professionals enhance his background andprovide solid keys and recommendations for breaking into the music business. From educationpaths to specific kinds of jobs that outline preparations that begin as early as high school throughcollege education to understanding the functions of sales, promotion and studio personnel, thisidentifies all the musician and support staff roles an aspiring employee could aim for, and is asolid pick for business and music collections alike.

The Great Jazz Guitarists
Scott Yanow
Backbeat Books
c/o Hal Leonard Performing Arts Publishing Group
33 Plymouth Street, Suite 302
Montclair, NJ 07042-2677
9781617130236, $24.99, www.backbeatbooks.com

The Great Jazz Guitarists: The Ultimate Guide provides a fine collection pairing biographieswith jazz history and criticism, using decades of the author's background in jazz writing andcriticism to create hundreds of reviews and discographies for every major and many a minor jazzguitar player. Many profiles feature the guitarists telling their own stories in their own words, andrepresent interviews and recollections unique to this book. No authoritative jazz history holdingshould be without this powerful survey!

The Audiobook Shelf

12th of Never
James Patterson & Maxine Paetro
Hachette Audio
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9781611130324, $34.98, www.hachetteaudio.com

12th of Never provides a satisfying new Women's Murder Club novel unabridged in 6 CDs, pairsthis with a smooth and vivid reading by January LaVoy, a New York-based voice and stageactress who has extensive theatre credits to her name, and brings to life the story of one detectiveLindsay Boxer, in labor while facing the most dangerous killers of her career. A gripping sagapacked with murders, twists and turns and high drama will keep readers listening to the end,backed by the full power of an exceptional audio listen.

Let the Dead Sleep
Heather Graham
Brilliance Audio
PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417
9781469221373, $32.99, www.brillianceaudio.com

LET THE DEAD SLEEP provides a satisfying Cafferty and Quinn novel, is performed byNatalie Ross who lends a passionate, clear voice to the saga, and tells of an object stolen from aNew Orleans grave: a bust of an evil man. Collectors and evil people desire it, so when it showsup at an antiques shop, Danni finds herself involved in a deadly inheritance whose legacyincludes murder and danger. It's not an antique: it's an evil that she must banish in this grippingthriller, recommended for any audio novel collection.

The Stranger
Camilla Lackberg
Highbridge Audio Books
201 Sixth Street SE, Suite 220
Minneapolis, MN 55414
9781611746266, $36.95, www.highbridgeaudio.com

THE STRANGER receives an excellent narration by Simon Vance, whose smooth voice bringsto life a mystery revolving around a tragic car crash and a woman killed who never drank, butwhose blood contains high alcohol levels. When a drunken party ends with a murder, DetectivePatrik Hedstrom finds himself involved in two seemingly different cases - one of which may belinked to the other. A powerful saga of investigative prowess emerges in a gripping story thatsprings to life under the voice of Vance and in an audio drama that just won't quit.

Manuscript Found in Accra
Paul Coelho
Random House Audio Books
c/o The Random House Publishing Group
1745 Broadway, 5th floor, New York, NY 10019
9780385367783, $20.00, www.randomhouseaudio.com

Manuscript Found in Accra receives a fine reading by Jeremy Irons, an award-winning film, TVand stage actor, whose dramatic voice lends to the story of connections between past and presentwhere a mysterious man known as the Copt gives people courage in hard times. Centuries laterhis answers to their questions provide a record of human values - and this details those values,hopes, and fears in an inspirational pick for any audio listener.

Edith Hamilton
Little, Brown & Company
c/o Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9781611135121, $24.98, www.littlebrown.com

Suzanne Toren narrates the fine best-seller MYTHOLOGY, which originally appeared in print in1942 and brought to life Greek, Roman, and Norse legends of gods and myths that have formedthe cornerstone of Western civilization and legend. The book itself was a powerful creation,synthesizing and providing the best of classic myths to a general-interest audience, but in thisaudio version it positively shines, under the deft voice of Suzanne Toren who provides apowerful reading. The result is an exceptional survey highly recommended for any generalcollection.

Man Up!
Ross Mathews
Hachette Audio
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017-0010
9781619696327, $24.98, www.hachetteaudio.com

Man Up! is a powerful audiobook autobiography that considers the author's dream of working intelevision in Hollywood, and traces the evolution of his career with a healthy dose of humor andinsight. From his small-town origins to his move to the big city, life lessons learned along theway take the form of pleasing, fun vignettes that are sweeping and involving. How he turned anobsession with pop culture into a career that involved interactions with celebrity figures makesfor engrossing listening, highly recommended for any audio collection.

The Military Shelf

Roman Legionary AD 69-161
Ross Cowan
Osprey Publishing
4301 21st St, Suite 220B
Long Island City, NY 11101
9781780965871, $18.95, www.ospreypublishing.com

Roman Legionary AD 69-161 considers the Roman forces that changed during this period, whenItalians were almost entirely replaced by local recruits from Germans to Africans and Syrians.Despite the changing of the guard, they remained legionnaires in all senses of the word, valuinghonor, competition, and courage above all and engaging in battles and campaigns that forgedtheir reputation around the world. Archaeological relics blend with other color illustrations toaccompany a detailed discussion of centurions and legionnaires, discussing cavalrymen and footsoldiers alike in a pick recommended for any early military history holding.

Dirty Wars
Jeremy Scahill
Nation Books
116 East 16th Street, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10003
9781568586717, $29.99, www.nationbooks.com

DIRTY WARS: THE WORLD IS A BATTLEFIELD interviews veterans of multiple SpecialOps processes and considers the contention that "The world is a battlefield and we are at war.Therefore the military can go wherever they please and do whatever it is that they want to do." Itconsiders how this basic concept evolved from the Bush administration, continues to the present,and how the global war on terror has turned the world into a battlefield. Sources in the UScounterterrorism community, unembedded reporters, and discussions with military personnel gobehind the scenes in America's world wars to argue that a dangerous concept of military might ischanging the face of world battles. Military collections will find this eye-opening.

The United States Military in Limited War
Kevin Dougherty
McFarland & Company
PO Box 611, Jefferson NC 28640
9780786472314, $40.00, www.mcfarlandpub.com

The United States Military in Limited War: Case Studies in Success and Failure, 1945-1999provides a bibliographic collection of insights into four successful limited wars - the Greek CivilWar, Lebanon, the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua/Honduras) and four failed ones (Vietnam,Beirut, Somalia and Haiti) to consider the underlying principles of OOTW style warfare andwhether it is successful. That there is a positive correlation between adherence to the principlesand an operation's outcome makes this a 'must have' reference for any military collection, packedwith key references and writings.

The Fiction Shelf

Maya's Notebook
Isabel Allende
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299
9780062105622, $27.99, www.harpercollins.com

Maya's Notebook features a teen narrator raised by a paternal grandmother and an Americanstep-grandfather in Berkeley, where she forms a special bond with Popo, her loving astronomygrandfather professor who acts as a father figure to her. So when he dies, sixteen-year-old Mayabecomes involved in drugs, petty crimes, and eventually becomes a fugitive. Her insights andexperiences are related in a journal she writes from the safe haven of a small island off Chile. Cutoff from cell phones and, largely, civilization, Maya becomes involved in the politics of Chile, afamily secret, and eventually a path that leads her away from self-destruction. A powerful,moving memoir novel, this is a strong pick for any general lending library.

Life After Life
Kate Atkinson
Little, Brown & Company
c/o Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017
9780316176484, $27.99, www.reaganarthurbooks.com

LIFE AFTER LIFE is a powerful novel centering on choices, impacts, rebirth and changes, andtells of one Ursula Todd, who is born, lives, and dies repeatedly. She repeats patterns over andover - is she meant for a greater purpose, or will one of her choices led her to change historyoutside of her own? This is a powerful, moving saga that deftly handles the reincarnationexperience without losing readers, and that personalizes the ideas of choice, influence, andrebirth. It's a striking story that offers many complex twists and turns: as Ursula searches for hertrue path and life's meaning, she so carries the reader to an unexpected, vivid conclusion.

The Ashford Affair
Lauren Willig
St. Martin's Press
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010
9781250014498, $24.99, www.stmartins.com

THE ASHFORD AFFAIR is a recommendation for any collection strong in historical novels,offers an epic story that moves from World War I England to modern New York, and tells ofClementine Evans, a Manhattan lawyer who has achieved many of her life goals - but who has afailed love life as a result of her career aspirations. A family gathering reveals a long-lost familysecret and Clemmie is prompted to unravel the mystery surrounding her beloved grandmother'slife - in the process, uncovering a world that still holds clues to her own values and life. Highlyrecommended for any fan of novels.

The Mystery/Suspense Shelf

Braking Points
Tammy Kaehler
Poisoned Pen Press
6962 E. First Ave., #103, Scottsdale, AZ 85251
9781464200991, $24.95, www.poisonedpenpress.com

BRAKING POINTS provides a fine new Kate Reilly racing mystery that tells of a former femaleracer who wrecks her racecar, loses her temper on camera, and finds her boyfriend has beencheating on her with a friend - a dead friend. Now she's become the target of hate mail and evendeath threats - and her friend's killer is not only still free, but has Kate in his sights. Emotionalstruggles blend with racecar atmosphere to create a compelling mystery recommended for anymystery shelf.

Silken Prey
John Sandford
G.P. Putnam's Sons
c/o Penguin Group USA
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780399159312, $27.95, www.penguin.com

Silken Prey offers a thriller that's a satisfying sequel to last year's Stolen Prey, and tells ofindependently wealthy Lucas Davenport, a copy who uses his detective work as a sideline job tohis investments. He's only brought in to solve the most difficult cases - and he has his hands fullwhen days before an election a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate is charged with havingchild p*rnography on his computer. Davenport is called upon to solve the allegations - anduncovers a dangerous trail that leads back to the Minneapolis police department. A powerfulinvestigation emerges, packed with the same satisfying twists and turns of plot that fans of StolenPrey enjoyed.

Murder in Chelsea
Victoria Thompson
Berkeley Prime Crime
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780425260418, $25.95, www.penguin.com

MURDER IN CHELSEA provides a fine new Gaslight Mystery story for newcomers and oldfans of the series, telling of Sarah, who faces pain and problems when a woman inquires aboutthe abandoned child she's taken as her daughter. When the woman is found murdered, Sarah andSergeant Frank Malloy find themselves on a journey throughout New York to find the killer andget at the bottom of a crisis revolving around identity and danger, creating a satisfying series oftwists and turns that prove hard to put down.

Angora Alibi
Sally Goldenbaum
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780451415349, $24.95, www.penguin.com

ANGORA ALIBI: A SEASIDE KNITTER'S MYSTERY provides a satisfying new mystery inthe series and revolves around yarn shop owner Izzy and her husband, who are looking forwardto a new baby until premonitions of disaster lead to murder. Izzy finds out the murder isconnected to an abandoned car seat she found - and soon she and the Seaside Knitters are caughtup in a puzzler that blends twisted yarns with too-real threats. An absorbing pick for any mysterycollection, this is packed with satisfying twists and turns of plot.

Mickey Hammer: Complex 90
Mickey Spillane and Max Allan Collins
Titan Books
144 Southwark Street, London SE1 OUP, UK
9780857684660, $25.99, www.titanbooks.com

Mickey Hammer: Complex 90 is Spillane's lost Mike Hammer Cold War novel, completed by hisfriend and literary executor Max Allan Collins and presented here in print for the first time. Assuch, it's a top reference for any collection seeing popularity with Spillane's writings in generaland the Mike Hammer protagonist in particular. Here Hammer accompanies a conservativepolitician to Moscow on a fact-finding mission, is arrested by the KGB on a bogus charge, andbecomes involved in a fire fight with Russian agents when he escapes. International intrigue andSoviet politics mingle in a satisfying thriller packed with international espionage and powerfulencounters.

The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf

Magician's End
Raymond E. Feist
Harper Voyageur
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299
9780061468438, $29.99, www.harpervoyageurbooks.com

MAGICIAN'S END provides Book Three in the 'Chaoswar Saga' and is a recommendation forcollections seeing popularity with the prior Feist titles in the series. Since there's strong, ongoinginterest in the science fiction community in Feist titles, just about every genre holding will wantthis account concluding the epic story of Pug the Magician. Here Pug is the greatest magician ofall time - and must risk his reputation and talent to finally defeat an evil enemy and bring peaceto the land - even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice. Satisfying twists and turns make thisan epic saga not to be missed.

Fall of Night
Rachel Caine
New American Library
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780451414250, $17.99, www.amazon.com

FALL OF NIGHT joins others in The Morganville Vampires series and provides a novel directedto teens, but reviewed here for its interest to many an adult reader fascinated by vampire sagas.It's the next book in Caine's bestselling series and follows Claire's new life at MIT, where she'sescaped the vampire world of Morganville and is involved in work on a machine designed tocancel the mental abilities of vampires. But tests on live subjects result in unexpected dangersand challenges - to the point that Claire must wonder if she's really succeeded in escaping fromMorganville at all. A funny, absorbing plot and a spunky heroine make this a winner, even fornewcomers.

Nebula Awards Showcase 2013
Catherine Asaro, Editor
59 John Glenn Drive
Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781616147839, $18.00, www.pyrsf.com

Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 gathers another powerful, annually-issued collection of NebulaAwards winners and is a fine collection of works gathered by an author who is herself a two-timeNebula Award winner. This volume features winners of the Andrew Norton, Solstice and otherawards besides the Nebula winners, and includes works from Connie Willis, Kij Johnson andmore. This also features additional stories, essays and poems; so it goes beyond Nebulas toexplore new worlds. Any who love science fiction will relish this outstanding collection oftop-rated writers and their works.

Star Trek: Into Darkness
Alan Dean Foster
Gallery Books
c/o Simon and Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, 14th fl.
New York, NY 10020
9781476716480, $16.00, www.simonandschuster.com

STAR TREK: INTO DARKNESS is published to coincide with the movie blockbuster hit andoffers the official tie-in novelization of the sequel to the 2009 winning film. The setting ismonths after the events of the 2009 show, when the young and new crew of the Enterprise arecalled back home, only to find Starfleet is being attacked and Earth is in crisis. Kirk faces hisfirst major challenges as captain as he must enter a war zone to capture a weapon of massdestruction. The novelization is powerful and compelling, and a satisfying adjunct to a moviesure to be another big hit.

Tales of Majipoor
Robert Silverberg
ROC Books
c/o Penguin Group (USA)
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780451464989, $16.00, www.penguin.com

Tales of Majipoor offers short fiction all set in the world of Majipoor that have appeared over thecourse of a decade, with the oldest published in 1998 and the most recent in 2011. Any fan of theseries that has enjoyed scattered stories about the planet will find this gathers all of them in onevolume: seven stories that detail thousands of years of Majipoor experience. The stories havebeen arranged in chronological order to cover the history of Majipoor and events in the life ofLord Valentine. Any prior fan of Majipoor plus newcomers who want to tackle the tales in alogical progression will find this a fine choice.

Eight Million Gods
Wen Spencer
Baen Books
PO Box 1188, Wake Forest NC 27588
9781451638981, $25.00, www.baen.com

Eight Million Gods tells of one Nikki, a horror novelist whose creations are coming to life, andwhose career is dictated by a disorder that compels her to write stories of death and destruction.She can't control it - but can use it to make money anywhere. When the police arrest her formurder, Nikki discovers reality itself is beginning to unwind all around her - and she may be thecause. Her novels always end with everyone dead; can she thwart the forces that dictate her owndemise? A fast-paced, unpredictable fantasy evolves, perfect for any science fiction or murdermystery collection.

The Women's Studies Shelf

The Birth of Chinese Feminism
Lydia H. Liu, et.al., Editors
Columbia University Press
61 West 62nd Street
New York, NY 10023-7015
9780231162913, $29.50, www.cup.columbia.edu

The Birth of Chinese Feminism: Essential Texts in Transnational Theory provides college-levelwomen's studies readers with a specific and powerful analysis of Chinese culture and feminism,gathering key works by He-Yin Zhen which have been translated for Western readers. Debatesabout equality, hierarchy and justice provide the first translation and study of Zhen, who was acentral figure in the birth of Chinese feminism, and adds an overview of early 20th centuryChinese feminist thinking through works by two better-known males of her time. Thepresentation of Zhen's essays and the key writings by her male contemporaries makes for apowerful discussion highly recommended for college-level Chinese culture and women's studiescollections alike.

The Political Science Shelf

Most Likely to Secede
Ron Miller and Rob Williams, Editors
Vermont Independence Press
PO Box 1121, Waitsfield, Republic of Vermont 05673
9781603585026, $19.95, www.vermontindependencepress.com

Most Likely to Secede: What the Vermont Independence Movement Can Teach Us AboutReclaiming Community and Creating a Human-Scale Vision for the 20th Century provides avisionary focus on the political and economy decay of the country - and chronicles a group ofactivists and scholars who explore relocalized methods of meeting basic needs for food, energyand business. It advocates community-building strategies that reject big government and big,dysfunctional institutions, argues that these institutions can't cope with the coming crisis broughtabout by climate change and global economic collapse, and provides a strategy based on theexperiences of Vermont citizens and their local and regional efforts towards greater self-reliance.Any interested in political and social change must consider this specific discussion.

Andrew J. Taylor
Westview Press
2465 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301
9780813345727, $37.00, www.westviewpress.com

CONGRESS provides a fine survey of Congress's makeup, actions and politics and considers notonly Congress's impact and role in the American political system, but how it accomplishes takesfor better or for worse. From what aspirations should be used in judging Congressionaleffectiveness to how a good legislature should operate and how it affects the world, this provideshigh school to college-level audiences with a fine assessment and analysis perfect forunderstanding Congress and its actions.

Inside Bush V. Gore
Charley Wells
University Press of Florida
University of Florida
15 Northwest 15th Street
Gainesville, FL 32611-2079
9780813044750, $24.95, www.upf.com

INSIDE BUSH V. GORE provides the presidential election results from the perspective of theFlorida Supreme Court Chief Justice who stood at the center of a controversial political stormrevolving around hanging chads and accusations of misconduct, and is a pick for any collectionstrong in political studies and presidential history. It provides a legal analysis of Bush v. Gore atthe state and federal levels coupled with an insider's view of judicial relationships and electionlaws, following the democratic process with a strong eye to explaining systems flaws andstrengths alike. Any political studies collection will find this a fine pick!

The Body Economic
David Stuckler, MPH, PHD and Sanjay Basu, MD, PhD
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
9780465063967, $26.99, www.basicbooks.com

THE BODY ECONOMIC: WHY AUSTERITY KILLS: RECESSIONS, BUDGET BATTLES,AND THE POLITICS OF LIFE AND DEATH argues that austerity practices come with a pricein human lives, and is based on over a decade of research examining the influence ofgovernmental policy decisions on health and social issues. Chapters document public healthproblems and then provide ideas for smarter policy choices that can lend to economic growthwithout human sacrifice. Considerations of fiscal policies around the world uses health data fromdozens of countries and provides a powerful consideration recommended for health and politicalstudies holdings alike.

Front Row Seat
Eric Draper
University of Texas Press
PO Box 7819, Austin, TX 78713-7819
9780292745476, $50.00, www.utexas.edu/utpress

Front Row Seat: A Photographic Portrait of the Presidency of George W. Bush provides aphotographic review of Bush's presidency from the lens of photographer author Eric Draper, whoprovides readers with a powerful survey documenting moments of crisis and personal familytimes alike - basically, all facets of serving as President in the White House. Chapters packedwith color images come from Draper's role as White House photographer, offering rarely seenimages of inner sanctum operations in general and the Bush presidency in particular. It's acombination of photographic prowess on the part of Draper and the subject of his lens whichmakes such a winning combination: any political studies collection and most photographylibraries will want this oversized coffee table style portrait, which is so much more than acapturing of Bush highlights.

The Metaphysical Studies Shelf

Monster Files
Nick Redfern
New Page Books
c/o Career Press Inc.
220 West Parkway, Unit 12
Pompton Plains, NJ 07444
9781601632630, $15.99, www.newpagebooks.com

MONSTER FILES provides a fine examination blending a conspiracy theory with aconsideration of paranormal events and monsters around the world, and offers new agecollections an intriguing survey that maintains monsters do exist - and governments know aboutthem. It documents bizarre beasts around the planet, supports the idea that their presence amongus has been discounted by scientists paid to refute known facts, and considers a range of relatedtopics, from how cataclysmic events have affected these creatures to why governments have beeninvolved in hiding the truth. Any new age reader will find this a solid analysis - and a livelyread.

The New Science of Psychedelics
David Jay Brown
Park Street Press
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781594774928, $18.95, www.parkstpress.com

The New Science of Psychedelics: At the Nexus of Culture, Consciousness, and Spiritualityshares insights on the connection between psychedelics and spirituality, offering keys tounderstanding stemming from the author's discussions with Edgar Mitchell, Deepak Chopra,Andrew Weil, and more. This considers how psychedelic drugs promote creativity and theevolution of consciousness, explaining how these drugs are actually messengers from the plantworld designed to help humans elevate awareness. New age collections will find this an inspiringsurvey of what psychedelics can teach us about the world and systems beyond our world.

African Temples of the Anunnaki
Michael Tellinger
Bear & Company
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781591431503, $25.00, www.bearandcompanybooks.com

African Temples of the Anunnaki: The Lost Technologies of the Gold Mines of Enki provides afine survey packed with over 250 original color photos as it documents thousands of relics andruins from prehistory and how these 200,000-year-old sites from around the world perfectlymatch Sumerian descriptions of Abzu and their gold-mining operations. Scientist and researcherMichael Tellinger uses aerial photos to document the road complexes that represent the remainsof an advanced technology that carved long tunnels into the Earth in search of gold, and it coversurban areas larger than modern Los Angeles. Any new age and many a science library will findhis an outstanding documentation.

The Antiques/Collectibles Shelf

A Guide Book of United States Coins 2014
R.S. Yeoman
Whitman Publishing
4001 Helton Drive
Florence, Alabama, 35630
978079841805, $14.95, www.whitman.com

A Guide Book of United States Coins 2014 appears in its 67th updated edition to provide coincollectors with the latest values and facts about collecting U.S. coins. Good close-up, coin-sizedphotos accompany valuations and facts referring to mintage, with introductions discussing thedesign and history of special releases. The information within this Official Red Book doesn'tcome from one person; it comes from a range of professional coin dealers, collectors and otherswho lend their knowledge to each updated edition, representing a true community effort creatinga reference that is accurate and outstanding. Any who would identify their coins quickly will findthe full color, actual-sized and enlarged photos and attention to detail makes collecting asnap.

Plastic Jewelry, fifth edition
Lyngerda Kelly & Nancy Schiffer
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764343490, $19.99, www.schifferbooks.com

PLASTIC JEWELRY has been revised and expanded in this fifth updated edition, to include allnew prices and a history of plastic jewelry from the 1920s to modern times. From natural tosynthetic plastics and how plastic jewelry has evolved in fashion design to changing collectibleprices, this guide packs in a satisfying combination of history and insights into the trendsrevolving around plastic jewelry. Original designs and photos are paired with discussion ofmaterials, styles, and the latest prices. Collectors will be the most likely users of this guide, butfashion design students and any interested in fashion history will also find this compellingreading, suitable for use as a price guide reference and browser's history alike.

The Library DVD Shelf

The Life After Death Project
Richard Matheson, Whitley Streiber and Dannion Brinkley
Yellow Hat
9780981924496, $24.99, www.lifeafterdeathproject.com

The Life After Death Project provides an absorbing and lively documentary gathering scientificevidence for life after death, also providing a paranormal biography of one Forrest J. Ackerman,a Hollywood science fiction figure who won't rest in peace. Filmmaker Paul Davids majored inpsychology and has won numerous writing awards, moving to advanced film and TV productionand achieving success in many of his shows. Science and parapsychology investigations blend ina survey that documents how the deceased do talk with the living in a recommendation for anycollection strong in parapsychology.

Doctor Who: The Snowman
BBC America
7475 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite #1100
Bethesda, MD 20814
No ISBN, $14.98, www.bbcamerica.com

Doctor Who: The Snowman provides a fine single-episode of the TV special starring the latestDoctor Matt Smith and his sidekick Jenna-Louise Coleman. It's another Christmas setting, thistime involving diabolical snowmen brought to life, murderous intentions, and the efforts of oldfriends and new friends alike. Bonus features for this DVD include 'Clara's White Christmas' andother special behind-the-scenes coverages, plus two prequels. Any Doctor Who fan will find thiscaptivating and a 'must' acquisition.

The Science Shelf

The Turbulent Universe
Paul Kurtz
Prometheus Books
59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197
9781616147365, $20.00, www.prometheusbooks.com

The Turbulent Universe blends philosophy and science and represents the author's final work,which lays out the basic principles of an ethical approach applying moral choices to scientificdiscoveries. It proposes the development of a planetary ethics based on universal human rightsperceptions, free inquiry based on the scientific method, and an attitude that promotes respectbased on scientific discoveries about the universe and human nature. While this college-levelstudy straddles a fine line between philosophy and science, it's recommended for both collectionsas a fine discussion of mankind's place in a bigger picture.

Bootstrap Geologist
Gene Shinn
University Press of Florida
University of Florida
15 Northwest 15th Street
Gainesville, FL 32611-2079
9780813044361, $34.95, www.upf.com

BOOTSTRAP GEOLOGIST: MY LIFE IN SCIENCE comes from a renowned geologist whohas made major geological studies in his field. Though he lacked advanced degrees, his drive anddedication led him to receive the highest award given by the Society for Sedimentary Geology.This provides both an autobiographical coverage of his life and a survey of his discoveries andcontribution to the end. It follows him around the world as he makes career choices anddiscoveries, describes his life as a scientist, and focuses on the field work that made him famous.Any science collection will find this a lively, inspiring survey of what it means to be a scientistwithout a degree to the open doors of academic study.

Roadside Geology of New Jersey
David P. Harper
Mountain Press Publishing Company
PO Box 2399, Missoula, MT 59806
9780878426003, $24.00, www.mountain-press.com

Roadside Geology of New Jersey is for students of geology, visitors to and residents of NewJersey, and any interested in earth science in general and regional geologic history in particular. Itprovides an overview and introduction to New Jersey's history, provides 13 road guides designedfor travelers to the state who would observe these roadside attractions for themselves, and ispacked with discussions of mining, climate change, and accompanying environmental issuesaffecting New Jersey's geology. The result is a powerful and vivid discussion highlyrecommended for any collection strong in geology or New Jersey history - and for travelersplanning a visit to the area.

Entering the Mind of the Tracker
Tamarack Song
Bear & Company
c/o Inner Traditions International, Ltd.
One Park Street, Rochester, VT 05767
9781591431602, $18.00, www.bearandcompanybooks.com

Entering the Mind of the Tracker: Native Practices for Developing Intuitive Consciousness andDiscovering Hidden Nature will appeal across the board to a range of disciplines, from New Ageand Native American holdings to general spirituality and science collections; but it's reviewedhere because it's the science collection that will most likely overlook an exceptional title. Theauthor draws from years of experience surviving in the wild and living with a family of Wolvesto reveal insider's views of aboriginal tracking and how to expand awareness of nature. No naturecollection should be without this in-depth survey, which focuses on developing intuitive trackingtalents. From stories from the trail to applying tracking skills as a metaphor for conscious living,this is an outstanding survey highly recommended for any collection strong in natural history,new age readings, and Native practices, alike!

My Beloved Brontosaurus
Brian Switek
Farrar, Straus, Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
9780374135065, $26.00, www.fsgbooks.com

MY BELOVED BRONTOSAURUS: ON THE ROAD WITH OLD BONES, NEW SCIENCE,AND OUR FAVORITE DINOSAURS combines science and paleontology with a healthycombination of humor and wonder to offer the latest discoveries in paleontology. His chronicleexamines excavation sites, museum vaults, and research archives alike to provide a livelyaccount of what we know about dinosaurs in general and brontosaurus in particular, weavingobservation with an account of Brian Switek's own obsession with dinosaurs. A powerful accountof scientific discovery evolves, especially accessible to non-scientists!

Mad Science 2
Theodore Gray
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
151 West 19th Street, New York, NY 10011
9781579129323, $24.95, www.blackdogandleventhal.com

MAD SCIENCE 2: EXPERIMENTS YOU CAN DO AT HOME, BUT STILL PROBABLYSHOULDN'T follows on the author's big success with MAD SCIENCE and THE ELEMENTSand provides a collection of visually amazing experiments that illustrate scientific principles.These experiments go beyond his column in Popular Science to provide a new set of experimentsplus color photos, clear explanations of how he conducted each eye-popping experiment, andmore. From how to make cheap fake gold to creating phosphorus and getting the lead out ofchildren's toys, this is a powerful and fun collection enhanced with full-page color visualsthroughout, recommended for any lay reader interested in fun experimentation.

The Psychology Shelf

Surfaces and Essences
Douglas Hofstadter & Emmanuel Sander
Basic Books
c/o Perseus Books Group
11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142
9780465018475, $35.00, www.basicbooks.com

SURFACES AND ESSENCES: ANALOGY AS THE FUEL AND FIRE OF THINKING arguesthat analogies form the core of all thinking processes, with a succession of analogies building togive substance to a lifetime of brain activity. Analogies are the core processes our brains use tointerpret daily life, they occur many times per second, and they form pattern recognition andbuilding blocks for interpreting situations, making decisions, and learning new things. The resultis a powerful understanding of how the analogy lends to brain operations and how they contributeto the basics of being human. Any science or health library will find this filled with fascinatingdiscussion.

Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking
Daniel C. Dennett
W. W. Norton & Company
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
9780393082067, $28.95, www.wwnorton.com

Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking comes from a philosopher who decided to test afew chapters of his forthcoming book through a small seminar which avoided experts, gradstudents and philosophy majors in favor of the freshmen and non-expert. The results of thatexperiment are here, blending philosophical reflections and bite-sized vignettes with explorationsof 'intuition pumps': "little stories designed to prove a heartfelt, table-thumping intuition". Eachstory here offers such a pump, and analyzes the science and philosophy of the building blocks ofthought and reaction themselves. The result is a title recommended for philosophy, health, andscience and technology holdings alike: a lively survey of problem-solving and alternativethinking.

The Comix/Graphic Novel Shelf

Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year, 2013 Edition
Steve Kelley, Editor
Pelican Publishing Company
1000 Burmaster Street
Gretna, LA 70053-2246
9781455617760, $14.95, www.pelicanpub.com

The 2013 edition of Best Editorial Cartoons of the Year is packed with over four hundredprovocative editorial cartoons that satirize the major events of 2012, and is a pick for anypolitical and cartooning collection. Viewpoints range from conservative to liberal, come from thenation's best cartoonists, and comment on everything from politics to American culture. Theinclusion of editorial commentary cartoons on just about every major news item makes for a finecollection highly recommended for general lending libraries.

American Comic Book Chronicles: The 1980s
Keith Dallas
TwoMorrows Publishing
10407 Bedfordtown Drive, Raleigh, NC 27614
9781605490465, $41.95, www.twomorrows.com

American Comic Book Chronicles provides a colorful hardcover documentation of the 1980s,adding to a series that has offered volumes for the decades of comic book history beginning withthe 1940s and covering all details of comic history and artists during the Reagan years. Fromnotable comic lines and creators to trends that include the rise of Frank Miller and The DarkKnight series, this packs in color illustrations throughout with a detailed chronological account ofcomic book history perfect for any enthusiast of the genre and collections catering to them. Thereare other general comic history collections on the market, but by breaking the history intodecades and devoting a single volume to each decade period of time, this successfully providesoutstanding depth and detail not seen in single-volume overviews.

The Automotive Shelf

Pickups: A Love Story
Howard Zehr
Good Books
PO Box 419, Intercourse, PA 17534-0419
9781561487882, $24.95, www.goodbooks.com

Pickups: A Love Story packs in over 150 color photos from photographer/author Howard Zehr tocover a wide range of pickup trucks accompanying stories by their owners. Here is a truck lover'scelebration, covering everything from vintage and modern to junkers and show trucks, hot rodsand more. Many of the trucks featured have personal stories or reflect their owners' nature; othershave stories that go beyond the personal and relate to community experience or events. Pickuplovers range from urban to rural environments, and stories are often whimsical and fun - as in acat who likes to sit in the driver's seat and shift. A whimsical, fun and celebratory presentationmakes for a winner, here!

The Nautical Shelf

A Book of Voyages
Patrick O'Brian, Editor
W. W. Norton & Company
500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110
9780393089585, $25.95, www.wwnorton.com

A BOOK OF VOYAGES gathers Patrick O'Brien's beloved travel pieces in a collectionpreviously published only in England and here released for American audiences. Most accountshave been taken from the 17th and 18th centuries and hold writings largely unknown to ourtimes, thus offering cultural insights and accounts of worlds long gone to our modern times. Theresult is a collection powerful in its travelogue accounts, highly recommended for any nautical ortravel history holding.

The Crafts Shelf

Fabric Surface Design
Cheryl Rezendes
Storey Publishing
210 Mass MoCA Way
North Adams, MA 01247
9781603428118, $29.95, www.storey.com

Fabric Surface Design is for any who would design fabric for quilting and sewing purposes, anddemonstrates over 80 fabric-printing techniques using fabric crayons and different textile paints.From pillows to scarves and other clothing, this offers a range of ideas for creating prints, usingsilk screen and stencil, or using stamps. Crafters can either layer techniques or use themindividually, and color photos and sidebars of information make the entire process a snap toduplicate. The result is a solid coverage of batik, image transfer and just about any process thecrafter needs to know in order to create custom fabrics. Any crafts or needlework collection willfind it unique and essential.

Bead Meets Metal
Kay Rashka
Kalmbach Publishing Company
21027 Crossroads Circle, Waukesha, WI 53186
9780871164407, $21.95, www.kalmbachbooks.com

Bead Meets Metal: Easy Metalwork Techniques to Showcase Gemstone Beads and OtherTreasures covers all the basics of beginning metalwork for jewelers at all levels of expertise, andis a pick for any library strong in jewelry making techniques. Step-by-step color photos of theentire process accompany projects designed to teach jewelers how to blend beadwork intometalwork for maximum impact. The necklace, bracelet, earring and pendant projects aredesigned to teach different techniques key to success, and so are much more than a collection ofinspirations. There's lots of basic information, all tailored for novices with a minimum of priorbeadwork, metalwork or jewelry-making experience, making this a fine pick for any crafter'scollection.

The Theatre/Cinema Shelf

The Friedkin Connection
William Friedkin
c/o HarperCollins Publishers
10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299
9780061775123, $29.99, www.harpercollins.com

THE FRIEDKIN CONNECTION: A MEMOIR comes from an award-winning director who is anoted filmmaker, and who has fostered other young directors in a new direction. Hisautobiography covers his life and career, discussing his background, early influences, and the lifechanges which influenced not only his choice of careers, but the choices me made within them.Discussions reveal the inner workings of the film industry and consider the major movies thatmade his career notable. While general-interest libraries strong in biography and autobiographywill find this a compelling addition, it's the film collection that will want to consider THEFRIEDKIN CONNECTION a 'must' memoir, packed with insights and experiences in the filmindustry!

The Literary Studies Shelf

The Age of the Image
Stephen Apkon
Farrar Straus Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011
9780374102432, $26.00, www.fsgbooks.com

The Age of the Image: Redefining Literacy in a World of Screens begins with cave paintings andprovides a history that works up to Internet imagery as he considers connections between words,concepts and images and attaches the definition 'literacy' to mean all tools of communication; notjust the written word alone. It provides a penetrating probe into all the actions and effortsinvolved in conveying messages, offering a powerful re-definition of literacy and its applicationsin society. Highly recommended for any collection strong in literacy or the arts, The Age of theImage is a welcome, sweeping analysis.

The California Shelf

California Apricots
Robin Chapman
The History Press
645 Meeting Street, Suite 200
Charleston, SC 29403
9781609497958, $19.99, www.historypress.net

CALIFORNIA APRICOTS: THE LOST ORCHARDS OF SILICON VALLEY comes from aCalifornia author who recalls when the Santa Clara Valley (now 'Silicon Valley') was renownedas the largest apricot producer in the world. Her story of the region's growth, its lost orchards,and the history of apricot production and decline in California makes for a powerful story of boththe fruit and its evolution. This is a top recommendation for any collection strong in NorthernCalifornia history or agricultural review, but is even more widely recommended for any holdingstrong in regional American agricultural changes. Vintage black and white photos, personalreflection, and regional history makes this an unparalleled coverage, long overdue in charting thedecline of California's apricot industry. There's simply nothing like it in print.

California Mission Architecture
Jock M. Sewall, A.I.A.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd.
4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310
9780764342004, $75.00, www.schifferbooks.com

California Mission Architecture: A Survey and Sourcebook is packed with color photos on nearlyevery page of its oversized oblong presentation as it thoroughly covers the influences cultures,and trends of California mission architectural styles and how they have influenced Americanarchitecture as a whole. Chapters packed with elegant designs accompany a fine history thatdiscusses both general California and American architectural history and specific characteristicsof mission styles and different missions. From details on lighting fixtures, doorways and more toexamples of California influences, this specific architectural survey will appeal to a wide rangeof serious collections; from general architectural history holdings to those specifically concernedwith California history and mission evolution.

The Apple Orchard
Susan Wiggs
c/o Harlequin Books
225 Duncan Mill Road
Don Mills, Ontario, Canada, M3B 3K9
9780778314936, $24.95, www.harlequin.com

The Apple Orchard is first in a new series and is set in California's Sonoma County, where thestory explores family and friendship as a young woman expert in tracking down stolen heirloomsinvolves her in a puzzling case and a handsome banker, who informs Tess she stands to inherithalf of a hundred-acre apple orchard in Sonoma County. The other half will go to a half-sisterwho was previously unknown to Tess - and her investigative skills will reveal a family truth anda close-knit community that offers her an alternative to her life's choices. Powerful descriptionsof Sonoma County's riches lend to a realistic novel especially recommended for Californialibraries.

California Road Trip
Kevin McLain, et.al., Editors
Moon Handbooks
1700 - 4th Street, Berkeley, CA 94710
9781612381442, $19.99, www.moon.com

California Road Trip is a recommendation for any California travel collection and for anyplanning a road trip in the state, offering a series of itineraries for all areas of California withdetailed driving instructions telling where to drive, time frames, which highways to follow,alternate routes, and best places to stop. Daily itinerary suggestions offer a range of ideas fromshort get-aways to longer road trips, adding over forty maps to aid in the journey. A 'must' for anyCalifornia-bound traveler!

Los Angeles in Civil War Days, 1860-1865
John W. Robinson
University of Oklahoma Press
2800 Venture Drive, Norman, OK 73069
9780806143125, $19.95, www.oupress.com

Los Angeles in Civil War Days, 1860-1865 provides a welcome alternative to the few Civil Warfocuses on California that always seem to center around San Francisco in the North, providing afocus on the southern half of the state centered around Los Angeles. It uses modern reports andanalysis of historical documents to trace how the war came to Los Angeles, struggles between thepro-Southern forces and the Unionists, and the culture and concerns of early 1860s Los Angeles,still a developing town. Any who would understand California history must have this penetratingsurvey!

Tales of the Russian River: Stumptown Stories
John C. Schubert
The History Press
645 Meeting Street, Suite 200
Charleston, SC 29403
9781609496265, $19.99, www.historypress.net

Tales of the Russian River: Stumptown Stories should be in the collections of any NorthernCalifornia library, offering a collection of author John C. Schubert's 'Stumptown Stories' columnswhich use firsthand stories combined with research to trace the history of this California rivervalley. From the first train in the region (which ended its runs in 1935) to dance halls andlandmarks, Tales of the Russian River: Stumptown Stories packs its tales with vintage black andwhite photos of Guerneville, Monte Rio, Jenner, and more Russian River small towns and bergs.Any California history enthusiast will find this compelling reading.

James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief
Midwest Book Review
278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575-1129
phone: 1-608-835-7937
e-mail: mbr@execpc.com
e-mail: mwbookrevw@aol.com

Diane C. Donovan, Editor & Senior Reviewer
12424 Mill Street, Petaluma, CA 94952
phone: 1-707-795-4629
e-mail: donovan@sonic.net

Copyright ©2001

Site design by Williams Writing, Editing &Design

MBR: California Bookwatch, July 2013 (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.