The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)

I 1. 1 1. 1. 1. 1.

The 19.910 mil Gravesend 95th of 10 G. ROBERTS.BOMBAY, to from have not received your TOR pee the al. Portsmouth, with Brand. wround letter, as promised. I am at 19, North umberland street, Commander 000 ions bet in the India RS.

MARY BAKER, or her daughter, Mifor Maker, wha at and are freight or de AWN theft ADDREAS to MA I.leu8. Char- Charlottenhoff, near Potelar. In cane thee 1 00. 04. hill, friend should hare left England the -shore request le addressed to their Potatam.

July 1, calling at and one Cape lower stern cabin the YOUNG GENTLEMAN who came te the of Good the the and will entert Jay, leseine Glanster on the June, and quitted en the 3d the the f-stealtine. a and other articles of g. does not Immediately tons, helenging to COMMUNICATE with his frien-1 N. who has left letters for him H. man ter tying in the the and at No 63.

Haymarket, steps must which will at once make known his place of concealment and produce certain Fat and diegrace, which it la yet tire to avert. hill, or 8t. OST, on Thursday afternoon last, between JohnGravesend GLASS street, Whoever Minories, win and bring Mark- the lane, above to Mr. GOLD-MOUNTED Good, chy 47. CATCUTTA will direct, to sail from rtamouth, 1.30 the Minories, will revive TEN SHILLINGS REWARD.

F. HOPKINA Com. OST. on Thursday, June 29, at or near the In.tis ship his superior Brunswick Whoever Tavern, Black wall, a NIL. VER SNUFP BOX.

marked will bring the to No Fins. Cornhil, bury equare, shall receive a REWARD Of ONE POUND. Charine to and OST, on Wednceday evening, the 5th instant, CALCUTTA direct, to sail from Gravesend neighbourhood of the Surrey Theatre, a GOLD hurt memen al Porter the spic LEVER WATCH, douhie backed, No. 9.007 maker name, G. H.

MOS A ROUT, tons, me, 10, A place The name of Ellen on the back 0. WELLER, Commander lying of the waich. REWARD of THREE GUINEAS will he riven to for the person who returne it to the owner, at 14, Barkham terrace, 8t. For freight or 1 George's ros4, Southwark. 64.

Corphill, Corn or NiT Martin' TWO POUNDS BANK AL. POST BILL for 247, paralle to the order of Joseph Pierson, CALCUTTA direct, to sail from Port enouth, Gravesend the dated Pierson, 17, May. 1548, South Who*rer wark, will aball bring the recoire same the to abure Madame reTOR FREN. 1.400 tons, bel anging to ANDER This ship has RENNING, DRAYER Left in a cab, near the bing A Sunday, June 18, PURPLE VELVET Grindiar and Cared PRAYER HOOK. leather Whoever will bring shall the or to same to Brouk's Torrincion-place, Torrington equare, reTEN SHILLINGS calling Madras to land LOST, Friday -ONE morning, GUINEA mall KING CHARLES CALCUTTA, from 50th will the splendid SPANIEL, colour Black, White, and had on a collar with the name tres the earine la Green, of will London.

rarefre the Who*rer above will reward. bring it to 7, PITIE mmandere lyine ne in for the more emperi For freight. GUINKA from ne or of the 6th fly, BLACK Wink Seid VELVET place and Sunning STEEL hill, in the afternoon F. 1 64. Cornbill, taining of Gold mounted Spectacles! and a Cambrie Handkercot- the CAPK of GOOD HOPK, the PACKKT, Lon fat.

shall has racetre found the and shore will bring REWARD. the to 13, 1 FILLIAN SQUIRE, R. Commander, lying 08 day Poet. Ilas instant, room a for a lea re freight Graven end the 1585 tant. only.

HOUND, in a public-house, a PURSE, containing to and Line, 60. money ales a bunch of Keys. The owner on properly describing them and applying to Mr. Draper, solicit-r, 45, Vincent equara, West FOR the CAPK of GOOD Graresend HOPK, July MADRAS. minster, may have them on paywent of the expense incurred.

CALCUTTA, to all from day 16, 12,) the splendid NOUND, June 30th, a DOG, with collar engraved 1,050 belonging J. W. Lettie, which may be had (by payinz all expenses) 1, P. NISBAT. Commander lying in the by the applying Putat, (if by letter, Greenwich.

post If paid? not to G. Collins, 10, seven College days place east, ship bae very superior son for sold neat to claimed within will experienced surgeon. For freight or pas- defray tria lay an 1 and Cornhil, or 8t. BRILLIANT FOUND in Piccadilly, offered for or to F. Green but stepped by A.

and F. Dodd, jewellers, Who TOTICE to PASSENGERS for the CAPE of ever or has giving lost the such same can description hare it of It by as producing prove the their setting it to it, came upon out 6007 CAL her -The MAIDSTONE, are Captain ing the expenses of adverti-ing. Apply to Alfred and Francis Pedd, today the Ith Inst. lions, Con bill. he ct a til Angie to Garratt and Gibbon, Worshipful COMPANY of FISHMONGERS to And 15 Les street.

rive notice, that they are ready to GRANT LOANS to for and subject to the rayment of Interot at the rate of 3 per cert. INDIA and CHINA, vis freemen of the Company, in sume not less than or to exceeding Mothy Mail Stare Conveyance p.r annum. Madras, Ca Penanc. Bin and the payment borrower of is to the enter loan and a interest, bond, at such tro cried shall be al'owed for The with suicient and Oriental Navigation Com any bonk peseire ponds' and perone for the above ports by their by the the not soveding years London Arplications to -Dated be at four made meth Southampton the of s0th, Baes plane on 1844 W. B.

TOWSE, Clerk. and from thee, bridge. July ens money, and to aptly at the C-mpany's officer, THETFORD FREK GRAMMAR SCHOOL.len. The of the Free School at -Regular Line of Packets between Lon- Tanford, in the counties of Norf4k and Sudo.k, baving destrots VA- The under mentioned wit Lopby the death of tho Late schoolmaster, applicants of be detes named. VICTORIA and CANTON applying the vacancy are infortned that a copy of the rules and regulsPETER MAXTON.

July 10. tious by which the sobool is governed, and all further particulars, may LADY N'NAGHTEN, J. HIBRERT, August 10. Clerk bad on the application Trustoos of to the Mr. said Gregory school.

Faux, Candidates solicitor, The the London to the of M.A. of are required to to the a' ore dates Each have taken degree in any the Engibb puseigers on the 13th of each The ill on Thurslay, the day of Jals. at 12 July 3, 1848. to whose comfort and and conveniener are commo- erery for the purpose of receiving applications and testimonisis. Lloyd's, Per For tertas of freich.

of pa ange app'y to Philippe, atten be requir ad. will De, tidings, PURVEYING, COLLEGE, FOR MACAO and WHAM PO A (O DOL punctually Course London. MYDE, SMITH, sadLEWIS. a the 18h Julyl, the fine American sup and copper fastened, BENJAMIN BUXTON. Valuing Bailding, in the Katharine Docks.

This ship has ex Course and Military Engineering. Architecture, Building. fur For freight sage apply to Writing Specifications, Taking out Quantities, to Broth And Co, The object of this is to expeditiously prepare gentlemen sate within; or to Paillippi, Tiplady, and Royal for engineers, architects, surveyors, al a moderate erpease, and to avoid articling. A Dew Course w111 cotnmence on Tuesday best, the 11th Inst. Pupils, on completing the course, tuay be el DOTAL WEST INDIA MAIL to For, prospectuses, apply at the offices, 24, TAT.

Captain R. SHARPE, will leave Southamnton on and Russ with N.R. accuracy Maps, and plane, despatch. designs, Terms estimates, moderate. preas a5 citra ship, withoot proceedine Madeira direct.

Goods For' must he shipping delivered order ad and further particulars or and NEW int. Dew on, 9. Rillter-equare. destroos of emigrating to these four shing colonies are re-pretfully the every ASSISTANCE ril! be rend red in PRO. DOTAL WEST INDIA MAIL CUBING then PASSAGES in the first class revais at the lowest pre ATON.

Captain P. HAST, will leave Pouthampton able rates, and almble inforination siren as to the requisite outfit, description for Triaits I. 5L. Thomm, of goods in the colonies, Also parti: sending goods Rico, and con Juan di will be m- male and return scare their being shipped to the meet respectable Upper Thames street, on or before the 13th where the interests of toe consignes will attende I to, dipping coder further particulars apply to James Daw. Apply to Edward Bell, commis-lon merchan 2, Jeffrey's 8t.

A Marv-ate. JESS AGE. to CANADA via SOUTHAMPTON Royal Thames Yacht Club frt dam coppered ship DEDALUS, On Tuesday. July 11, for three prizes, 60. and Captain NICHOLAR, will embark for 30 sorerelene, by the fret.

second, an thin jachta, and MONTREAL on the 1 4ch They 11 be MAN. No. 10. will Westminder bridee-pier, Southampton, and thence to Piymouth by steam, free 20 minutes before 10 A deipai pier, Hungerford, at a quarter before 10: in 24 hours be on hoard ship, near the Land's end. City pier, at 19 at Brunerick pier, Backwall, at a a pomp for cabin Apply Joba wich, quarter arriving before 11 o'cloct, ia time calling to witness she Tunn-J.

start Limehow-e, the and GreenSouthampton or at Krith them the will ng of tarn yachts, and N.B. for all parte of the world daring the match London. sorrice afforde1 Ticiceta, 24. 6d. ench, to be bad of the collectors, at the various Water.

men's TRAM to and ITALY, Cirita direct Vecchis from The Southampton, the GATE (reduced fares), at 10 this morning, the and Oriental team ship from La ndon bridge wharf, calling at Brunswick- pier, B'ackwa'1, Cantain JOHN OLIVE, on Saturday, July at a quarter to 11, by the favourite, and power ul stenin packe: Sited expressly for class and their PRINCE of WALKS. Pares, pier and wharf dues included Hones taken on deck. Private cabins be 2. cabin, saloon, 4s. -0 33, Fish-street-bill, and LonRates of prance and plans of the renscis a.

Joly 5. at the offi son, 152, Leadenhall street. London. EXCURSION to MARGATE and every Sunday at 5 precisely, from Load n-bridge wharf, call TWERP. Brussels, Cologne, Hamburgh, Berlin, His a wall at a quarter before 9 returninz from Margate at 3 o'clock, -London to Cologne In 30 and Here Ray at quarter to in the afternoon, thus allowing Antwerp Company's powerful, picodid, shout three hours at Herne-lay and the one fat bour at Margate, and arriving AS in London in crening- and farourite packe's Torer, every Sunday the PRINCE of WALES or ROYAL WILLIAM.

Fares, for the excurfrom Antwerp every Wednesday morning. at 11. son, pier and wharf does included -children, fore cabin, 6a. by railway from Antwerp to Cologne, -Office. 13, Fish street bill.

and with be the sbort to the wharf of to seven RAVESEND STAR and BLACKWALL sent up one of for the shipment PACKETS leave the, Brunswick- wharf. Black wall, at 9, 94. 10. 104. to agenta, Mown Lightly and 34.

54. 6, 1. Sundays, 84, 9, 10. 11, Teach well as at the Packet other, 31. 31.

5, 6, 7. and The trams of the Black wall war starting may be secured, and 'every infor -quarter of an hour before cach of these times, New Terrace pier, resend, at 1. 0. 94. 111.

1, 2, 3. 5, 7. and 8. Bundays, 1. 104.

111. 1. 3, 4, 5, 6, N. B. No ofber packets call at ROCLOGNE and CALAiS direct, at reduced the Grays or Green hithe piers -Star-othor, Graverend, July 5, 1848.

on in, 12 fore cahtn -The con 4, rel turn economical and farourite route. The STEAM General SHIPS Steam Rare Marigation London- GRAY and PACKLondoc-bridge-whart. at 9,10, 11. 12, 3, 49. 7 SunDol 'LOGNE erery Thursdar morning caps 8.

10, 11, Town-pler, quarter to 41, 54. 10 and for CALAI3 every Thursday 3. 04. Sundays include 1-callinz at the tern Counties st 6: 13th, at 11 morning 16th, st 12 poon. way.

North Woolwich. Enth. and Rosherrilie. The 9 and 10 o'clock and 31. packets from London, and the 6 end from Gravesend, call at JERSEY wich pier.

The packet at 9 o'clock from London proceeds to Southed and only and Sheerne all from Chester's and Galley Quay every CORR. now loadine. MPORTANT PLEASURABLE ANNOUNCEJ. co*kER. will follow.

Richmond Steam Boats. -The introns, friends, and the and particular -of freight apply to Olson and. pahl are most respectfally infor ned by Cape. STY LEe of the VIVID. acenta, Ci, Lower Thames dr and Cart SHARPLIN of the ECLIPSE, that the abore splendid and Pike: and in Guernsey.

Mr. Json Mauger, Lont, have been eatirely refitted and re decorated, and are RUN. NINe dally from pier, London-bridge, morning Reduction of and 10, and afterpoon 2 o'clock, calling at all. internediate Pream Narration Company's magniscent large Hungerford-market pier at half post 9, 11, half past several state cabins for fax Brown calling at Wetminder, Fausha 1, and Chelsea. The above boats to Taser, follows terms, for excur.ions, by application to the CLARENCE, this present Saturday.

at 10 orer ing. omen. Corent garden to the Captains on board; LEITH. Saturday. July 15, at 10 eveninz.

of to Me. Steles, baths, Richmond. TRIDENT. Wednesday. July IP, at 19 evening.

and Wednesday 10 be SOLD, the new and fast-sailing YACHT cabin. £1 64., without chief Teaser." now lying in dock at Black wall, and newly fitted out for the res nable terra. Apply to Mr. Cecly, yacht agent, I. Lombard street: 37.

Began! cit- Cotton Rieck wall. CuRTET paneugen direct to For SALE, a beantiful IRON VESSEL (CLASGOW and BELFAST, vid Fleet -Re- bend, of the schooner above rigged, and (4 a tons very regiater, fast sailer bufit by Dow Mr. lying Laird, in of the Birken East -The steamers MAJESTY In lie Docks. For particulars apply to Mesars, Ilall, Bro. here, 2, Riches for GLASGOW, MA Troon; every court.

and Fries Mell ships PRINCE BENNETT, English Agent PRINCE-8 ALICE Piotwood for BELFAST to the British Kunbawy. 6, rue de la Paix, calls to the particular Wednesday, and Friday attention of English and famille losripg Paris, that valuables await the of the 30 tized) and 10 a. of every furniture, and are sent with curtainty and valets traine Eutoo Lots Bee Guide. frown his to all parts of the worki, and pail by his corre the Boyal Madi condents in London, on, sod Liverpool. All confidential or 10 Ket.p and unications, paid, private 'or commercial, duly executed.

Asent in Goddard, 65, Lower Thames atroct. CLASGOW The ORION, ADMIRAL. PRINCESS ROYAL, and COMMODORE. USTOMS, HOLLAND and Monday, Lower Thames street, to Inform travellers and fare flies, July the leaving Paris, that their Mr. C.

de BERNARDY, 13, de la will take CHARGE of any BAGGAGE. Furniture, 34b, 5 and the parking thereof, that parties may be de trous of forwarding to their cure, for clesrance through the Critern-house. Packages, A gesta in can he warehoused without of duty until arriral of the owner. Every infornating can be had in answer to post raid Fourd. the Old Broad street, 10 SHIPOWNERS, Merchants, Captains, and Brad Guide, page 60.

he BOLD. by Private Contract; lying at Thame-street, in original packages, and DUNDKE, twice a week, from Downe's MEAN BEEF Tierces of 34 Ira FARES by the Dundee, Perth, and Locdos per tierce. At much rates these abis. El scoutd disto, the a tention shipowner, Ac. Apply to Rickette Betura tickela, es 1.

row who will furth orders to inspect. the of the pal, in the The EWING. bay. July MARQUIS of four bone COACH cob KIDD. July 12, 10 in cuppezion with rift Lucklutt.and and an BUNNING for the season through the HIGHLANDS.

and In the Clyde, Hurling, Callander, Loch steam ba, in the Trudrumn, throuch 1 Liver Deer and to fort 1340. Canal, and Yalle of Ota by Dal Grand Junction De of well to stand da Died in Great AMSGATE direct, daily (Sunday excepted), Britain their Marthilre Port'1 1 WILLIAM KENT wit leare ALBION HOTELFriday morning. The of the botel la in the cetitre of the Parade, a 1, and in the bathe 4 All will meet will at reduced The LITTLE fa 4 HOTEL, a to the salubrious the trouble bug tot fading the betel, fut the RAMSGATE, Deal, and Dover daily, (Sundays OTEL ZOMERZORG, near Haarlem, in Holland. TELE THANKT ECLIPSE, of Europe which are street, ll duck, eat the the fatal outaequences of to of England that leaves Bisho Mtatios 19 their attention ARTE true. of national peace all the Easters Coustia a by nature and by for the above HOTEL, in the InGet Counties enchanting environ of 1n the beighbourLiese, of richly planted ARGATE and HERNK BAY it 3, Zuyder the sariemn, in the North baturday frots Lon bridge short, by of HERS of thie VAN DEL VOONT.

fros Margate bold, alabort give to all further wtich -July 1, 1644. aud BAY, at Il daily, re FO VENISON DEALERS and HOTELfros extra. on poultry sales. at have no 4 dally lares quantition of Ane el Let BUCKS, 4 of them at uneasily low price extra HAY -MAKING MACHINE to be SOLD, of the at of the ostraction, by Braart, of stret, do at for at library and edice, 19, Laidaler 1 9 t. I I I I 1 1 0 00 0 00 00 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 1 LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY LONDON, SATURDAY, DRAFTS payable on at the INDIA, in rete, or at and any for station in convenient the pro rin, my het on application at the London office of the Nonh Western Bank of India, 19, King's Arras yard.

Moorgate street. 18y order of the Committie, WATSON, Omdatine Manscer, of AUSTRALASIA. (incorporated by Royal Charter, 1815.) 3, A April 1. -The Court of Dimeton GRANT BELLS and CREDIT the branches, Sydney, Adelaide, on Maltland, Melbourne, Geelane. Holart-town, and which he en appliention, either at their offices, 8.

A or at their bat. ken', Emith, and By of the Brand, WILLIAM MILLIKEN. Fee SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BANKING COMPANY Chat.r The Court of Dire tore GRANT LETTERS of (net transferable for sums under 430, drafts at day' for larger amounts, on the lank nt A de nide. The exchange on warns above is row at a tr or charze of pet orat. The Coumany negotiate approted drafts on South Australia collected in the colony a cotambelon of 2) pet.

ant the pro re la reintited to England. Appi; at the off old Ened Lon ton. EDMUND I. WHEELER. Mana VOLCHESTER NAVIGATION and IMPROVEMENT ACT -WANTED.

by the under the above set. a LOAN of upon roost ampicecurity, the town ard charnel duo, dir of £2.0 0 per annum. Persons de. afross of the sum in one or reseral of not than cach, are requested to apidy to me, and to state she rate of interest required. HENRY GOODY.

Clerk to the Col-hester, July 4, 1818. NATIONAL COMPANY. DISINFECTED (incorporated rur-unt and- to DRY and 8 MA- Vic. cap. 110, and 10 and 11 Fie.

cap 18 offices, No. 7. Bank chamber, Lothbury. Metropolian works, Chuch mad, Comin reial Foal. The if tile Company la to collect the nicht soil of larze and populous towns, and subsequently by chymienl processor to corert it into dry.

Inoderone, and portable manure. The popolitan works being now in actire operation, the Cmpany manufa-turing feral ranures in quantities sufficiently large to mort the Immediate warts of Price £5 per ton, cwt. to the bore. to be raid by purchasers on mie the Company's metallic Fluid 54. per imperial gallon.

Applications for agencles entertalued. JAMER HORACE KENWORTHY. Foe. THE NORTH WALES SLATE COMPANY, to he conducted or. the Cod Book in 50,900 paid up shares of El en h.

withont further call or liabil ty This Compiny la formed for the purpore of worktur. on a mora ire scale, the Gaewet and Idris Fate Quarries, near Winford, in the county of Merluceth. The prof a of this undertakine will he divided crery two and, a the work. hare been for rose time tact and are at the moment very lucrative returns, an unusually larce dividend may he expected. 1.

This Imitation Comping offers to the pubile the following airantagesI of liability to El per share, and no further calls, Dirision of profits air times a year. 3. Works in active operation on QUAITT, the existence and excelle-: quality of which la fully proved, and that's a continuos supply of the material is certain. The very large and increasing demand for slates, and to which the present supply is not equal. A detailed primjectus, with narcies of the Committee of Manazo ment, and the an eminent engineer, has been prepared, and may be obtained, with all other infernation, an to Mr.

Anderson, the 8. tor to the Company. at the Company's 13 broken K. Cannon Wotminater, or from the following to and share -Fir Co. White, 5.

Lothbury. London Meets Mugh Munro and Mr. Georre Herve burn and Flakey, Matchester Mr. Henry Rongier, York MeNTS. Flint and Hull; Mr.

James Herver, Halifax Wools and Mr. Edwin Shute, Bristol -to whom and to the Silici or, at the of the Company, application ferabars may be Offices of the Comrany, 13 A. Cannon row, Westminster. KK ENNETT's to convey mall PARCEL pare is to and from DESPATCH: London and (sta- the principal toon. in Enzland daily.

at the following uniform rates--pot exceeding 215.. sib. 121. No charre for tooking. In consequence of some of the railway authorities having manifested an unfrierdly be feeling towards thi- useful undertaking, in one: that they may convinced that, by promoting it, they will be furthering their own Interosta, Letters from in lividuals and houses of influence are immediately soli- to cantirin the following views: That the low rates will create a trade which does rot now by Inducing and others to a great number of samples on speculation, and par cels, irrespective of di-tance.

That the succo-ful sanple of ounces of Ibe. followed br or tons of goode. That the delay and trouble attending the enclosing of parcels will te remare 1, as portles will have them direct. Agents wanted for Bradford, Edinburgh, Glasgow Lamington, L. noln, Majd-tone.

Newcastle, Trent, delivered verhampton, in town and York. can have to the chi or country by -pecial agr cement if consigned in bulk folice, 1, Skinner-street, Snowbill. N. B. Full on r.ceipt of stamped envelope, directed John Kennett and Co.

prietera. MUSICAL LAST MEETING Senion 11, l. Hayda Adagio from the Onslow'. 12th Quartet Quintas In A minor Quartet minor. piano, c.

Mozart Quartet in F. No. Perthoren. Hill, Howell, and Platti. at Director -J no.

Eta. Tickets 61. cachi to be had Cramer and 201. Men borscan tuce risiten on at Proms due will he PROMENADE CONCERTS. Grenadier Hotel, Richmond.

Mr. SCHOTT. Land-master of the Castle kind Guards, of begs to inform the nobility and gentry, that, by the SCRIPTION the proprictor, the FIRST a series of SIX SUB. Hotel, on Monday next, when a se'ection of inasic frota the will place upon the lawn of the c'astle prored peras the performed. The most apze of atten Lance will confined to subscribers and partics vi-tting the hotel.

Soars of formance from 6 and the succeeding perto take pince on the fo turing Mondays, Tickets. 10. 61. each, to to the eric. may be obtained at Wall and and Foreign Library, the Hotel.

Richmond. SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS. OPEN. their Gallery, 5, Pall-mal! cat, ench- dar. from 1.

ok. -The -FOURTI! ANNUAL EXHIBITION I NOW A dini sion 14. Catalogue 64. GEORGE A FRIPP. AMARTINE a l'HOTEL de spendid PICTURE, by the oriebratel M.

now at the Egyptian ball. Ic adilly. The scete senta M. de Lamartine addres-iDz the and repo the red flag. Hels surrounded by the members of which hare, as as wat for their It is an admirable page of Haters, full of truth and interest who have reen eture may they hare the Rove! it elf.

en fruin 10 till duck. A 1s. URFORD'S PANORAMA of PARIS and VIES.YA. Leicester square -Jut OPENED, VIEW of PARIS, taken duria: the mist Imp rant periods of the recent politieni events. The Views of Vienna with its cathe dral, the lacks, the rivers Danube nad Wien, and of the city of Athens.

are also now open. Gril KADER, M. Guizot, G. Hudson, Esq, Edward the DA Sixth, the benevolent 1 in the Figlla del Reggiment Pope PitA Henry and James the Hares Handinge an! A she whole in new and up for the present Open frotn 11 til 19 at night. A dintsion 14, pole Rootu, 64.

Madane TUSSAUD and 60NS, Bazaar. This is one of the best exhibi: in the metrop. Tunes In additien to the day sod 1 neT GRAND PANORAMA of PARIS nurerous attractions of this EXHIBITING. LIGHT, sech balloon suspended over the; ardens of the 46.000 square feet, produced under rection of Mr. Willian dwell, and painted by Mr.

Dans on. am drawing taken exprecaly in 1946. Open from 10 till 6 and from til 11. Music from 2 tilt 5. and during the eveninz.

A dini don 2 childron and schools half prior. Careme, la. OYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION.Firt Exhibition novel Experiments in Electridty, by Isham Illustrating the Phenomena of Thunder Storms and the Cause of Lightning, in a series of Lectures, on Monday Wednesday, and Priday 2 o'el And in the evening of Tuesday. Thursday, and at 9 o'clock -Popular Lectures by Dr. Ryan and Dr.

Effects are exhibited in the new Dis soling Vlewe, which, with the and are shown on the larzo Experiments with the Diver and Diving bell-New Mach pery and Motels described. Admission, schools, half-price. The new catalogue, 1s. ROYAL CHINESE JUNK, KEYING, (the greatest novelty in manrel by a Chinese crew, A visited by Her Majesty the Queen, Her Majeety the Queen Dowager, His. Rosal Highness Prince Alhert, sud the Royal Family.

Visiters by a mandarin of roux, and 3 Chines artist of celebrity, habited in full Chinese Court Grand salon gorgeously furnished in the most approved attle of the Celestial splundid Jon, or Chinese Idol, sc. The Keying is now open for exhil from 10 in the Eat Indis Deck. joining the Brunswick-per and Railway Terminus, Black wall. 2., chiidren half price. Junk tickets (including fare and admission) are Issued at all the stations of the Backwali and Eastern Counties Railways, Conveyance also by steam boat from al! the pier bet Teen Westminster bridge and Woolwich.

Catalogues obtaleable on on board, price 61. There is not a more interestinz exhibition in the vicinity of London than the dep actowa the entrance and you are in the Chinese world -you have quitted the Thamo for the vicinity of -The Times, 700LOGICAL GARDENS. -The band of the Fint Life Guarde will perform in the Gardens of the Zoological every Saturday, at Admision 14. are admitted on Monday at 61. each.

Order- are no longer necessary. Grand Vocal And Instrumental Conorrt. Laurent' Rand of Every Day except Saturday.50 Bal d'Et6. Brilliant success of the new grand Ballet of Tel Grand Orchestra, and Monstre Platform for Dancine, Arcadian Grove. Gigantic Firework Temple, Ar.

4 brilliant Pyrotechnte Dig lay, by Mortram. Tyrolean Brass Band. Wonderful Performances by the Ailrani Family. Switzerland by the new magnificent Suspension Bridge, Gipsy's Horne; and River sc. Doors open at Adminion 1s.

on the gar tens are open for promenade and refreshment, and on after 4 N. B. L.lout. make his night n-cont this season in the new balloon the gal Cremorne on Monday neat. July 1, at 10 precisely, and discharge from the car a leu dartifix, by the Chevaller Mortram, at an altitude of 0 feet.

RAND FULL DRESS SOIREE -Mie LEONORA GEARY has the honour to announce, that, In accordance with the unanimous request of her patroneand she will gisea SIXTH GRAND PULL DRESS SOIREE on. Mon10ch of July, in her elegant, and well ventilated hir reddence, 42, Great Marlborough croet, and which will be risen upon so a to render it one of the most recherche re untone of the seton. Tick. to, including refreshment, half a guinea onch, to be bad only of Sim Leonora Geary, at 42, Great PIT. TICKETS, price 7A.

each, for the Royal Italian Opera, may always be obtained at LEADER and 63, New Bond-treet, corner of Brook street. A'so the Rotes. 'Pit Stalls, and Front row Amphitheatre Stalls on exceed. ingly terms. Boxes, Atall, for Mile.

Jenny Lind's performane-CAt Her Majesty's Thentre. PERA BOXES, Stalla, Pit Tickets, and Upper Bralla L.ET by the night, on moderate terns, at Hosel. thestre azency office, 15, New Bond street, next to Long's Also, the beet Private Horns for the Lyceum. Just published, Love Knows No ani oft will Hith, 2 esch. T.hone mom are Min Kathieen Fitzwilliam, and nightly re demandod at the Lyceum New Bond TER MAJESTY'S STATE VISIT to DRURYLANK THEATRE, on Monday -BOXER, Stalls, and to be had at concertina manufactury, 32, New Bond- Prury Inne Theatre.

BENEFIT, -The on Blate Monday Visit. --A next, few STALLA and BOX PLACKA, in the very bent situation, may be obtalued by musical Immediate application al CHAN. and ROBT. OLLIVIER'S Royal repository, 11 and 12. New Bond street.

STATE VISIT to DRURY-LANE THEATRE. on Monday next, July 10: Mr. Macready's Benefit. -PIT STALLS, Dress circle Places, and Privat: also a f.w Beats in the Second Circle, outumnanding a view of the loval- bas, may. be bad at bYTe and N'a, opera 104, Atrand, or 24.

Row street, opposite the Royal Italian Opera. Boxer, pit tickets, and front roW gallery for Her Anjonty's Thea' re and Royal Italian Opera. TER STATE VISIT to DRURYLANE THEATRE, on Monday evening nest, for the benefit of Mr. being in England previous to his departure for A -PRIVATE BOX in the oppoate the Royal Lox, be' secured at LIEN and Co, '4, 214, Recent atree. Also a few reverted sonta fu the drea circle.

Karly appllcation to Regent street, TATIONAL BATIS, High Holborn, OPEN for the supplied by a constant flow of pure spring water of Si deer area 10,00 feet, every for the art of together with the if tepid to on 1s Swammiaz in Te 1 Private Tasha of every road g. It bathe SE, por dozen 10s 1 1 1 Times. TI8 BU 1 Grace hon k'ndly the Lord consented to Archbishop PREACH of SERMON CANTER- TO tow morning, in St. George's Church Hanover-square, ton behalf of the Hospital for Conmimption and Diseases of the Chest. Divine service commences al 11 o'clock.

OSBORN P. CRONe, Boo. Brompton, July 8, 1844. T. -SERMONS will poached this Church in Fehalf ef the Schools of the District and towar la defrayirg the necewary church Sunday,) July 9: in the morning, at 11 o'clock, by the Right Rev.

the I -hop in the evening. half-put dock, by the lter. J. P. Incumbent of Ft.

Philip's, Daiston. N. The entire of warning and lighting, and the salaries of the organte. bradle, clerk, pew and other incidental exper-es, paid by the Incumbent from his stipen-1, the Inhabitanta of the di-trict. being too poor to render the an THE GRAND ENTERTAINMENT at VAUXHALL GARDENS on Monday next, in A14 of the of the Distrewed Needlewomen's Buckty.

Ladies tickets, gentlemen's, 15.. Including breakfasts, wince end all refresha enta, together with the gran I enter alnment in the erenina. which may be bad of the following ladies, and should be scared this cay Luke James Hansard, Southampton street, HI Parebrother, Mont How, Stock well: Mrs. Wond, Charlotte are Fitsroy Mm John Gauat Lye, Holly House, Turnham green Montpeller, Mouth Mrs. 7 prk and at the 0: de of the Suckey.

Rathbons place of all the Stewards, 1 list of whom may be sorn as the offlon. -July METROPOLITAN DWELLINGS ASSOCIATION of the for INDUSTRIOUS incorporated by Royal Charter, which limits the hability of the shareholders to the amount of their respective shares, and the rate of interest to 5 per cent. per annum. Chairman-Bir RALPH HOWARD. Bars Dopaty-Chairman-JOHN WILLIAM TOTTIE, P.

P. Raly, J. Kempisy, The Richt, loa. Viscount bring- 0. A.

Kilgour, Keg. ton, M. P. The Right Hon. Morpeth, V.

Giron, 1 M.P. P. D. lamid, The Right Hon. tho of Radnot G.

Right J. Hen. Omhan. Lord J. Smith, of Deanston R.

T. South wood M.D. M.P. J. Toynbee, P.

E. Hill, FAq. W. A. Wilkinson, Lord C.

Harliton, M.P. H. Wilkinson, En. The Directors Invite the publie to an inspection of the fret set of houses erected by them in the Old PaDera-rond, lending from King' cross to Camden to c*ntaining socommodation for 110 familles, Partion disposed to co operate in this work of Improvement, whether or acting on bubaif of branch associations, are requested to communicate with Charles lion. Secretary, 19, Colemanstreet, London, of whom the may he had or she house, Old Panarsa-rond: at Rooms of the Bodiety of London, 12.

St. James and at 356, durand. The house are within Are minutes walk of the Rallway Station. Farm of Application. request you will invert my name a for shares in the Metropolitan Asociation tor Improving DeelAng of the Industrious Classes, the calls upon which I will pay ben required To tho Directors of the Metropolitan Asociati for Improving the Dwellings of the Industrinus Claws Signature tin full) Address Date.

JULY 8, 1848. ROYAL KENT Friday, LJu'y 14, 1818, A GRAND FATE CHAMPATRE will take place in the park and pleasure grounds of Sir Thomas Margon Wilson, at Chariton hou-e, in aid of the Punts of the above Charity. The principal lodge sates will be opened o'clock. The will cum mence at 1 cluck pruciely, with the following Permis -ion has be en kindly granted for the attendance of the Royal Art llery Band, the Royal Marine Rand, and the Brie Rand of the Royal Sappers and Miner4 The Chorus Stagers of Her Majesty Thentre have been by farour engazed, and wit sing in the course el tho afternoor, madrigals, g'rea, choruses, ke, under the superintendence of Mr. Maretzek, of Majorty's Thentre.

Mr Hatty'e Sand of trained Horus, fairy Ponies, Camels, together with the whole of, his talented Troupe of Male and Ferr ale Equestrian Artistes. At o'clock a Grand Historial and Magnificent Procendon, in which the whole stud of horses and every metabor of the onmpany will Adrance of the Lord of the Lists with mounted anchor: March Ancient Days to the Tournament, horse and men accoutred and splendid Intr. duction to the Li and Hattie deli. creded by Arenes of the Circle: Jaca and his Bride: or, the Ban To be followed by the apnearance of the illy spotted Persian Barb, surnamed the Gem of the World. After which a splendid Equestrian Pageant, executed by eight horses, with their dame the Quadrilles of the Moyen Age.

After entirely novel aha WoolforT, d'Kquitation, Daris to introduce the talented artist Arery, and on their three Thesalian Needs, in An equestrian de trots, ea the Three Graces. The Roman Racer4, by 17 0 and eight bores. Miss Woolford will perform Lot wonderful colutions Rope. o'clock, Han T. Thomason's the Classic Marble Grouppain.

well-known German Sit. and hb Son, will exhitit their sebrated room. ver in inciting the and I rute creation to perfection. The Mountains, dressed in their native costume, will sing of their country. Price of tickets, an or before July the child's ticket, family ticket, to admit six, £1 after that day, single ticket, child's ticket, 34.

farally ticket, £1 54. To te had of the Committee of Management pamel in she bills; at the Dispensary, in the Brondway, Deptford; of the Collector, Mr. Wilton, High street, Deptford Mr. Richardson. St.

ekwell street: Mr. Wright, Croon's hill Mr. Hu 'son, London Greenwich of Mr. Joses, Green's ent; Mr. Bison, Beresford-square Mr Horrent, High street and Mr.

Boddy, Artillery place, Won wich of Mr. G. Bennett, Blackheath also of James's st rout Mitchel, lookham, and Ebers, Old Bond street Andrew, Olivier, Chappell, Lender, Alleroft, and Halley, New Cramer and Addison and Hedson. and Slugson and Moon, Regent Martin and Piccadilly Wadge, era Colonnade and Hawes, strand Duff and Hodoron, Oxford street Keith, Prowe ard Turner, Poultry Monro and May, Holborn: Bates, Luigate bill: Halliday. hopszata street within and of Greenwich, July 1, 1818.

J. CARTTER, Secretary. ROYAL SICK FREE and DISEASED, HOSPITAL Gray's-inn for road, the plate DESTI- Greville Founded A.D. 1825. QUEEN.

President--The Duke of BUCCLETCH. -JOHN MANTERMAN, M.P. The Cox. rultzee cannot too strongly prow the claims of this charity on the notice of the wealthy and benefolent as the finances, are altogetber to rucet the appalling casa which daily crowd the doors -f the Hospital. The following Constions and new annual Lions received since the last advertisem*nt are thankful'y acknowledged.

DONATIONS. F. W. Cobb, £15 10 0 Colbonme, Enq. J.

Bowyer, 10 0 0 0 00 R. Mr. Bradford, Gould 5 0. J. H.

E. D. Heathoote, 10 0 5 J. 8. 1 00 J.

Kerw7, W. F. 0.0 C. Rich, Esq. 10 Mrs.

Pott J. Linton, 10 0 Gold- mi h. 20 Mi- 0 10 0 Conte, 00 A Well wisher R. Cox, 10 10-0 John, 3d 17th 1 0 J. Parrow, Esq.

Executor4 Late Mis 0 10 Smith, C. Beere, Exq. G. Ad ti-on, D. J.

C. Gatty, fa*g. L. K. B.

S. B. Worms, Esq. c. v.

0 0 Mira. Ewart John Griffin. 0 Jobn Curteis, 14 John Holdship, 0-0 Ketaber, Maq. R. Roscoe, 10.0 0 Mrs.

Kember 10 Mr. Valiant 00 J. 10 J. C. Clowes, 5-q 0 W.

Benton, 10 Clyatt Miller. G. 0 0 J. Skelton, R. Her.

J. K. W. 12 12 0 0 W. Lee, Parkinson, Faq.

0 10 0 shepant, Rayna! Gentle Thos. Natt, 10 10 0. I unmill, Piatt, 0 10 0 J. Lander, 10 D. 10 0 A Widow's Mite.

Y. Scaly. 0 10 0 C. J. A.

19 E. T. Higgins. M. 0 3 10 0 Aldri ice, 0 0 10 Mia Mr.

Lister 0 6 A. 10 0 Davi 00 A. U. Eccleston. 10 0 Cook.

10 9 E. Ash well, 0 0 10 0 J. Anstead, A Friend 0 10 0 G. Mackenzie, 10 W. Stuart, Esq.

10 W. Taylor, Maq. 10 1. B. 0 10 0 Mrs.

Williams: B. Dreager, 1 A. Penny, Esq. 0 J. Curter, 1 1 0 Clerkenwell Police Court Mrs.

Rotch 0 10 6 A. 15 0 Mr. Wricht Mr. 0 10 Mrs. Geldard 0 10 J.

Atherley, 0-10 J. Robinson, 10 0 R. Gimer, 10 J. b. Fordham, 5 50.

A Friend 10 G. Fern, Esq. W. Tookey, Esq. Executor of the Late J.

A usell, Yaq. 10 Mr. Brown G. E. M.

White, 1 0 0 H. Nettlesbip, 1 10 Mrw. Gibbe Harton, FAq. John Sharp, 0 Wint, 10 Dr. James Bird 5 Powell and Lea.

J. Noble, 0 0 land 9 10 A 5 NEW ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION. Miss Chubb £1 10 W. H. Tiplady, Maq.

Joon Chubb. Esq. 0 10.6 Per Moan. Coutta and Co. Mrs.

Coles 10 The Duke of Hedferd 10 0 Bottrill, 10 0 Karl Fortescue 10 Win. sharp, E-q. Sir H. F. D.

Campbell A. Da Costa, JE-q. 10 Mi Tais Min Ber. G. I.

Hacker 1:. 10 G. B. Ballachy, Esq. 10 Thos.

Green, Esq. 1 0 Mr4. Letitia Stuart Mrs. Petrion 10 0 M. Collins.

Eiq. J. Pasca'1, Esq. Per Mowers. Drummonds 11.

The Col. Earl Somers 3 W. Lester, Fog. Linton 10. 0 0 Mr.

Pringle 0. Per Mew. Herries Mrs. 00 The Karl Corn walle 10 0.0 J. Bellingham, 00 Per MeaN, Masterman and Co.

H. Toleh: 1 1 0 Res. V. It. Barker 5 J.

Meacher, Esq. M. Curt, Kaq. Stuart and Tay. Per Ransom and Co.

lor G. Y. Heneage, J. 11. Le Kour, 1 Put Barclay and Ca J.

Jardine, 10 V. M. 1 20 Goblet, 10 Per Maura. and Co. The Misses firine Rer.

W. Whewell, 3 0 Dr. James Bird Per Meats. Glyn and Co. Mr.

Jr. R. Pugh. Micholla Mime Anonymous. M.

1 5 0 0 Woodeeck R. Watkins, E-4- Pet Merri, Nubet And Co. W. Ranke, Teulon. Esq.

1 0 Dr. c. Pacey 00 N. A. 11.

The Marl of Bufoll Lady C. Tollemache 0 0 MN. Costa Mrs. George Caper 2 0.0 J. K.

Child, Esq. Per Meser. Prescott and Co. J. Gregory, 1 The Karl of Suffolk E.

Valuntine. Thomas Harpard, Esq. 01 0 Wm. Burned le, 1 1 Subscription Boxes M. Pearson, Keg.

0 Email Contributions 0. M. Contributions lane: regaired also by the Tresaurer. John Masterman, Nicholas Coutta and Co. Drummond and Co.

Herrtes and Co. Ransom and Prescott, Grote, and Co, Smith, Payne, and Co. Glyn and Co. Jones Loyd and Co. Barclay and Co.

Ponison and Williams, Deacon, and Co. Overend, Gurney, an 1 Co. Nisbet and Co. Berners Masterman sad and at the Hospital. By order of the Weakly Board, EDW.

RICK, D.D., The Committee meet in the Board Room every Fedne-day, at 7 to manage and direct all the affairs of the Charity, which moetings the submeribers are inrited to attend, and tho Hospital is at su times open to the Inspection of the public. Cast off apparel, male and fernale, will be gratefully acknowledeed. THE POOR young gentlewoman, age 19, in fallen highly educated and brought up, who has devoted her last shilling to the distresses of a near relative, ernestly implores or £10 frem some benevolent lady or gentleman, for the purpose of enabling her to obtain a few before she can enter another situation. Sho will be happy to return the same in the course of a few months, and en gire good references to the truth of what is stated. Address to W.

Pawney stationer, 10, Brompton-road, Knightabridge. CASE of REAL is ab A APPEAL frotn three I 4er, or rather from friend who them, taken upon himself to place their before the and it will increase his plenure if he la able (without their know. ledge of this advertisem*nt) to rollere their wants. It is an appeal to the humane to ask them to there Indios, who, from baring seen every comfort a few years since, are now reduced to so tere distress by their inability to jay their last haif year's rent; they have struggled hard and severely againet the hand of poverty, and one of them has been for several years a great invalid and entirely confined to ber reom, and with. the utmost exertion on the part of the other two they have been for some time to procure the pee sarios of life: they are in fear.

of having an execution dally put in, which will render them utterly powerlens, for it will deprive then of their acanty little stock of furniture. Thee were fire absters in all (unmarried and living under the sain a roof tan are ifroin the effects of poor living,) their long Illness and urial, hail to be borne by the surticor 24 best they cout I Huberriptions will be tha fully received by Mr. Hanwoll ant Mr. Hale, in of the Waterloo I tel. 61, Jermyn St James, Loncon, who known the 5) and will swach tot the scouracy this appoal, nite their character.

PRICE. WITH A SUPPLEMENT, 5d. art of the CRITIC, QUARTERLY for July REVIEW- containing complete quarterly of AT TATTERSALL' for MONDAY'S SALE. the Books, Art, Inventions, 1, Literature, and a Science of Pecurd the last about (unless privately disposed of i a very hand one RAT GELDING. quarter, la reidy, price half crown only, dir old, the praterty of a sentieman, wt.

a bell res him to now baring much res ting perfectly sound: fo quit in double and eingie harrier te roatter an three quarterly reviews To be had by order of all bonk Broachin and and to ride. Also It la pocullarly adapted for brok cluse, reading room, and literary lasti tution4, Critic 99, Atrand. PROPERTY of a GENTLEMAN. a BAY A The SUPPLEMENT to BURKE'S GEL.DING, quiet to ride, and has curried HISTORY of the LANDED GENTRY of lady. He is For trial niece 15 hands.

six sears old, perland, and Ireland la now ready, price 15 containing the his ory 'mr doors from the and ige, price apply at site. 4. Iridze 6 rebeslogy of 500 a 'ditional fam with references for of with. iron bri Hurrey No denier will be treated 10.000 persona ornacctal with them carriage do 20 a voluisan, particulars Henry respecting Colburn, the pubileber. families 13, Great comprised Mart's to pouch the street.

tint two JOUNG HORSES for SAL.F, on the farm where they were hred. of the of four and fro THE PULPIT, Vol. 53, price 7s. 6d. ser- make viperin: hack of buntere Gentlemen mar mit thema adapted mons, Bishope of Oxford and Here oni, Her.

fion. or Thes in are a of uninjur-1 of selecting Noel Melvill. 5. well. 5.

5, Hon. If M. 30 quinone ard of sett Dale, 3, 3, 3, Mink, 3, Moore, Prime to each. half James White. SurineBinnes, 2, Par-ous, So.

1, 44, price 3. -Three Serm-nson Nun- park. tan miles a for Crop of day Oxford, -But. Jos--and Metrill. Her.

Philly R. And Bickersteth, R1-bop HETLAND PONIES. -Just landed, direct from Pulpit back of A botherartes ball. the SHETLAND land Re of PONIES. from PEERAGE and BARONETAGE for nut in work fee 1814.

New edition, reried and throughout from the ed one small mir of personal communications of the nobility, te, is mady, in 1 enly 35 font and fir geare old, 1 2ance onmprising an much matter 90 ordinary 1,500 F.n- tails. wen at Thine Orton'4, Wane tian. No other an be with bound. The most of MNIBUS HORSES. Harness, -To be SOLD shas of the Burke for correctness and out Werkly AUCTION, bY Mr at his Burb sin.

on Chruciale. Henry publisher, :13, Great Mari- Fridas next, July TE fut. Hoars the To be had of all of perwn, which bare -been rannire in the city and Wan west end omn Fol 1 in con equence nf the present owner entirely COURTS -On Tuesday. relinquishing that fine of hainess. Ala a very fast Cob, Phaeton, and Part 11.

of COX and COUNTY COURTS CASES. Harem, The abore are without archange of addition, and for Including Insolvency. By EDWARD W. COX DAVID C. a had.

MAORAK, price These Barristers c*ntain the Cases Price decided 5a. in Part the Li Supertur may dil Courts be under-tax PONY be and in the County Courts. Ment by return of post, free to any person her erserarately Mritle, anertraor 6a. in stamps to the Law Tires office. 39, street.

perfectly CHESTNUT zentle: POSY. with a seven rears old, warrint-d sound, sere fut and or by order of ail book lers. The County Courts Chronicie, caned Pony Pharton. No. 14, July, monthly, price 1.

is nod reuly: turn ter hind en'y born nard a few times, cost LAW Journal 45 Tral 25 ny and harness, 23 gainers: TIMES, of Property, of the ther mines. Kennel. a Warranty eiven On riew at Gibbe's day, contalas the Judgment in the Important cue of Jacob- mere, to the the Courts--the Protection of the -the the JAIR of 13-hands handsome MOTTLED GRAY of the ted -Court ratels, by order of the Phacten, executors and of the for 8A1.2 got her or sepsPONTES, the Attorney his Practice, and Duties, late The Ari I of New Law Book the Gasettes are fire and sir years old brothers, fort, ride, and go A Advertisem*nts of the Profei-n, Krator and sinale. The phaetna a convenient little cirrinze, under tax, for Copy rent to any porson 11 portage has side anta-bori, lamps, azles, pole and 20, Keel atruet, Strand Lon ion. goo I.

Price 75, guinea, To en 37. North ALL the NEW PATENTS winter. ell-equire. N. B.

This curlace shat: up for the complete pablibof record la of the patent PATENT intentions JOURNAL, extant. No. thus Ill. fortnine of this the only day, THE PROPERTY of a GENTLEMAN in A that are enrolled are price 61., stamped id, contains Enzi.e+ St Glovestershire, and just sent for SAT.E In corse ce his Lifting-Dunn, Wheels Jenkins, I' 11. health, A king RAY GELDING, with hack legs, hang et -Howe, Sewing Machine, Electro- Painting- Ac tail, de.

with goo-1 on never need til riding fire, and since detay of Sciences Poly ou Electricity- hut Mitte work hunted a Hit the last senson with the the and Lista of English, Scotch, and Irish Reci 1-10 For for hounds, and driven In harness never ent of the 13, the Patent Journal will be sent post free to any part of the king. of the hy whom ha mae al a Apectre by dom for dix months. Barlow and Payne, 89, -lane, London, King of the Taller: warrant- To be seen st Reand 17. Cron-atreet. Manchester.

pottery. St. Martin's lane: No. 3,217. THE LEGAL OBSERVER, Digest and Journal TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at St.

of Jurisprudence, of July 8, contains: -1. Ontaristion of the DAY. Fatunlay, July 8, upwards of VIPTY Criminal Law-2. Nit Prius Slit nos alter Term: State of Business- HORSES. amonat which ladies' horses, hack and harness 3.

Certificate Duty -4. Propood Amendments in Chancery Practice by hors the property if torn. On slew. The sale: the Metropolitan and Provincial Law Copyhold Mines by arction are Wetnesday and Saturday, for ether which under Building Lesses-6. Letters of Mr.

Justica hazing or carriages he a st dare to ensure insertions at the Kramination, Trinity Term -8. Progre of Law: Bill in tina in the Boxes for Hoed -tork, stallions, Hones Parliament: Lord Bankrupt- Low Cons lilation- -tale Imust ent before 4 o'clock Wend and 1haBarristers Called -10 Recent in tha Superior -11. days, or the on. The la requested Analyt cal of Price 81., or 31. the to notion, that the o' A'dridee's strictly part for June, Maxwell and Son.

32. Bell yard, Linoon' -inn. to sales by anction and there being Do on the tart of the nor by cinninrol- br to DEV. Mr. BURGESS on the THEATRES of orerate to the preludie of elther burers or seller.

that an DRONE. -The BUILDER, No. 280. fur Jul. 8, price eon- tance in the metico of misrepreecting! the ownership of tunes tuns The Theatres and Porticos of Ancient Rome, by the dev.

R. ever resorted to, Burg ure -Notes at the Born! Elinburgh Academy its -Storning Beauties, Church, Monuments, Susex, TORSES (public antice to the purchasers an wof an Ancient Hall at Saffron Walden, sex M- KERR AGENCY OFFICE for the Seletion and Par. Experiments a net true Wrought iron Rods, with chase of N. Portin square Gentle Den -Royal In titute of iritish Architeco: the Triforium- The chaside Mr. New Act: the caster Carpenters' Society- -Soma nt he protected from di-appointmenta too In the Provinces-Balway Jottings- Normal College Formerly veteriniry aurecon in for Wales Commi-sion of Be of Coat mon ale of the hi bet order may be inspected, the Agency testisc.

3 ork-truet. Covent-gander. 1810. office, STANDARD LIBRARY, pric: 33. cd.

Ta GOOD Coachmen LIVING nil for men's a steady Ferranta. and industrious MAN. of the I London bull: CATS and a icht DIR. with a Biographical Sketch of the Author. PORED four Portraits of Robespierre, Madame Roland, and Charlotte Cord Coin- two of three volumes, poet Bro, The recent volumes are Ranke's properts of a tavern bus.

the terminus of a way, who la depiete in ty. the Duke of the Popes, Maribozauzh, Wheatley Goethe's on the Common Prayer. Cote'. Life of irons of findin: a civil min whe will par hare them and drive History matic Works Sberidan's Dra- himself. The hare the of enterinz the torMachiare Porense, Lanai's Ech'ezel's Philosophy of Life and Language, minus rard, which i4 only minted to it Stalling to the and Life, Autria, Ockley's lib tory of the History Saracen of Painting, Coxe's House of No vard.

They need are noT in who full cannot work and and porscion 0 can he had in a week. Standard Library" may be had of every bookseller. Prospectuses Henry of a. Bohn, The reference terson rear He cond ict. ke.

eat Apply El in the and or dace instance a cood' to et, etine, Landrort BRITISH ARMY Friday I and James Taylor evening, the 14th of. July, will be publishei with the War offo: hee to inform the nohilite and gantry that th hare several brace Gazette of the night, the first number of a new military journal, of POINTERS and SETTERS for V. The pair tera are princirally price 61., called the In BRITISH ARMY DESPATCH, Hone Guards, from the sire of Witan breed Hodge. Fry. no 3.

1: ck. and the dam of Hocz. Ordnance, ard Eat tia Company's Survice ilecord. De- Bell. The needs a mment, st' ey are well rated eschwively to the interesta of the Cavalry, Line, Royal Artlilery to be tint-rote.

Gentlemen wishing to purchase goo dog and Royal Kn. ineer4, Boyal Marines, Med cal and Commivarist De. direct as under- dazuel and James Taylor. Marketrartmeata, the Militia, The the British Yeomanry, and Hon. East In ha Company's Rizcleswade, Reds.

Military Serrice. patronage, and, a the Army Depatch military wil receive journal -f the Great most TILBURY. -For SALE, the property of a genBritain, offers peculiar advantagca to The first elition of fa-bionable town TILRIRY: it in in Ant.nte 8,000 cuples will seaforwarded to all parts of the Brit dominions, condition, and will be a decided barra'a. Ta be icen, No. at Sahacriptions and atrertisetner.ta receired at the offices, 8 and 10, 8t Mark- and re.

Martia a place, Charin of PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE, MARRIAGES and street, Portman next Bazaar, SALE by TOURNAL No, 3. on the lat of July. Edited by Dr. WINSLOW. Contents of CARRIAGES will take nace on Tues Carriaces sent in I.

On the Genem! Paralysis of the On t'e Influence of Men- on or before -Friday, the 7th, will be in tire for tasertion in the etitai Emotion-1. On the State of Lunacy in the Briti-b Aszluma-4. 00 Pol and Epidernie Insanity -5. On 6. Origin of Insanity7.

Analysis of the Blond of the Medical Jurispru- SAL.K, retiring dence of Insanity- Use of Paths in the Trentinent of the from businem, the STOCK of fashionab'e CARRIAGES, conmuch matter illustratire of the Medical, Moral, and Judi sisting of Pouzhars, chernees, photons, ch to. n'1 of the last cis Trentment of the Series Insane. Will be given with this number to the 1 which notruction. of he H. W.

H. Powell. 43, 011 Bond Picca "illy. No. 1 of a of Monographs, ur Instinct of En will arld for Tess than relie cret.

of the Mind and Nervous Syatem: Laway I. on the Cerebral of Shiktren, to reference to early syraptoms trentment, Walter 0. 2 ROUGHAM. For SALE, an excellent Deady, printed apart from the ordinary matter of BRO! for ona or two horse: how polo and fatent but bound up with it. London, Mr.

Churchill, Princes-strset, Soba. improved cross spring, and ores brand. Has heen vert Httle 1-d. Can be seen partie'are known at th: builder', Home, THE LANCET, of Saturday, July 8th, being the Thompson, and Holland, 254, Oxford-tn et. Garrod on Second Chymistry 'Number of applial a pew to the volume.

Discor Contents Treatment, -Lesture and by Cure Dr. of SALE, the Diseases- A nalgels of the Blood Urea and Acid discorered in proparty of centlemen who has left England. a Hontby Blond -Lecture by M. Velreau on Gun- Wounds occurring town-built and is CLARENCE: it is of the lite dole, has been but htt'e ta the late Princh Revolution --Hospital Report in Ovarian Disrase- used, nearly an as now: price 100 To Ho seen, Desth and Trust- 306, at and Carm-ilsh rquare, On ment of of Fracture Extendire of the Malignant Fun erus an Diene I of Laceration the of Heart the and Axiilary Lunge, Vein- TEW To be SOLD by order of with Caries of the Spine, the Operation for Excisine Parts of the the a handsome; new pair hor Hip Joint Treatment of cation of the Thigh-be. order BROUGHAM, of footboard an 1 hind to the of Edinburgh, on In-easibility of Parts of the Body produced be of lady the title intely minted lake, and lined dab.

To by Chloroform -Full Reports a late Death occurring under the in- wen at builder's, Fuller's, and 73, Marmret street, Cavendishduence Chlorofons, and of a Death sappo ed to be frumn Unwhola square. some Food- The Surzeona of their Law Circular Medical an I Relief Petition to Par- SPRING To at be SOLD. A murance Offices Pr Election of at the College pronerty gentleman deceased, a BRITZSKA, nearly of Surgeon for the Re OrianizatIon of the Medi: I Pro new, with German shutter, complete; colour dark green, with plated fession- Heport of the Number of Per ops receive! into the furniture, Very fashionable, and fitted up of expense. Priec Hospitals of Parts for Wounds, and all the current Medical News, The 75 Oxford guineas. street, To be seen at Park Roberts lane.

and don's job and livery stables, present is the second number of a new Folate. The first number con- oneite the talned Heel a and complete Ankle Report Bones of at the the Case in which Free Mr T. Wakiey Mr. removed Handsome second-hand CLARENCE be on a New and Succumful Mode of Treating Deafne-s after Loss of the SOLD, of a superior description; from the little Royal Hospital Yeanley wear it has had and a crest variety of other Articles of interest. it is quite equal to new, and will he warmntel such.

Any family rePrice stamped for post 81. Published by Gourze Churchill. 423, quiring a light, and suhst carriage for one or two Strand. Order of any bookseller or newsren-ler in town or try. horses, at a Poisonable price, will find this perfectly -At R.

19, Upper North p'are, Gray's-inn-rond. 7 BOOKS, at remarkably low prices PEN CARRIAGES, very cheap -Barouches, -Dr. Reta's Cyclopedia, compiete in 85 rarta, boards, in good with coach room inside, and that chase perfectly, and form a suneatly condition, bound only in 45 guincas, for £9 another copy anothe of the lar PT, re very fine perb of for the most horse: for four for persons a inside ener for sis published made, craucht, one a larger size pair of light paper edition, with proof plates, 85 parts, boards, for 9 guineas, published Mood horses. Both descriptions can be enclosed for a fey pound extra at £155: the Encyclopsedla Britannica, seventh and last edition. :1 Ale spring and and noder-spring barouches and pilenturas 4to ciegant'y half half bound, new in calf, for 21 guinea; another cony, in secondhand.

-At Offord. 19, Wells dreet, Oxford street plates elegant bound new separately, russia binding, forming for 24 27 cola mines; in elegant another new cops, half with ru-sia the The public are informed that binding, for 28 guineas, pub'l-bed in bosrils at £30 the Annual R-gir- a large STOCK of superior new and second- 4-hand CARRIAGES tor, ce View of History, Politics, and Literature, from its commence- are removed for nrenience of BALK to 33, Foley-p'ace. They will ment in 1758 to 1840, complete in 90 very neatly half bound, for 18 he found the best ani cheapest in London, having been built by theruiness, published in boards at £45 another copy, 90 role, Li tine fresh Ant houses in town, and comprise fashionable whole calf, gils binding, for 12 another copy, 90 in cond brough uns, cab phaetona, pl'entums, mull phaetons, Georze IV. ditto, half rusela binding, for 18 guineas. -On BALK at J.

DOW DING pony ditto, town couch, and other fashionable carriages. Apply to bookseller, 82, New cate street of whom may be had (gratis) a new part Mr. Hotly, coach as abore. of his General Catalogue, just publisbed. THORN'S EQUIMOPIVE SPRINGS, for SPECTATEUR de LONDRES, Journal' brougham, clarence, and all carriazes without perches, are rePolit'que, Philosophique, et la published every Satur- commended for the and these equality of motion attained by them.

day. price 1s. 13, Poland-street, Oxford street, where advertise Carriages can be beilt with springs of at least one third lighter ments are resetved. Roll by Messrs. Dulau and 37, Sobo square draught, and without extra be charze.

They at can also be appled to old and T. Kennedy, 31, Royal Machange. carri igen at small onet. May viewed the Meets W. F.

Them, 10, John- Cavendit-square. N.R. Their business NT. GEORGE'S CHURCH. Southwa -The is pi new stenct, consped to tLesc premises, baving given up those at 3d, New TABLET of this day.

July 8, will cont uin a full Account of the Opening of 8t. George's Church, Southwark, with a Report of the Drew And where to the school gardener the Robin, public day way, by day, Sermons of the Right Rev Dr. Wiseman and the Rich: Rev. Dr. me along Particulars of the Life and Death of the Arch- In Delighted with mantle my bauble conch, velvet and bishop of Paris- Articles on other Toples of the Review of New scarlet warn, and Rooks, -Offco, 3, Burleigh street.

Strand. CHILDREN's and INVALIDS' CARRIAGESchair from £3 to £33, with hoods, cond hand THE CHARTIST The BRITANNIA, well as spinal and ef-acting chairs, chi dren's chaises, vis of this day, will contain full Reports of the Trials of wagons, harouches. from to 20 guineas. Immense, Jones, and other Chartista the Ver lict and Sen- and varied colection on SALE or B. HIRE, at INGRAM: manufactory, Military Alarming Progres of the Trevon Clubs in France 29, City-road, N.

Illu-crated catalncuex. under Difficulties of Kole Government Abandonment -Exclusre of the Railway Particulars Spoliation as to Scheme A. DAVIS, 33, Harness, and tine and Louis Blane in their present position, de. Price H. 045ce.

Here -DA VIS' ruperior HUNTING 69, Fleet-strvet, a saving of guineas, ladies' side of extreme at an enormous ring barres all double lined, manufactured of the THE INSURRECTION The choicest from leather. at finest a west sating of of 40 England per cent. keness Horse bound and clothing elged manuf with Paris paper, of this day, superd re cloth. stitched with silk, with hood, roller, contains upwards of 30 portraying the princinal scenes all complete fur extra teary blanket clot Inc. 52.

the -uit. inkin' includof action, of the most a Personazen, the Barriondes inz roller and initials, Summer clothines and horse at hail Portraits Important before and after the Attack, forming complete picture of the saddler's prices. Vide the public who all expres the events of the 234 of Juce. Published by Willlamn Thomas, English Strand is the great magazine for saddlery and barner. depot, 31, Catherine street, Strand; and old by all booksellers and br shes, and at wholesale prices.

Riding brid e4, newsmen. ze List of prices sent by poet. Orders sent free of carriage sol piles, -A. In 14, 4 and 39, HE July, ATLAS -Is Prance NEWSPAPER Ripe for a of This -The Day, Children 3th EV. J.

F. DENHAM'S SPELLING and READof the The Special Censtables of London what are their Politio: LING BOOK, new principles, fifth elition, part 1 and part of French Editor -The Iraproring Condition of the Money us published, onch. Simpkin, Mar an 1 Stationers hallMarket al Societies in Reveaue Return- -Con- Johnstone 24. Paternoster row. and Edinburgh secration of St.

George's Roman Catholic Church-The Trials of the C. H. Law, 131. Ficet street. Chartist Leaders for Sedition -Prince Albert's Visit to the Motel Lodging- Houses for Workmen -Reviews of New Books--With ail the ONDON SCHOOL Mr.

CHARLES Domestic and Foreign News of the Past Week -Monetary Intelligence H. LAWS NEW ECHOOL CATALOGUE and LIST of M19. -The ke. Price 61. 6, Southampton-street, ADd SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS is now ready, Strand.

Order of any newiman. and will be delivered gratis to the principals of public and private schools on transmitting their card or circular. -131. Fleet street. Journal, newspaper of the largest diraensions allowed and BOOK SOCIETIES -Now THE STANDARD of FREEDOM, new Weekly and the price only or 4n.

94. per quarter paid in adrance. defirered gratie, NEW READING and It the uncompromising adrocate of complete political, com per isl, BOOK SOCIETIES throughout the Lingdom. This plan prosides an sad religious freedom, the fearless and bonest opponent of ur unequal unlimited supply of standard works--ail the new and the right and unjust system of taxation, and of a and prodigal aristocratical of meinters to purchase any work de red, as soon as the first demand expenditure. Published in time to be deliver in the provinces early bas subeided, to at one the publale price.

Delivered gratis, and rent on Saturday morning. A second edition is also published on Saturday, post free order, enclosing two stamps, addraeed to Mr. Bull, Ibrarian, morning for circulation in the metropolis, and despatched by the Holes street. morning trains; and a third edition is inued in the afternoon, mprising the latest news down to the hour of going to press, To NE PENNY per CIRcirculation alroady ren-lers for Freedom, ad- CULATING LIBRARY, 56, Hight Helborn. The French LanThe Immense obtained the Standard of in all parts of the for kingdom, the it of at once a most eligible and ruse taught by Mons.

A. Rogues, from Paris, French master at the tisem*nt satageous medium appear in the three publicity editions, forwarded to Each the ad office ver- Finebary Institution. Schools and families attended. Translations later will than Thursday ereninz. All communications dope.

Terms El 1s. for 11 private lessons; In clames, two lemons a week, to not 335, Strand. London. The can be supplied to all be addressed 124 per quarter, about 6d. paper by Dewen in per town and couatry.

TALY Oh, lovely Land patriotic Song. PLENDID DOUBLE NUMBER of the ILLUS- Written and composed by MARY end VINCENT and 24, Poultry. NOVELLO. TRATED LONDON NEWS. price with large Price J.

Alfre! Novello, 60. street, Soho, Dean View of Edinburgh eratia, List of Engravine: -Denth of the Archof Paris; with Portrait of the Lying in State- -Portrait of the THE ALPINE WALTZES, as performed at Her late General Prisoner, drawn by Gavarni-Paris Majesty's State Ball, Palace, by Barcard's band, are after the Insurrection, with numerous Illustrations by Athert Smith- just pulliated for the piano, price 3a. duets, 4 -Y. Eo and The Conflict at the the Clos Place 9t. Maubert- -The in the Place Bedoger- N.

Holler strect. The at B. rouse of at the Hail of the National Amembly-The Chamber of the Executive Go TEW of Sailor: Ben and The of the Pantheon- Mary. No. 1.

Mary's Appeal, price 2.: Ben's Reply, price verament-Birouse on the Boulevards -The Attack' on Sacking Scene Naples by the Lazzaroni-Storming of the Arsenal, No. 1. The Return, price 64. Written and composed by J. J.

Maite. Bertin -A Cellar at Berlin--The Emperor of Austria leav. The music of the abore will be found to be extremely plening, sbe in a inc Vienna-9t. Paul's Church, Frankfort, in which the German words fall of and ench song is beautifully INustrated. YorParliament mech -The Queen's State Ball the Company arriving at warded postage free.

London, publi-bed by B. 11, a Scene in the Picture Gallery the State Room the Waltz- Opening of 8t. Angustin's Collore, Canterbury- poster-row, (late of and Principal Colonial Gateway: Intelligence, the sad Cloister all and the New Library- of -With Week. Home, -Omo, Forelen, 198, IVE and LET LIVE (price a Song for the Strand. Price 1s.

a'1 classes Words by P. W. LAKE: music by S. NELSON. a noble founded on ons of the best maxims of the THE TIMES NEWSPAPER by the MORNING language, line and to breathes which poetry, the cod siniuent incalastes comporer the ha- done beautiful ample sentiment to the receipt of the grestly earliest Increased particulars of importance commercial and Intere-t and political every not on': to the but to the beat.

London, A. Move, intelligence from all part ofthe world has prompto1 JAMES GILBERT. song Little of The Wind," price 2. 64. where may le had the admired row, to undertake the pun daal do pi ch of The of Timas the by reading the Morning the Stalls, receipt thereby of the resurine London to a a a a a a mornin roper on portion the THE CORONATION POLKA, composed in considerable day of its pabliention.

Terms per quarter, paid in the advance, 124, 61. commemoration of the Coronation, ard humbly dedicated to Il The Morning Chronicle, Herald, and Post false by Gracious Qucen Victoria, by TREKELL. ani trains), and tho Globe, and Standard be the erening malls, on composer of the popular Osborne and star Polkas. The aborg the same terns. The Daily News (by the morning and the Evening Seautifu1 Poll no, which ate to to the most plansing and Express, 61.

per quarter, pold in ad rance. All the ether Lendon best dancing of the framer n'asher that hare published, Not stunned supplied on pronostienate wholes and and my he had of IL. Toltha Kinz 15933 strait, LoudenN a day old at prices, brt near 1 49, of all twu to euers..

The Times from London, Greater London, England (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.