Male catheters: types, uses, and frequently asked questions (2024)

If you experience urinary incontinence or retention, it is likely that your healthcare provider will prescribe a urinary catheter. While the thought of using a catheter may seem daunting to a first-time user, understanding different catheter types can help ease concerns.

What is a male urinary catheter

A male urinary catheter is a medical device used to drain urine from the bladder in people who are unable to urinate naturally. Sometimes catheters are prescribed temporarily due to urinary retention following surgery, but in cases of chronic disease, they may have to be used long term.

Types of male catheters

There are various types of male catheters:*

  1. Indwelling catheters:
    Indwelling, or Foley catheters, remain in the bladder for an extended period of time. It has a small balloon at the end that is inflated once inside the bladder to keep the catheter in place, and is connected to a leg bag that collects urine. It is only inserted and replaced by a healthcare professional.

    Indwelling catheters are used for long-term catheterization and are usually recommended after surgery, during serious illness or for people with chronic bladder dysfunction.

    Potential complications of using an indwelling catheter include infections, so regular checkups are recommended.

  2. Intermittent catheters:
    Intermittent catheterization involves inserting and removing a catheter multiple times daily to empty the bladder. The goal of intermittent catheterization is to drain urine from a bladder that does not empty normally. This method is widely recommended as an effective bladder management strategy for people with incomplete bladder emptying due to neurogenic and non-neurogenic bladder conditions.

    In order to safely and effectively use an intermittent catheter, one needs to learn the technique and maintain proper hygiene. Proper hygiene and technique are crucial, since one of the common complications of intermittent catheter use is urinary tract infections (UTI).

  3. External catheters:
    External catheters fit over the penis and collect urine externally. External catheters are usually recommended for men who experience incontinence and who are not in urinary retention.

  4. Suprapubic catheters:
    Suprapubic catheters are inserted directly into the bladder through a small incision in the abdomen, bypassing the urethra. These are typically used when urethral catheterization is impossible due to blockage or injury. This catheter type requires meticulous care and regular checkups to avoid infections.

* Information is for educational purposes only.

How to choose the right catheter

Only a medical professional can decide what catheter is right for you. The product they will prescribe will depend on your specific condition.

If you want to learn more about the available products, browse through this section.


How painful is a catheter for a male?

The level of discomfort can vary depending on the type of catheter used. External male catheters are typically painless, as they are applied externally and do not involve insertion. With catheters inserted through the urethra, there may be some initial discomfort during insertion. Your healthcare provider may recommend using a hydrophilic lubricant to help with ease of insertion and withdrawal.

How is a catheter inserted in a male?

For internal urethral intermittent catheters, the process involves gently inserting the catheter through the urethra into the bladder. A Foley catheter can only be inserted by a healthcare professional. An intermittent catheter can be inserted by a user or caregiver. A healthcare professional will teach you to perform self-catheterization in a safe manner.

A healthcare professional can easily teach you how to use an external male urethral catheter. The process involves fitting the condom-like device over the penis. This external urethral catheter is attached to a urine collection bag.

What are the risks of using a catheter?

Catheters are generally safe, but incorrect handling or improper hygiene may increase your risk for UTIs.

How long can a catheter be used for?

Foley catheters (indwelling urinary catheters) can stay in place for a period of but must be replaced regularly by a healthcare professional. Intermittent catheters are single-use and should be discarded after each use. External urinary catheters (condom catheters) are usually replaced daily. Always seek medical advice and read manufacturer instructions before making any decisions that may affect your health.

Learn how to perform self-catheterization for men

Prior to use, refer to product labeling for complete product instructions for use, contraindications, warnings and precautions.


Male catheters: types, uses, and frequently asked questions (1)

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Male catheters: types, uses, and frequently asked questions (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.