20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (2024)

I have always been a snacker and have come to accept I probably always will be. Whether I am bored, in the car, watching a movie, I love having a little something by my side to pick away at.

Instead of trying to combat this bad habit, I decided instead to be more careful about what snacks I have available in the house. If I don’t have sweet chocolate or salty chips available, then there’s no way I can eat them. It was my mom who suggested I tried dried or dehydrated fruit, and I became hooked immediately. Whenever I crave something sweet, I now reach for this healthy snack instead of candy.

I started out buying dried fruit from the store but then realized that I would make it pretty easily at home. That way I could dehydrate any fruit I want with no limits, and I wouldn’t have to leave the house to get it.

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (1)

1. Dehydrated Strawberries

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (2)

I first tried Dehydrated Strawberries on a family trip to Thailand. The woman selling them assured us that they tasted just like candy but had no added sugar. I was reluctant to believe her at first, but as soon as I popped the first one into my mouth, I realized how ignorant I had been. They are delicious.

They do taste exactly like candy, and I have recommended them to friends on multiple occasions. I prefer them to be slightly chewy so would dry the strawberries for around 10 hours, if you’d like them crunchy go for closer to 12 or 14.

2. Dehydrated Orange Slices

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (3)

I have made Dehydrated Orange Slices during the festive season to use as decorations, although I have never thought to eat them. The smell they give off while cooking wafts all through the house and is divine.

This recipe provides you with multiple great ideas for how to use your orange slices. You could pop them into a cup of tea to give it a sweet citrus touch, or even nibble on them as they are. I love the idea of cutting them up and adding them to granola to sprinkle atop a big bowl of vanilla yogurt.

3. Dehydrated Cherries

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (4)

I don’t have a dehydrator of my own, but I reckon most of these dehydrated fruit recipes could be adapted and made in the oven. If not, this could be a perfect excuse to invest in one.

I have tried Dehydrated Cherries a few times in amongst tray bakes or cookies but never by themselves. Fresh cherries are one of my favorite fruits when they’re in season, and I can imagine when dehydrated they will maintain their delicious flavor. They look like the perfect size to grab a little handful to snack on.

4. Dehydrated Peaches

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (5)

Peaches smell sensational and taste delicious, exactly what you want from a fruit. It’s surprising that I have never tried Dehydrated Peaches considering how much I love the fruit.

Dealing with an abundance of peaches is never a bad thing, but if you’re looking for new things to do with your yield then why not try dehydrating them. It’s incredibly easy to achieve, all you have to do is slice the peaches nice and thin then pop them in the dehydrator. You could use them as healthy snacks in lunch boxes or asa crisp alternative to potato chips.

5. Dehydrated Blueberries

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (6)

Blueberries are packed full of goodness, both when it comes to flavor and when it comes to vitamins and antioxidants. I’ve gotten into them in the past few years, and I can’t wait to try and incorporate these Dehydrated Blueberries into my diet along with fresh ones.

As well as eating them by themselves I can think of multiple delicious uses for these dried berries. You could sprinkle them on top of your morning porridge, pop them in a pancake mix, make blueberry flapjacks or even use them as an ice cream topping in the summer months.

6. Dehydrated Watermelon

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (7)

I would never have thought to make Dehydrated Watermelon, mostly because of the contrast in the name. The idea of removing all the water from something that is full of it feels strange to me, but that’s one of the reasons why I can’t wait to try it out.

Artificial watermelon flavorings are always far stronger than watermelon itself, but I reckon this method would strengthen and concentrate the flavor. The fact that they look like tortilla chips have made me think you could arrange them around some type of fruit sauce or yogurt and eat them like chips and dip.

7. Dehydrated Cranberries

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (8)

I am a big Dehydrated Cranberry fan, but I’ve never tried to make them myself. Now that I have this easy looking recipe all is about to change.

My favorite things to make with cranberries are white chocolate and cranberry cookies. I know this isn’t the healthiest option, but everyone deserves a treat every now and again, right? What I love about dehydrated cranberries is that, along with sweetness, they have a little added sharpness which can bring an entirely different flavor element to whatever you decide to add them to.

8. Dehydrated Pineapple

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (9)

If you need a little tropical pick-me-up to get you through a rainy day, then look no further than this Dehydrated Pineapple. Its sweet, vibrant flavor is bound to transport you from your sofa or office right to the beach.

It’s difficult to find something more candy-like, without being real candy, than dried pineapple. The sweetness of the fruit is concentrated as it dries out, and the golden yellow rings look beautiful. I have a pineapple in the house right now, and you can bet it’ll be turned into these by tomorrow.

9. Dehydrated Papaya

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (10)

Papaya is a great fruit to dehydrate as it isn’t too sweet so even when concentrated after drying, the flavor won’t be overwhelmingly sugary.

I must admit that I haven’t eaten much papaya in my lifetime, but this Dehydrated Papaya might make me do so more. My mom would often buy big bags of mixed dried fruit when I was younger, and I remember enjoying the papaya pieces, so I am not sure why I never thought to buy it myself. I love that this recipe has the fruit cut into big chunks, meaning they will be full of flavor and will have the perfect chewy texture.

10. Dehydrated Kiwi

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (11)

I used to be sent off to school almost every day with a Kiwi and a spoon in my lunchbox. I love them and am a big fan of the idea of turning them into a sweet alternative to chips.

By cutting the fruit exceptionally fine, you make sure your Dehydrated Kiwi cooks as fast as possible and is the perfect balance of crisp and chewy when finished. The only ingredient required is the Kiwis themselves, so if you can be patient and wait for them to dry, they’ll be far more cost efficient than buying ready-made dried Kiwi at a store.

11. Dehydrated Lemon

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (12)

All citrus fruits look beautiful when dehydrated because of the bright colored waxy skins and bejeweled inside segments. These Dehydrated Lemons are no exception; I love how the inside goes slightly darker once the moisture is removed.

It would be nice to dehydrate different citrus fruits together, like lemons, limes, and oranges, and display them in a tall clear jar. Much like with the oranges, there are many different ways you could enjoy these dehydrated lemons, and they’d be the perfect flavoring for fruit teas.

12. Dehydrated Mango

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (13)

I love the texture of Dehydrated Mango; it’s almost like a jerky or fruit leather. Because it has some substance to it, you feel like you’re having a decent snack.

Once dehydrated, the deliciously sweet and exotic flavor of mango is concentrated, so every bite is sensational. I can imagine myself not only munching on these as they go but also cutting them up small and baking them into cookies to add a chewy element, or sprinkling them on top of a summertime pavlova.

13. Dehydrated Apple

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (14)

These Dehydrated Apple Rings are like little apple pies in chip form. That being said they’re almost better as they’re far healthier than a big slice of applepie would be, and you can eat them on the go.

I’ve never really gotten into apple chips but I definitely should considering how much I enjoy a bag of regular chips. Although the flavor of the apple itself will be concentrated after dehydrating, I like that this recipe adds lemon juice and a sprinkle of cinnamon to make sure those flavors pop.

14. Dehydrated Bananas

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (15)

When I was at school we used to do expedition style camping trips every now and again. I remember one time someone in my group got out a packet of Dehydrated Banana, offered me some and I was hooked immediately.

Over the years I bought them less and less and now I think about it I am not sure why. Now that I know how simple it is to make my own I will be doing so. One of my favorite guilty pleasures used to be dipping the banana chips in melted chocolate and letting them cool before beginning to nibble.

15. Dehydrated Raspberries

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (16)

I luckily don’t have the same problem as the author of this recipe, we grow hundreds of raspberries in our garden, and they always come out sweet and delicious. This does mean however that we are constantly on the lookout for ways to use them, as never-ending pots of jam can get a little tiresome.

I have never tasted Dehydrated Raspberries but they look delicious and simple to make, exactly what I look for in any recipe. You could crush them and use them to decorate cakes or other baking or grab a handful as you run out the house in the morning and munch them on the go.

16. Dehydrated Grapefruit

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (17)

I would never have thought to use this Dehydrated Grapefruit as a garnish for a savory dish, but this recipe recommends precisely that. My lack of dehydrator makes this recipe well suited to me, as you can bake the fruit in the oven. Although grapefruit can be a tad sour, I reckon this method will transform it into a sweet snack.

It’s described as chewy which I love as it reminds me of candy and would fulfill the sweet cravings I often get.You could cut your slices to different thicknesses to achieve pieces with varying textures.

17. Dehydrated Pears

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (18)

I can imagine these Dehydrated Pears would have a similar texture to the apple chips, based on the fact that the fresh fruits are close in moisture levels.

Almost all these dehydrated fruit recipes contain only one ingredient, the fruit itself, and this one is no exception. Pear is an underrated fruit in my opinion and one I don’t buy often enough. I’d love to slice these up and pop them in amongst my morning porridge to give it a little punch of fruity flavor.

18. Dehydrated Apricots

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (19)

Dehydrated Apricots are probably the dried fruit I buy the most frequently. The beauty of making your own is that you get to control what goes into them. You might think you’re buying a healthy snack at the store when in fact your bag of dehydrated fruit could be full of added sugars and preservatives.

You don’t have to worry about that with this recipe, which only includes apricots and optional vitamin C tablets. If you would instead enjoy a sweeter option, they explain how letting the apricots sit in syrup before you dry them out, will give that added sweetness.

19. Dehydrated Blackberries

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (20)

It’s a genius idea to use these Dehydrated Blackberries to make a blackberry powder. It doesn’t require too much extra work, all you need to do is crush them up finely and sieve out the seeds.

You could use this powder in smoothies or mixed into natural yogurt to give it a lovely blackberry flavor. If you’re someone who’s into latte art, this could be a great alternative to regular cocoa powder too. These berries would be just as delicious eaten whole or added to granola.

20. Dehydrated Cantaloupe Melon

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (21)

I mistook this Dehydrated Cantaloupe Melon for sweet potato fries at first as they look pretty similar. Cantaloupe is my favorite type of melon, and I find it most flavourful and deliciously sweet.

The recipe likens this to dried mango which I love the texture of, so I am bound to fall in love with this too. You could, of course, slice them up to be any size you want but I love that this example has left them in long, thin strips, perfect for both storage and eating on the go.


Discovering just how many of my favorite fruits I can dehydrate at home and convertinto fun, sweet snacks has made me think I can say goodbye to unhealthy snacks. Not forever of course, but mostly. They’re easy to transport so I could munch on them whether I’m off to work or on a little stroll.

I already love Dehydrated Pineapple, so I am excited to be able to make it myself and am intrigued by the idea of Dehydrated Cantaloupe Melon. I’ve got to make a big batch of Dehydrated Strawberries to share with my friends and family, so everyone can see just how delicious they are.

Do you often snack on dehydrated fruit? Which of these recipes can you see yourself making time and time again?

20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (22)

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20 Simple Dehydrated Fruit Recipes Perfect for Guilt-Free Snacking (2024)


What are the best fruits to dehydrate for snacks? ›

Best Fruit to Dehydrate

Fruits that dry well for snacks are apples, strawberries, bananas, and pears, but the best fruit for dehydration is up to you! Keep in mind that although dehydrating fruit is relatively simple, it is not an exact science.

What fruit is easiest to dehydrate? ›

Blueberries, apples, pears, figs, grapes, cherries, peaches, apricots, plums, cranberries, and currants all dry well. Dehydrating fruit requires more steps than dehydrating vegetables, but it's still a simple process overall. Wash ripe fruit. Remove stems and pits.

What do you soak fruit in before dehydrating? ›

Stir 1 teaspoon of citric acid into 1 quart of cold water. Add the fruit and allow it to soak for 10 minutes, then remove it with a slotted spoon, drain it well and dehydrate it.

Do you put sugar on fruit before dehydrating? ›

Dehydrating Strawberries

If you want to sweeten the strawberries, sprinkle with sugar after you place the slices on the trays. Sweetening the strawberries in a bowl first draws out juices and makes them messier to work with. Dehydrate strawberries at 135°F (57°C) for approximately 6–8 hours.

What is the healthiest dried fruit to snack on? ›

Some of the healthiest options with the most nutritional value include raisins, apricots, prunes and dates. But note that dried fruit may contain added sugar so opt for ones without as a healthier alternative.

What foods do not dehydrate well? ›

However, keep in mind that foods that are high in fat or oil do not dehydrate well, as the fat can go rancid. Therefore, avoid drying foods like peanut butter or avocados and be sure to trim meat to remove any fat before dehydrating.

Can you over dehydrate fruit? ›

Yes, items can be over-dried and as a result are more difficult to rehydrate. There is a balance and experience will provide answers. High indoor humidity, air conditioning or breezes may alter the time needed to dehydrate foods. Ideally, find a dry, warm place away from air vents and windows to set up your dehydrator.

What are the disadvantages of dehydrating food? ›

Dehydrated foods have a higher calorie content by weight and can be high in sodium and sugars, depending on the food. In excess, these nutrients can cause weight gain and increase your risk of obesity, heart problems, and diabetes.

Is dehydrating fruit worth it? ›

If you're an avid gardener who frequently finds themselves with a surplus of fruits and veggies, dehydrating is a great way to preserve your harvest. It requires much less effort and know-how than canning, and unlike freezing that can lower nutritional value, dehydrated foods hold onto their nutrients for a long time.

How to keep fruit from turning brown when dehydrating? ›

Citric acid is used to preserve the color of fresh cut fruit or as a pre-treatment for frozen and dried fruit. It can be used either alone or mixed with other substances, such as ascorbic acid, erythorbic acid, N-acetylcysteine, glutathione, and EDTA.

What is the best liquid to soak dried fruit in? ›

Put your dried fruit in a small bowl and cover with boiling water. Let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes, and then strain the fruit and discard the water. The fruit will be plumper, juicier, and softer. To give your fruit some extra flavor, swap the water for fruit juice or a liquor, like rum, bourbon, or brandy.

How long will dehydrated fruit last? ›

If kept properly stored, dried fruits can last for several months after the expiration date. In fact, even if they are just stored in the pantry, they can last from six months to a year after the expiration date as long as the container is airtight and properly sealed after each use.

What is the best fruit to dehydrate? ›

Some fruits and vegetables suitable for drying include apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, bananas, cantaloupe, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, celery, corn, green beans, potatoes, and tomatoes. Fruits can also be dried as fruit leathers and rolls.

How to tell if dehydrated fruit is done? ›

Test for Dryness

Dried fruits are generally done when they reach about 20 percent moisture content. Because fruit will be more pliable when warm, cool several pieces and test by folding the fruit upon itself; it should not stick together. Berries should rattle when stored in a container.

Which fruit is best for dehydration? ›

Watermelon is made up of 91% water, which makes it one of the best fruits to eat if you are feeling dehydrated. Strawberries. Like watermelon, strawberries are made up of nearly 91% water. These small, red fruits are a favorite sweet treat.

What fruit is best for a snack? ›

Apples, oranges, and bananas by themselves are great snacks and very portable; they can also easily be made more substantial with the addition of a few heart-healthy nuts or a spoonful of peanut or almond butter.

What are good snacks for dehydration? ›

Eat foods with high water content.

Some fruits and vegetables are more than 90% water. Cantaloupe, grapefruit, strawberries, watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, sweet peppers, radishes, spinach, zucchini, and tomatoes are all at least 90% water.

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